Favres a jet!!!!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Mean Green, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Awesome points.
  2. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I guess the lack of team speed that was exploited first by Shanahan and than every team we played after Denver means nothing.

    Boomer talked about this the day after the Miami game and said the idea that the Jets were loaded with talent is an outright myth. It's a big slow team that lacks weapons with an old QB that the league cought up to.

    Favre stunk it up down the stretch. He also played great in 3 tough road games back to back to back that opened up the run game and carried us against the Pats and Bills and TN. With less INT's, less TD's we may well win 8, 9 or 15 games this year. No way to tell. We do know that Chad had a very bad TD to INT % running Shotty's O in both 06 and 07 and with a two TE set and a power running game in both 02, 04 and 08 he was much safer with the ball.
    #582 winstonbiggs, Jan 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  3. imeanthegreen

    imeanthegreen New Member

    Oct 16, 2007
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    OK, it's been a while since I posted, so I'll expect to be disputed. If not, cool.
    From the start, I was against the move to get Favre basically because of what he has been doing since his days with Atlanta: throwing some of the worst interceptions I have ever seen. That on its own wasn't enough to make me dislike the guy (in a football sense), but when he forced Atlanta to trade him because he wanted to play for a winner, that just put it over the top for me. I think it's cowardly to do such things. The comments he made concerning the receiver in Green Bay in the midst of a contract dispute (I think it was Javon Walker) didn't exactly endear me to him, either.
    For some reason, everybody seems to want to make excuses for Favre and his mistakes, excuses no other QB could get away with. Do you think Kellen Clemens would play long enough to lead the league in INT's? Favre's decision-making was no better than Tavares Jackson in Minnesota and we see what it got him. Favre got voted to the Pro Bowl for his work. He should be ashamed to play much less show up in Hawaii.
    By now, I'm sure just about everyone has seen the comments coming out of the locker room critical of Favre and his performance. I say it that way because some of the comments dealt with Favre's alleged "distance" towards his teammates. Person comments aside, Brett Favre cost the Jets a spot in the playoffs, point blank! The only thing that was bad about the comments was that they were mostly anonymous.
    You can bring all the noise about how you lose as a team and the defense faltered and so on, but bottom line, the Jets were done in by Brett Favre and Eric Mangini. I'm not in the locker room, so I won't malign Mangini's play calling or his command of the team, but he allowed Favre to sabotage the Jets season and didn't utter a word (where's Mike Singletary or Dennis Green when you need him?). And he allowed it because he was in awe of Favre, and, in my opinion, the team knew it! They also knew that they didn't get the same consideration as Favre did, which is wrong! I don't care who the player is, he's not bigger than the team.
    I decided to post because I got sick of listening to these so-called analysts steadily defending the indefensible: Favre stunk, so we don't go to the playoffs, period. Mangini allowed it to happen, so he got what he deserved. Favre should be next, and should be ugly and swift!
    As for these "pundits" attacking Thomas Jones and the Jet players for ripping Favre (Schlereth, Wingo, etc.), get real! Wingo's not a player, so he's just riding Favre's jock, but Schlereth should be ashamed of himself! As an ex-offensive lineman he more than most would know the anger generated by working your ass off to protect your QB only to see him REPEATEDLY make horrible decisions that lose you games. And the 30 sacks? I guess Favre's holding on to the ball too long wasn't his fault either. Add that to the fact that he defended the perceived "distance" by Favre towards the players as "the generational gap", means that maybe he wasn't open to suggestion when it came time to approach him, or that he even rebuffed all attenpts to confront him, maybe with Mangini's backing. And to say that Favre made Thomas Jones a better back is easily the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I guess the acquisition of Damien Woody and Allan Faneca along with the Pro Bowl play of Nick Mangold had nothing to do with it. This garbage coming from a OL is a stunning display of stupidity.
    And, maybe if Thomas Jones would have said what he said on the Mike and Mike Show (where Schlereth was a guest) instead of Hot 97, you would have felt better about it. I know you're trying to diss Hot 97, but I'm sure they thank you for the free (and continuous) publicity. Unlike you, Thomas Jones was a man about his, he didn't just sniff Brett Favre's jock because it's popular. Why don't you tell him he's scared to step to a 40 year old man?
    Sorry for the length of the post, look forward to the response. I hope Schlereth has an opinion, too.

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