I kept thinking back to Hanzee petting the rabbit, and then walking back to the Gerhardt's after he killed it. The parallels are endless. Also there's a huge theme of alienation going on; Lou and Ted Danson are alienated from the conduct of the South Dakota authorities, Hanzee is alienated from the Gerhardts, the Kansas City mob is alien to the North Dakota factions. Ed and Peggy are especially alienated from each other. Lou and his wife are alienated from each other because of her cancer. The split screens I think are used to emphasize this. And of course, the aliens. Incredible that True Detective season 2 even got the green light when a show like Fargo is in existence. I can't wait to watch Season 1
And while the Coen brothers didn't write No Country For Old men, they put on screen who I find to be the most brutal and souless killer in film--Anton Chigurh. _
Some really cool theories here...I like the one of Kristen Dunst being a alien for some reason lol I think Milligan survives now and I hope Dodd does as well
Spoiler alert on Dodd. Well, I won't do it to you but Dodd is going to have a really tough time surviving given the... Did you watch last week's episode? _
Judging by the good vs bad of last season, I'm going to guess: Peggy: dead Hanzee: dead Ed: alive Hank: alive Milligan: alive Kitchen: dead Simone: alive The rest are self explanatory. Side note, did anyone realize that Martin Freeman was the narrator for the last episode? I didn't.
So not a barn burner but tied it up nicely. Notice the two kids fighting in the ball field at the end, smaller dark haired kid and taller deaf kid? The assassins from Season 1 as youngsters, obviously the Indian takes them under his wing. Mike Milligan with an ode to No Country calling the Trans Am guy "friendo". Ends up behind a desk lol with a 401(k). So the whore daughter dead! The whole Gerhart clan dead. Oooooh except for the crip kid in jail. And Sam Malone NOT deciphering aliens. Or was he? I'm happy they didn't need to show the wife die. She does but it wasn't necessary to show. Well done. _
alot of metaphors in the finale. lol loved the ending for Milligan and good catch on the 2 kids in tthe end
Peggy: dead Hanzee: dead Ed: alive Hank: alive Milligan: alive Kitchen: dead Simone: alive 2 for 7! This type of stuff is why I don't gamble money.
Love that Milligan's fate came full circle. He was intimidating the guy at the typewriter shop to start, who pronounced these babies were the future. Sure enough, they were Milligan's future.