Everything Jameis (Charges) Sex assault/ Crab Legs/ Vulgar Comments / Alleged Point Shaving

Discussion in 'NCAA' started by VanderbiltJets, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    Too many Jameis Threads.......all combined on his charges and alleged actions.
  2. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Is it alleged if we have video of him shoving a referee?

    Ref was holding the play up because FSU made a substitution and as per standard football rules, the defense has to be given a chance to make a substitution of their own. Winston didn't like that so he shoved the ref out of the way so he could run a play. Should have been a 15 yard penalty and tossed from the game.
    Leicester Jet, JetFanInPA and joe like this.
  3. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    He is still a good QB, and will do well in the NFL. Some of these stories are being blown out of proportion because of who he is.

    The biggest story that he deserves to get blasted for is the issue with the girl.

    There are many college players who are making the same mistakes and are not getting caught.

    How many of the safeties in college football are getting tossed out of games because of blows to the head of opposing WR?

    Yet we hear nothing about them or discredit their futures in football because of it.

    I don't have a problem with holding a player accountable but I think the pendulum is swinging to far the other way with JW.
  4. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Did you seriously just compare someone committing a penalty in a game to Jameis allegedly raping a girl, Jameis shoplifting crab legs from a supermarket, Jameis allegedly autographing over 200 items of memorabilia, Jameis doing $4000 in damage to an apartment complex, Jameis stealing soda from a Burger King, Jameis jumping on a table in the library and shouting "fuck her right in the pussy".

    Now a few of those would be considered minor and possibly completely ignored if they were the only incident. But when you have one, after another, after another, you then do look at them all even the minor ones and they are in no way at all on any level comparable to a penalty in a game.
  5. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Yeah I really didn't like that at all... Where does a player get off trying to push a referee out of the way in order to basically cheat? He should have at least been flagged for that.
  6. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Cmon water boy, reread my post.

    I separated the assault issue, because of its seriousness and I don't believe in the lack of respect towards women that is so pervasive in society today.

    Any man, not just JW should be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible that the law allows.

    But he was never convicted so it's a non issue.

    I did not compare a penalty to his other indiscretions, there was a thread made for all things JW and in that thread the shoving of the ref and no penalty was added to the list of why he is not going to be a good NFL Qb and why the Jets should not take him.

    Thats why I said the pendulum is swinging too far the other way.

    Colleges as a whole have a large percentage of students who do much worse than JW.

    So don't take what JW has done and act like he has no future in life or in football.

    I stated that he should be held accountable, but he is not doomed like so many posters have already judged him to be.

    I have many friends who I have sat down with and discuss events that took place in their years in college and they share many stories of some regretful actions and in some cases criminal activity that they got away with.

    But the common denominator is that they changed and are productive and responsible adults.

    So these indiscretions regarding JW, while frustrating to some, does not mean he is going to be a failure in life or in the NFL.

    The majority of us grow up and mature at some point.
  7. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    It certainly did appear you compared a penalty to everything Jameis has done because each incident is not committed in a vacuum and my point was that even these small incidents need to be looked at closely because of how many there are. Saying the assault issue is a non issue since he wasn't convicted is really avoiding the issue because of how badly it was handled by the university and the police. The totality of the issues has to make you think very deeply if you want this individual on the Jets.

    You may have many friends that had minor indiscretions when they were in college but how many of them came out of college and were handed $1,000,000 and put in a spotlight in NYC? When Jameis comes out he is not going to be 5-6 years removed from all his bone headed moves and he is going to be younger than some people that are still in college making boneheaded moves.

    Jameis may not ultimately be a failure in life or the NFL but the pendulum is swinging that way and Jameis may be out of the league before he grows up and matures. There is a chance he does not crash and burn but it is very possible he drops in the draft because of all the incidents. I never said "don't draft him" but they really need to take an extremely close look so that they don't waste an early 1st round pick.
    Red Menace likes this.
  8. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Winston in day 2 of his student conduct code hearing, his attorney states it is just civil litigation strategy by the woman. 2 of his teammates refused to testify, they had previously given statements saying it was consensual and one of them had taped it but destroyed the cellphone it was on. Destroyed the cellphone on which would have been evidence to clear Winston or put him away, what do you think was on it?
  9. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Sanchez part deux

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