ESPN's Mock just had the Jets trade 16, 77, 154, 187 for Ingram

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Br4d, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. CervezaVerde

    CervezaVerde Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Yeah, I get the "ALL" comment. Just from my opinion, I want RD1 -OLB, RD2 -FS or RT, RD3 - FS or RT (based upon outcome of RD2)... then a bunch of picks at WRs, DBs, Oline, LBs to to have camp competition and hopefully find one good one each.

    In the late rounds, one pick at say WR is practically guarnteed junk. Two picks could be both junk but there is twice the chance of a "hit".

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