ESPN: Jamal Adams Requests a Trade from Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KingRoach, May 26, 2020.


Would you Trade Adams and a 3rd to the Browns for OBJ and their ‘21 1st

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I would trade Adams for Kyle Shanahan

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  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Exactly!!! What's the dumbass freaking expect? He's going on social media trashing the team we love, saying he wants to be traded, saying he won't demand a new contract with them, but he will with the Jets, and crap like that. I thought he was smart, but he's evidently a dumbass or just so caught in himself that he can't step back and look at reality. Sad. Since we lost out on Mahomes, it would have been nice compensation to have a HOF S and hopefully a FQB in Sam since Mac screwed the pooch otherwise, but I should have known that with the Jets something would go wrong.
  2. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Looks like he deleted the tweet. Interesting. Wonder why? It was no more ridiculous than anything else he has done lately. :D

    Yeah, I am with you. I honestly thought he was an intelligent person before all of this. Maybe he is just delusional and immature, but either way he has definitely been getting poor advice and has handled this horribly.
    KurtTheJetsFan and egelband like this.
  3. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Nah, like has been said a million times already
    Oh we aren't losing our shit at Adam's people have explained he is due to get paid more and deserves it, just not talking like a baby on Twitter to get it.
    The anger isn't really anger but more frustration, after answering puerile posts over and over again.
    #863 K'OB, Jun 30, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
  4. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    laughable stuff.
    MJK, joe and FJF like this.
  5. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i think were in kind of the same place, it sucks that he is still mad about what allegedly happened last year. i am sure there is more to it than that and the relationship may be ruined. it hurts the team if he leaves and as a fan i dont like that.

    the difference between me and some of the posters is i dont hate the guy for it. i am not going to be angry and lash out at a guy on a message board because he doesnt want to be here. i read these comments and its like they are saying shut up and play. which is a bullshit way to think and nobody would expect that in any other line of business.

    all while showing sheer jealousy of the money hes making playing the game these guys think they love but have never really had to put the effort into it that professional football players do. nor taking the physical risks and putting the physical demand the job puts on them.

    its fanaticism and its really kind of sad.
    egelband and BrowningNagle like this.
  6. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Yet again you are just flat out wrong with all of your assumptions, I mean it is like you really try hard to be wrong about it?

    Don't bother replying you'll only fuck it up again and I can't be arsed anymore.
  7. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I'm not convinced that part is true actually. This whole thing blew up because a fan tweeted at Adams what he thought. So it appears Adams might just care what people think


    this is what the man tweeted, or I guess instagrammed, that set Adams off by the way. Its lovable compared to this thread

    “Love your play Jamal and you are a great dude. And yes you definitely deserved to get paid either this year or next. But Pat Mahomes is all I gotta [say]. Super Bowl MVP and same year as u. The fans and team love you. Just don’t be that guy. Best of luck this season. Go Jets!”
    twown likes this.
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    whats your stance? we can go back to that. lets start at square 1.
  9. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    My stance is

    1 He already has a contract for 2 more years on good money
    2 We need players that will accept team friendly deals to keep us in and around the cap or we will not ever win a Superbowl and that is what we are all waiting around for
    3 His use of social media is childish and pathetic
    4 I am not seeing Mahomes screaming for a new bigger well deserved deal and guess what he has in his possession?
    5 But all of this previous week has been about the action and reaction to what you have typed and less so about Adams himself and that is a major fact.

    At the end of the day I like Adams the player, he plays hard and wants to win but he is a constant whiner, his little digs like removing the Jets from his likes list is beyond childish, his likes on social media to people tweeting come and join us at the Cowboys etc, it isn't a good look at the end of the day and again very childish, are we meant to support this guy when he is back playing in green and white?

    I can't pay a safety 20m a year, it is too much money and I believe he will be the type to come back in a further two years with the same shenanigans and ask for more again, at this moment in time after all his actions this week I would trade him but only for a top deal in the Jets favour and we can then use those draft picks/player exchange to improve us as a whole and move on.
  10. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I am not worried about it. I like Adams quite a lot. He brings fire to the team, he is our best recruiter and he is our best player. It will work out one way or the other. Either we will get good value for him or he will play and re-sign next off season. Douglas seems pretty patient so I doubt he overreacts or caves. If not for the Covid-19 situation and uncertainty on revenue and next years cap I would say pay him now as normally it would be cheaper. But, there is too much uncertainty right now for a team to commit that kind of money not knowing what their market will look like next year. Douglas is known as a communicator and I am sure he is reaching out and hopefully explaining his issues. If we have a season Adams will be there. Once he gets paid next year everyone will be happy. While I do not approve of the public way Adams has handled this I do not dislike him for it. His options are limited and he is doing what he can to try and get paid. Hopefully, he will have a great year, stay healthy and get paid next off-season and get an even bigger deal.
    egelband likes this.
  11. SOJAZ

    SOJAZ Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    With all due respect to you sir, your statement marked in bold shows a real lack of knowledge of what occurs at the upper echelons in corporations and/or Board Rooms. Having worked with and for CEO/Chairman of fortune 500 companies in my career that is exactly what they expect... tow the line, STFU and do WHAT I TELL YOU OR ELSE... I have experienced it in different industries and by different CEOs... so before you make statements that you obviously know little to nothing about...I would suggest that you think about statements that make you look foolish.
  12. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Well, we didn't see Adams change his tactics because the guy sent a message, did we?
  13. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    which he isnt happy about for whatever reason.
    we? who the fuck is we? the fans need guys to accept less money than they are worth so WE can win a superbowl. you know its not actually your team right? your just a fan and probably care alot more about winning a superbowl than half the employees. their job is to make the team money not win.
    so dont follow him, i have 0 issues with his use of social media and the people @ing him are 1000 times worse and more embarrassing than he is.
    what does pat mahomes have to do with jamal adams? we have no idea what pat and the chiefs have discussed.
    and everything i have typed is in reaction to the fact you are mad because of the reasons you listed. none of which are good reasons to be mad at a guy. be a fan not a fanatic.

    and you are acting more childish than him. only difference is you are 50 and he is 24, then you come on here and whine about him whining.

    you cant pay anyone 20 million, you are a fan. buy your tickets and enjoy the games. whether jamal adams is here or not.
  14. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    ugh...did we trade this guy yet. the inmates should NOT run the asylum.
  15. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Trading him would be the inmate running the asylum. He's under contract for two more years and it's another year before players get their rookie contract extended. Let him play out his contract like other stars have and then he'll get paid, just like other stars have.
  16. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    It would be great if he had absolutely zero control where he wound up. Like Canada.

    The question is whether he's going to sit home like a jackass. I don't think he will but I've been wrong before, unlike nyjunc.
    TwoHeadedMonster likes this.
  17. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    I do miss junc just because it was nice to know that we had someone that could speak the absolute truth with no chance of being wrong right at our disposal.
    Imagesrdecieving and FJF like this.
  18. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    He argued with me once when I made the "mistake" of saying that the Jets/Bills game where OJ Simpson broke the rushing record was a "night game". I got frostbite at that game on my feet, you think I'd remember it. I was also eight years old, but I have a long-term memory that's sharp as a razor.

    I said that it was dark and the flood lights were on at Shea and he argued with me until he was blue in the face and I said yo, I was THERE yo, were you even born yet?

    It turns out that it was a 4:00 game, but I was also 100% right in my transported 8 year old mind. It was freezing cold, mid-December and it was DARK BY HT, so yeah, the flood lights were on. "It was still a 4:00 game." o_O
    alleycat9 likes this.
  19. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Social Media is the demise of our society on so many levels, this being just another example. In the past much of this back and forth was only shared in small social circles and with a few trusted writers and agents. Many fans would understand the malcontent of a player, coach and so on; a level of interpreted communication to the fans. FILTERED

    Now players have a direct voice to their audience. These types of evolutions don't always bring out the best in people though. For that very reason I've unfollowed Jamal on all social media platforms.

    Many professional athletes and artists as a matter of fact. at the end of the day, Jamal needs the NFL more than the NFL needs Jamal (same goes with all players). Who sees an entertainer without a camera or air time???
    MaximusD163 and MJK like this.
  20. HotSauce

    HotSauce Member

    Oct 28, 2012
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    To be totally honest with you, Carol Baskin growing wings and developing some sort of vendetta against me is my worst nightmare. And I actually think that’s only slightly less likely.
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