I would love to have Cutler...I don't care what we have to give up, Franchise QBs are worth everything.
Cutler would be a nice addition....he's proven that being type 1 diabetic wouldn't stop him from being productive...if he continues to take care of himself. However,...this is a PIPE DREAM. Tanny has worked serious magic in the past.....I wouldn't get you're hopes up on this one though.
Not gonna happen. And even if they were going to trade him (which they are NOT), they would take Detroit's #1 before ours.
I'm surprised Denver is actually considering to trade him... why? It doesn't make much sense for Denver. Maybe they know something is wrong with him? Health problems? He did about an year ago that he has diabetes. I don't know if I would give up a 1st rounder for him. I'll offer our 2nd and 6th, and next years 2nd.
well....with this trade blowing up in McDaniels' face and Cutler not being happy about it....this may force Denver's hand regarding a Cutler trade regardless. Cutler seems like the kind of guy that would hold a grudge. But I can't see them pulling the trigger on a trade without a suitable contingency plan ......whether that's another QB or a high enough draft pick to draft Stafford/Sanchez.
I think it will take a 1st and possibly a 2010 1st round pick. I'd offer our 1st, 2nd, and a 4th first though and see what they say. If we can get Cutler, the Jets will be the best team in the AFC. I know how bad out history is, but I'm saying it.
If they are worth everything, isn't is suspicious that the Broncos are willing to part with him? Don't you think it is a little suspicious? Or maybe you read a link somewhere that crazy Al Davis took over the Bronco's front office? :breakdance:
I don't think he would agree to play on a team that is going to be run first, even if we had a competitive offer. He would not be content being a game-manager, as Rex is planning for the qb this year.