ESPN: Aaron Rodgers likely to be medically cleared next week

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Brook!, Dec 16, 2023.

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  1. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Kal El is on a mission to validate his Legacy. No other real reason to come back to The Edmund Fitzgerald other than to watch it sink below the NFL waves.
    #41 Cman69, Dec 18, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
  2. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He's going to throw one hail mary pass game 17, just to say he came back in the same season... ;)
    Cman69 likes this.
  3. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    And Saleh will cum on himself jumping up and down heaping praise on him.
    Since1969 and BrowningNagle like this.
  4. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Can't hate on Rodgers. The dude got seriously injured. Shit happens. It would be impressive to see him actually make that comeback; tunfortunately there's no longer a reason to
    Borat, Mogriffjr and RevisIsland18 like this.
  5. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    The people that hate Rodgers hate him for personal reasons. Stupid personal reasons, but I digress. Rodgers brought us the best chance to win now while only encumbering the team for two years, unlike Carr who we’d be stuck with his awful stench for at least 4 years. Rodgers got hurt, bad luck. But he shouldn’t be immune to the effects of that bad luck. Our coaching staff and GM have been completely exposed, pants down embarrassment. Saleh has absolutely no intellect to make the team play at or above their talent level. He’s a well spoken Ogre. They need to go, and Rodgers SHOULD have to deal with whatever new regime comes in. If he doesn’t like it then retire. Woody should eat that money for the shit he puts this fanbase through.
    stinkyB and Borat like this.
  6. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I got nothing personal against Rodgers, but I was and still am against this entire episode. Since we're stuck with Kal EL, he had damn well better be worth all this bullshit we've been put thru. This had not be only about his legacy either. I'd like to think Douglas and Saleh didn't give the keys to the kingdom to Rodgers just to mollify him but it certainly seems that way. Since he talked his rehab up to the point of urban legend, lets see him suit up and get his ass on the field if for no other reason, give this woe begotten fanbase some hope things will be better in '24. Mostly though, I think it was all just a marketing device to keep the rubes in the bldg. until Kal EL returns in '24.
    #46 Cman69, Dec 18, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
    westiedog1 likes this.
  7. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I hope Aaron Rodgers retires personally. I know we're in a perpetual state of rebuilding, but if Woody had any real balls, he would fire everybody down to the ball boy and tell Rodgers to catch the next flight out of Palookaville as soon as he starts making all manner of new "pro" demands: homey hires.

    All that Johnson jackass does is pound tables, make delusional threats, meddle where he has no expertise, and strike owner-like poses. "I mean business!" Whatever. It's useless posturing.
    Ralebird, ouchy, Cman69 and 1 other person like this.
  8. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I feel exactly the same. and I am not looking forward to an offseason of Rodgers threatening to retire and/or skipping workouts unless he gets his way. It is coming. Lets not handcuff the organization for that guy
    ouchy likes this.
  9. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    There is no way he should play. Not with this horrendous offensive line. At this point, it doesn't even seem like they are trying.
    ouchy likes this.
  10. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    I've never seen him do that so why would you think he would start now. It's in his best interests and the team's best interests for the Jets to improve the offense as much as possible. That would mean demoting or firing Hackett and acquiring players who can play o-line and receiver. Also, get a whole new offensive coaching staff. The current offensive staff SUCKS!!!!
    NY Jets68 likes this.
  11. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Rodgers retires… then what? We try throwing another kid behind a shit line, 3 more years of crap and the defense gets wasted? Unfortunately, he is our only hope. Hope that he plays really well, they surround him well , and a kid has the opportunity to learn behind him for a couple of years. There is no other way
  12. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    The problem being most of those guys were at his insistence and bones he got thrown. Now he'll have to step aside and allow them to be fired or shipped out? Who is really to say.

    There is always the possibility that Rodgers retires completely of his own volition, un-retires, and then tries to make a SB run somewhere else. Things went sour in GB for a reason. If he does attempt it elsewhere, everyone will say what a great committed dude he is after he takes a ginormous cut in $. That will be directly correlative to the team's chances.
  13. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    he did it every year in Green Bay
  14. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    This season will not be complete until we see Brett Rypien slinging ints. all over the field.
  15. Mehl-56

    Mehl-56 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Who cares if he is cleared - he should have never been a viable option at any point in this season just because of the cap hit if he gets hurt again effecting future years caps - the whole F/O and Staff is mentally deficient. There's no decent owner in any league that would accept this over a 4 to 5 year span - NONE! But we have a top 3 worst owner in all of SPORT. Period.
    Ralebird and abyzmul like this.
  16. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    At this point I hope so. Please don’t win any more games
    Acad23 likes this.
  17. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    If anyone hates Rodgers for "personal reasons" wouldn't they need to know him personally? Whether those reasons are stupid or not would only be known to those who know him that way. If you know any of the parties involved personally, please fill us in.

    That has nothing to do with not liking a short term deal for a guy on the downside of his career with all the costs involved both in cash and draft picks not to mention the kowtowing to requests (or demands) for acquiring players of dubious value. Only one of many alternatives may have been the guy whose "awful stench" has outperformed every quarterback the Jets presented in 2023 and may well see the playoffs. Beyond your first three sentences I have no argument with what you wrote.
  18. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Does anyone know if NFL teams insure themselves or if contracts are underwritten in the open market? If that's the case, putting Rodgers on the field this year could jeopardize every team in the league's ability to get coverage.
  19. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I will always stand by my assertion that Chad Pennington was rushed back. Chad was a baller as in drive and work ethic, and even though he was cleared, we all know what happened: he was re-injured and never truly recovered. Some of that was on Woody. Yep.

    I "cared" about Pennington. I don't really "care" about Aaron Rodgers. I would if he gave the Jets the best chance to win in the maelstrom of stupidity of bringing him here in the first place, I GUESS; but rushing him back or not rushing him back, it doesn't even matter.

    The whole situation is so typical, but I reckon some of the reasoning for buying real estate in the Carribean that doesn't exist was that Aaron Rodgers would be the unofficial OC and no-one would notice the suck of Hackett The Puppet. We see how that all worked out.

    Then of course there's the complete lack of foresight/stubbornness combo of not acquiring a viable back up. The whole thing gives me a headache.
    BacktoQueens likes this.
  20. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    He’d be medically cleared by doctors, what are you talking about?
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