Eric Boland Tues PM report

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by flgreen, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. Keeper1125

    Keeper1125 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Boland does a much better job than Tom Rock did, by the way.
  2. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    So much misinformation. Pennington has always looked good in practice? BS. When the Jets were first forced to start Pennington they were totally surprised by his solid performance. Why? Because he never looked good in camp. Why do you think it took so long for them to move to Pennnington as the starting QB? You don't let a #1 pick sit for three years if he looks great in training camp.

    Now to the next question. Why do you think there is a QB competition? Because, at least at this point in their careers, Pennington is the better QB. If the Jets didn't think so there would be no competition. Clemens would be their guy. But because they don't love what they have in Pennington, the Jets keep hoping that Clemens somehow develops into a solid QB. It's clear the Jets did not like what they say in him last year or he'd already be their starting QB with Pennington backing him up. At this point, the only way Clemens is the starting QB is if he outplays Pennington in the preseason, which is something I seriously doubt. So you Chad haters better get used to it, he's more than likely your guy.

    Kurt, Chad is a good guy, gives his all the team all the time, has been incredibly unselfish, undergoes numerous serious medical procedures in order to play, and you're not going to root for the Jets if he's their QB? Wow.
  3. This has absolutely nothing to do w/ his character. It has to do w/ the game of football. When CP is the QB..the jets are not a fun offense to watch, and frankly don't stand much of a chance at winning a super bowl. CP has proven this time and time again. Above all I wanna enjoy watching my team play and I want to see them win a super bowl. Chad delivers neither of those aspects.
  4. VeniVidiViridis

    VeniVidiViridis New Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    The offense wasn't fun to watch because we had a non-existent OL last year. That was not CP's fault. This season things change, we transition to a strong running game. Believe it or not, CP runs great play action... it just doesn't work when we don't have a running game to sell it. This year will be different. I don't know how you can blame the entire "boring" offense on CP. Its not like KC had a more exciting offense to run.

    Our defense has huge upgrades, our OL has huge upgrades... we're a different team. Yes CP is still CP, but his game will also change to match the new team strategy to pound the ball. In that situation we can all be optimistic for good things.

    I'm not some huge CP fan either, if KC doesn't develop this season, we NEED to draft a new QB. We should've made a move already. And yet, we haven't. So I will be optimistic with what we have.
  5. pennington4life

    pennington4life New Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    so kurt you'd rather have a fun offense to watch that doesnt win or a not as fun offense winning'?
  6. Here's the thing: That boring offense may win against lousy Miami and Arizona teams...but it never comes through against the big boys. If you're content going 10-6 and exiting the playoffs after one round every all means..Pennington is your man.

    I for one would like to see a super bowl...
  7. pennington4life

    pennington4life New Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I would also like a super bowl and I like our chances with pennington (if he wins the comp) because were most obvious going to be a run first offense and we need a QB that wont make mistakes and that looks like CP more than Clemens, but you have it yourself theres more to a team than the QB so maybe with this OL and RB's we can get there and CP can guide us along being smart and movin the chains
  8. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    The Pennington Knob-Slobbering continues...
  9. VeniVidiViridis

    VeniVidiViridis New Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    I fail to see the point you're trying to make here... Its going to be between CP and KC... and there's no way KC is going to lead us to a Superbowl at this point, so what do you expect? There have been darker days in Jets history.

    Plus I really don't get how you're calling this a "boring offense". You haven't even seen the new OL playing together. You haven't seen T Jones and Neon Leon yet, its the beginning of TC. If our OL steps it up this year, and our running game emerges, I don't think this will be a "boring offense". If you think we haven't made any upgrades and it'll be the same as last year, then sure. But that's a lie. We're a different team on both sides of the ball.
  10. pennington4life

    pennington4life New Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    dude what are you talking about i know my screen names says that but i like Clemens jsut as much and if he starts im behind him 100%

    and get a new avatar yours is ritarted
  11. VeniVidiViridis

    VeniVidiViridis New Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    I gotta say I don't get half the posts people send back and forth bickering about QB's. Right now it looks like CP will be the starting QB. That's it. So what else can we do but DEAL with that. It doesn't matter if I like that or not, that'll be the team I'm watching.

    Obviously you don't like the idea of that... but save yourself some stress and get over it. Personally I'm more concerned that our OL comes together and running game gets off to a good start. That changes to face of any QB.

    July/August Optimism. :jets:
  12. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Well. Yeah. Like the first pass play straight into the breadbasket of Eugene Wilson for 6 - and that was the first season game too. That's much more entertaining than 2 yard dump off. It wasn't even 40 yard downfield interception, which is always taken as the "better" play than 2 yard dump off, here in Jetland.
  13. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    WRONG. 40 yard downfield interception does. 2 yard dumpoffs don't. *Or so some deluded people believe. Not me.*
  14. zoobooz

    zoobooz Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    I'm with ya Kurt...another year of CP will be painful. These images just keep popping into my head of Penny getting Coles absolutely killed last season.

    Yes, Clemens makes more mistakes, but I still think he's got the higher ceiling if he's on. And I am certainly no fan of a conservative passing offense - I'm all for being a hard hitting running team, hard nosed defense, but you need a QB that can put a little fear into a defense, too - not just one that gets the opposing defense to play patiently until they pick six the out route.
  15. Here's what people are missing...

    YES we upgraded the OL and concievably the running game. But what good is that running game if defenses are still crowding the LOS and the flats b/c they know they dont have to fear any passes down field? I don't care how good our OL is, and how good Leon/TJ are....9 men in the box will result in nothing better than 3.5 yards a carry.

    You add along w/ that CP's 4 yard dump offs....and any team w/ a good front 7 has an easy time w/ the jets offense. That ALL goes back to the QB. He can't throw the far side out pattern, he can't throw the deep ball and he struggles w/ intermediate routes. That shrinks the playbook considerably and anytime you self inflict a shrinking of your scheme...defenses are gonna lick their chops.

    As for KC? Look the fact is..we have problems at QB whether CP or KC starts. But at least w/ KC we'll have a fully functional offense w/ a full playbook, the running game will likely be alot healthier, and w/ KC at least we're looking toward the he MAY develop into a great QB w/ alittle more time.
  16. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    I really dont get the concept of we should be happier playing with Clemens who will throw some long balls but also throw a fair amount of interceptions and we end the season with a 7-9 record record miss the play-offs but we saw some long throws....compared to us going 10-6 with Pennington making the play-offs and then when you are there anything can happen. If i had to choose between the two I'm taking the Pennington option and then looking for a QB next off-season. The Jets obviously dont have faith in KC at this point.

    Like VVV says, we deal with what we have, and under Pennington thats a play-off shout, and then we can take it from there.
  17. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Who even brought your name up? Are you Chad Pennington? If so, I can see why you'd take offense.

    Oh, and don't knock Basil- he's your Daddy!

    "Ritarted," huh?

    By the way, some of us have grown tired with the Pennington love-fest we see every year- only to have the team fall flat on its face at some point when opposing teams exploit his obvious weaknesses. Our passing game is quite limited with him, as there are certain throws/routes he can't handle.

    Oh wait, he's "cerebral," right? That makes everything better.
  18. VeniVidiViridis

    VeniVidiViridis New Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Sometimes putting a QB on the field that ISN'T ready, does more damage than good (ego wise). We can only hope KC develops, although it does not look promising. I also agree that CP shrinks the playbook, and while long passes (and INT's) make the game more exciting, mistake free football has a better chance at winning games. Also none of us are NFL coaches last I knew, so I'll trust in Mangenius.

    In the end management has stuck us with CP or KC, it looks like they're going to choose CP. I'm trying to be optimistic, because I'm still going to be there tailgating four hours before every game :wink: and if I'm going to go into that thinking we're done for, that's no good. CP does have the POTENTIAL to lead us back to the playoffs with the schedule this year, and it COULD be a great team to watch. I can't seem to get the image of Jenkins body slamming Brady out of my head. Only time will tell, too much speculation lately.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I would rather have Kellen throwing interceptions and trying to get us in the endzone than another five minutes of dink and dunk!
  20. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Refer to: Clemens's First pass play against first Pats game last season.
    #40 Zach, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008

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