Come on guys its a joke, and a funny one at that.. That's a solid piece. Do you really think a person like Emmitt Smith (Or anyone) would have a player going 3 times in a serious mock draft?
Emmit Kelly's mock drafty Yeah, I can't believe anyone thought this mock draft was for real. Unless they are all trying to be funny too. Is NFL commentary so stupid that people can't tell the diff between a joke and a mock?
HOLY SHIT, HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE THIS IS A JOKE?????!!!!!!! This has got to be the funniest thing I've ever read, EVER. Whoever wrote this, he deserves a freakin' Pulitzer. They've got Emmitt down perfectly: "Has..Have has had..." "A couple of months, or a couple of years to be more precise" and " to speak." Here are the top five new additions to the English language: 1) "misunderstatement" 2) "illuvrious" 3) "devastationed" 4) "Irishland" 5) "nonfortunately" But definitely my favorite line is: "He have agility - agility is the same thing as speed but different spellings." :rofl::grin::rofl::rofl: This piece was slightly, JUST SLIGHTLY more funny than the fact that about two dozen New Yorkers/New Jersians found relevant commentary to be debated in this mock draft.
I still like the people pointing out the mistakes. Tim Tebow isn't eligible for the draft! Matt Ryan got drafted several times! No way. Really?