Elephant in the room: How soon till Tebow is the starter?

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by davecrazy, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    5-14 will NOT win u a starting job in the NFL. How many times did Tebow sit in the pocket and could had done your nails? Ok Sanchez threw a pick 6 and that will happen. How many wide open players did Tebow miss?
  2. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I am not saying Tebow was impressive, he wasn't, But the Jets are the only team in the entire NFL this preseason to not have scored a touchdown in either game, so the starting QB is going to be feeling some heat no matter who the backup is, especially if the backup is a qb who just led a team to the playoffs.
  3. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Scoring 0 points and throwing a pick 6 will not keep you a starting job in the NFL either. I agree that Tebow hasn't done much to win the job, but if Sanchez keeps this up he is going to be handing the job to him, by default.
    Be honest and admit that if he throws another goosegg up in game 3, he is in trouble.
  4. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    I'm not saying the offense hasn't been miserable but take into the consideration that most of our WR's are injured, new offense, poor kickers..oh yeah and this guy:


    And meanwhile Tebow has only played against 2's and was equally unimpressive.

    So no, I don't think Sanchez should feel pressured from Tebow at the moment.
  5. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Your right Tebow will be the starter because Sanchez will get hurt if the OL doesn't start doing a better job.
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i actually thought tebow looked very good his first 2 drives. i didnt get a chance to take a look at his footwork and i know that is one of his major issues but he seemed to get back in decent time, pull the ball down when necessary and he threw a pretty good ball in the 3rd quarter. the underthrow to hill in the endzone was tough but i like how he made that play happen.

    i didnt see the 4th quarter and understand that he missed quite a few passes toward the end. what i saw of him in the 3rd made me happy about him actually learning something and playing better than he has in the past.

    sanchez on the other hand i thought looked just like last year, skittish, checking down constantly and not on target or on time. he threw 2 or 3 balls behind people or on teh back shoulder, one of which ended up as a td for the other team. he was late and threw it behind him on that one.
  7. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I agree with you that Sanchez isn't feeling pressure from Tebow right now, Tebow hasn't done much with the opportunities given to him to be making any claim for the job.
    But more importantly than Tebow, Sanchez is definitely feeling some pressure from the coaches at this point, you don't want to be the highly media scrutinized leader of the only offense in the NFL to not have scored a touchdown this preseason. Tebow at least moved the ball a lil bit in each game and helped put up a couple of field goals.
    Sanchize's offense has yet to score a point......
  8. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Sanchez got pressured all night and turned in to capt. checkdown(can't say I blame him) you can't hope to drive the field with 5 yard passes. I can ignore the int because it is preseason so who cares, but you cant run an offense on checkdowns, and until they get the O-line fixed that is all he is going to have time to hit

    Tebow looked ok while the oline was holding up, but as soon as he started facing the same kind of pressure Sanchez was looking at he turned into crap. If he doesnt have his feet set his accuracy is shit. As soon as they started chasing him he threw a bunch of INC in a row. 2 drops/defended passes 1 throw away 3 bad passes (all while being pursued IIRC) bottom line neither guy played well I give the edge to Sanchez overall, but neither guy was worth a damn. Basically until the WR get healthy and they fix the RT position you have no idea what you have at QB because there is little early seperation and Sanchez, and later in the game Tebow are getting pressured within 2 seconds.

    I am a pro Tebow guy and I don't want to hear how he outplayed Sanchez because aside from the first series he was pathetic
  9. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Later on? Yeah I can see Tebow pressuring him and that's a good thing. Mark needed a back up who'd pressure him.. But as of now I just don't think it's there.
  10. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    No, pathetic is zero points and a pick six. Everything you said about Tebow was pretty much dead on, but the results were still better than Sanchez. 3 points aint pretty, but it beats negative 7.
    The cold hard realization for the 2012 NY Jets is that if the offensive line really is this bad, none of the rest of this shit really matters. But Tebow and his mad scrambles for first downs will still end up being more effective than sacks, checkdowns, and untimely ints.
  11. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    3 points is not better than a pick 6 in the preseason. You gotta look comparitavily at the two. I thought Tebow was better last week despite the pick, I think Sanchez was better this week. Tebow had the same receivers and the 2nd string o line held the 2nd string Dline way longer than sanchez was getting

    is there any doubt in your mind that the offense would have gone nowhere were Tebow facing the same pressure Sanchez was all game. Once he started facing pressure in the 4th he really struggled.

    As an aside he stated in his interview that the sideline pass he sailed was a throw away so there is that, but still once they got pressure they couldn't move the ball at all. It was almost like he got used to having a lot of time and when some 3rd stringers started letting early pressure through it flustered him.

    I am suprised they kept him in for the 4th qtr and didnt give McElroy a qtr
  12. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I agree with most of your points but the first~ 3 points is better than a pick 6 in the Pre, Regular, Post and any other season. Interceptions are bad enough, but pick 6's are devastating game losers. Case in point Sanchez vs Tebow with the Broncos last season.
    I was also surprised at how many opportunities they gave Tebow, it was disappointing that he didn't make some more things happen with it.
  13. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    ehh, to some extent picks and bonehead plays are expected in the preseason, everyone is rusty. Hell the great Peyton Manning threw 2 picks tonight.

    simply put, what I am saying is were Tebow facing the same pressure with the same coverage Sanchez was I highly doubt he would have got 3 points, most likley he would have thrown a pick as well. In order to call Tebow a winner for a game he needs to consistently move the offense better than Sanchez . As it has been pointed out he is playing the JV squad so the fact that he didn't cleary outperform Sanchez make Sanchez the winner by default.

    The way I watch preseason is one snap at a time, see what the situation is and assign a grade on each pass 1-5. Tebow was ahead until the 4th quarter, once they started to get pressure he crumbled a bit. I felt like with Sanchez with the exception of the INT he was fine and the O was broken around him, with Tebow in the 4th I felt like he was the reason the O wasn't working

    to the good he was holding the ball higher and seemed to be focusing on not scrambling so that is good. He threw some good passes given time in the 3rd. The 4th quarter just ruined it for me, and good lord the punter is awful
    #33 catfish, Aug 19, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2012
  14. CervezaVerde

    CervezaVerde Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Tebow Facepalms This thread.

  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Probably as long as Tim Tebow takes to throw to a wide open receiver in the endzone without making the wideout lay down on his face to try to catch the ball. He just sucks at the QB position.

    Wait, I'm sorry, I just realized... he was throwing the ball away.
  16. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Picks and boneheaded plays are expected in the preseason, but scoring points is expected as well. The NY Jets are the only team left in the NFL this preseason to not have scored a touchdown,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that isn't good, anyway you slice it.
  17. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Sunshiners: "Nothing to see here. It's only preseason. Move along. There are no problems. Jets will win 11-15 games."
  18. Burnz

    Burnz Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    ahahaha what you quoted, is fucking classic. I think we will win 10 games not so 11
  19. Banjo

    Banjo Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Tebow starts after the Jets go 1-4 in their first five games. I will put money on this
  20. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    heh heh - nice

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