It's clearly terrorist, what brand of terrorism is still unknown. I can understand they don't want people to panic, but it wasn't nothing. They can't say who it wasn't, unless they know who it was. They have no idea. Stay safe my friends.
I wonder if this is related to the pipe bomb stuff in Seaside yesterday. Edit: Just read the post saying DeBlasio claiming it's not terrorism. Bullshit. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
I don't have enough fingers to count how many drinks I've had today. But it's upsetting what's going on back home and tough given my background not to spend a lot of time reviewing this. Anywho, odds are if it was the same bomber he would have made the exact same bombs for both locations. He wouldn't switch types. That'd be pretty abnormal. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
why would that be abnormal? what if a bomb maker supplied 2 different parties bombs for 2 different locations? why would they have to be the same bomb when they are being used in different locations?
Well it's good to know that professionals in homeland security are conscientious enough to review threats while being catered to by a butler while on their honeymoon and simultaneously posting on TGG. For some reason, I'm reminded of GreenHornet.
Yea, my job isn't related to this kind of stuff. This is purely just trends I've noticed over time. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
so this guy/girl decided the best way to show that the lgbt society is not a bunch of attention seeking weirdos(bombers words) is to set off some bombs to get attention? hmmmm