I actually mentioned like a dozen different criteria that make a good leader, things that you just cut out and decided to ignore. And yes, one would be performance on the field, it gives you credibility. If you talk about getting the job done and you're not playing well it's hard to get people to believe in you or follow your lead. How many guys who don't get the job done on the field / have never played well are good leaders? I'm waiting. Now how you spin all the things I mentioned into me saying playing well makes you a great leader is way beyond me.
I kinda figured you projected your perception or feelings of him in the business side of this into what he is as a football player, teammate, and person. He was so terrible that Woody practically tampered with him in his grovelling to get him back, and basically admitted mistakes were made with him. 'Don't let him near anybody' When he was here he was an all time great football player. He was a leader and easily the MVP of the team every step of the way.....He was the best thing about the organization....Revis wins. Football wise he's the ultimate 'pro' in every way. I guess everything he did, and does, the field is an act? That doesn't mean anything
So 3 teams ('85 Bears as well) won the Super Bowl with a dominating defense. 46 out of 49 Super Bowl winning teams won with either balanced offense and defense or elite QB play. Dominating defenses do not win in todays NFL.
That's my point. Seattle had the so-called most dominating defense in the NFL last year. Brady ripped them to shreds, especially in the 4th quarter where dominating defenses are suppose to own the game.
But the 2013 Seahawks team had one of the best defenses of all time, and they destroyed Denver. I think both sides of this debate are simplifying facts to fit their agenda.
Where did he say this was a dream team? Where's the quote? I think you guy let the media tell you guy's what to think way to often....give thinking for yourself a try you may just like it.
I didn't think his comment was a big deal, but it wasn't taken out of context and unless you are being willfully ignorant (which in this case you appear to be) he was alluding to Vince Young's declaration about the Eagles years ago being a dream team and comparing their situation to the Jets and saying the Jets are in a better situation to be that team. Why even bring up the "Dream Team" comment or the Eagles at all if he wasn't talking about that?
First Young was talking about the whole team....this guy was talking about the defense, not the team....and he only reference young's comment which don't constitute a comparison. Please post the quote where he says the jets are a dream team...if you can't refer to my prior comment.
I don't think we'll get extra crosshairs aimed at us because of Skrine's comments. We're a team that came off of a 4-12 season. We haven't been superbowl champs in a long while. We didn't deflate balls or win by sending in bogus substitution packages giving our opponents no chance to properly adjust (yeah we all forgot about that filthy transgression). If Skrine jinxed us to a worse than 4-12 season then we draft another qb.