Draft Simulator

Discussion in 'Draft' started by BakerMaker, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I never said the thing was accurate. But I've now run about 30 times through it and it's clear it works off a weighted system and no two rounds comes out the same. I've seen Bridgewater go anywhere from #1 to #5 and clowney go as low as 8.

    to get it to load you select the team you want, the push the select team button after the page has fully repopulated.
  2. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    It's also worth noting the scoring system they use actually penalized me for trading down so often.
    It also varies how often trades are offered and what type. I've run 2 drafts now where I only had 2 teams offer me trades the entire 7 rounds. so it appears my round is probably out of whack and on the high end of the trades offered by the system.
    #122 1968jetsfan, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
  3. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I know you didn't. I'm glad you posted the link. I like it, but think they need to do some tweaking. They need to fix the Jets' needs for certain.

    They also obviously don't like some players. For instance in one draft, Manziel fell to the Jets at #18. I took him and they gave me a B. No effing way. If he has a top 10 value, maybe top 5, then at 18 he would be a steal. They have Matthews at #18 in the 2nd round an A-. Again, I call BS. Matthews that low would be a phemonenal steal.

    I don't understand why when they list something as a need, and then have a player at that position listed as among the best value at that pick, why they would then give B- and lower, especially in the lower rounds. For instance, they had DE listed as a need. I took one in the 7th round, I forget who, but they had him as one of the best values at that point, and they gave me a D-. It could really be a great site, but I've run about 30 drafts there, and their grading system is just too darned screwy.
  4. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    that's something I haven't figured out, regarding the grading methods though it seems to regard two separate values in the end grade because you get one grade for the "drafting ability" and one grade for the quality of the players drafted. For example in my draft I got a C for drafting ability but an A for the quality of players drafted.

    I don't know the weighting system they use, I do know that certain players tend to bubble up or down more than others. I personally never saw Johnny football drop out of the top 10, but I did have Blake Bortels drop to the Jets at 18 in one simulation before I did my "real" run.

    I've got a theory that I'm going to try and track over a few first round runs, I'm thinking that Maybe they've given the players a set of ratings for the computer to use in the draft. Now mind you I'm just guessing, but the behavior on certain players leads me to take this guess.

    I think they may have a "talent" ranking and a "boom/Bust" potential type rating that gets figured in. As a rule I'm noticing that players that have held steady as a top 10 pick pretty much stay top 10 picks, but players who have been rising or falling in and out of the top 10 on many sites are the players that tend to bubble up and down.

    There is also a ripple effect that occurs sometimes, for example in the draft that Bortels fell to 18 the Texans took Clowney and the Jaquars Jake Matthews and this threw the QB draft out of whack as teams were drafting based on their needs.

    But again this is just an observational theory with no actual knowledge of the back end program.
  5. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    One thing I really wish they'd change is to allow you to choose outside of the "top 10" in a position.
  6. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I definitely think they have a rating system of some type in which all the players are ranked either as prospects in general, or whether they will fit a particular team. For instance, one of the needs they listed for the Jets in the middle-lower rounds is DE. In the 6th or 7th round of one draft, Kareem Martin of UNC was one of the best value picks left and he is a DE. I took him and was given a grade of D-. That seems to contradict the weighting that they have for "need" for a team and a player. Maybe at that point in the draft they expect one to choose only the BPA and ignore need. If so, it's pointless for me and most people to waste their time on the game, because most of us don't know enough about every single prospect in their system or is able to read their minds for how they rank those prospects. One can look at a variety of sites rating prospects and the ratings can vary widely from site to site.

    Some players no matter where they were chosen always garnered an "A" grade. With others, the grade changed depending upon in which round they were drafted. In many of the drafts, I took Tajh Boyd in the 4th or 5th round and was given an A, but in one draft, I think was given an A- or possibly even a B for taking him in the same area.

    I got an A for taking Odell Beckham in the 3rd round but a B- for taking him in the 2nd round once. Most of the time he was gone by the 3rd round, and a number of times was gone in the 2nd.

    Another weird thing is that it didn't show FS as being a need for the Jets until the 5th round I think, and of course, by then all the decent FS prospects were long gone. I got the feeling that my drafting grades were hurt somewhat for leaving some needs unaddressed, but it was impossible to address some of them with quality prospects.

    Most of the time so far I've gotten an A or A- on my drafting skill, but a time or two did get a B even when except for one B pick and one A- pick, all of the individual picks graded out as A.

    Another weird thing is that the punter Kirby Van der Kamp of Iowa starts showing up as a best value pick in round 4 I think. Punter was never shown as a need for the Jets (except in the very first draft I did where I made a bunch of trade downs and had a ton of picks), but I always got an A for drafting him.
  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Here's a classic example of the weirdness of this site:

    Your score is: 4268 (Drafting Ability: A-, Player Quality A, Future Draft Picks: N/A) I was ranked 2nd in this draft.

    Your Picks:
    Round 1 Pick 18: Khalil Mack, OLB, Buffalo (A)
    Round 2 Pick 19 (MIA): Jordan Matthews, WR, Vanderbilt (A-)
    Round 3 Pick 7: Gabe Jackson, OG, Mississippi State (A)
    Round 3 Pick 18: Ahmad Dixon, SS, Baylor (A)
    Round 3 Pick 21 (G.B.): Ka'Deem Carey, RB, Arizona (A)
    Round 4 Pick 20 (ARI): Josh Mauro, DE, Stanford (A)
    Round 4 Pick 21 (G.B.): Joe Don Duncan, TE, Dixie St (B+)
    Round 5 Pick 18: Tajh Boyd, QB, Clemson (A)
    Round 6 Pick 18: Denicos Allen, OLB, Michigan State (C)
    Round 6 Pick 20 (ARI): Kirby Van Der Kamp, P, Iowa State (A)
    Round 7 Pick 18: Andre Hal, CB, Vanderbilt (C+)

    Even though I traded down a slot and still got Matthews, he only gets an A-. Getting Jackson, Dixon and Carey in the 3rd round would be amazing. In the 4th round, TE was a need and Duncan was the best TE left and a Best Value pick, but he only got a B+. Getting Tajh Boyd in the 5th round would be a huge steal. In the 6th round, there wasn't anyone aside from Aaron Murray who I thought could have possibly been a better prospect than Allen. OLB had been a need and Allen was one of the Best Value picks, yet only merited a C. Hal was the best CB left, a Best Value pick, and CB was a need, yet it got a C+. Again, there was no player left who I thought was that great, and he was the best to address any of the highlighted needs.

    Even though I've been wanting the Jets to draft a stud OLB prospect for years, and Mack would be insane value at #18, in real life I'm not sure I'd want the Jets to take him over Matthews. In this draft, all the top TEs and other WRs were gone. Still, I would be ecstatic if this were the Jets actual draft. It would add some real play makers on offense, help shore up the OL, add another QB prospect, and fill some definite holes on D and should greatly improve the pass rush, as well as add a great P prospect. Hal has been looking good at the East-West Shrine Game practices and I think would provide good depth at CB and would help STs immediately.
    #127 NCJetsfan, Jan 17, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
  8. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    The ranking system in that simulator is definitely not accurate. Both times I did the draft, they had way too many WR's off the board in the first and 2nd rounds. Not close to how it will fall in the real draft.
  9. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    One thing I've noticed in playing around with it is that the grade you are given relates to several factors. Not only does what round effect the grade you get for the player, but also where in the round you select them and I'm pretty sure it looks at the values of other players still on the board as well, but I'm not 100% certain about that part.

    For example Jace Amaro, I've taken him at #18 in the first round and gotten I think it was either a B or B- grade, but taking him at the end of round 1 earned an A-. I've noticed that with several other players as well. Gabe Jackson for example I drafted him at #6 in the second round and got a c+ for drafting him, I drafted him in another draft at #18 and got an A- for the pick.

    I am noting that if I use the CBS sports prospect rankings as a reference I can keep my grades usually in the B+ to A range, I don't know if there's an A+ rating.

    There are definitely some faults in the draft game as they have it set up. For example in the 10 best players left they don't seem to rank them in any order, it seems to be random (aka forcing some research rather than just picking the guy off the top of the list). It is also a little loose on the trades offered, though I suspect in real life more trades up and down are discussed but turned down because the price wasn't right or the team in question didn't want to lose a player they wanted that was still on the boards.

    Regarding team needs, I've been reading about last years game and they hadn't refined team needs until about 2 months before the draft, evidently they'll also add comp picks when they are announced....

    I know if I were to write such a program (and I'm not a coder at this point in my life so that's not gonna happen) there are a number of things I'd do differently. But its still a fun pastime since it's months away from the regular season. One of the things I'd do if I were to code it though would be to include player trades in the mix...but that might get messy with the NFL owning licensing rights to players who are in the NFL.

    Regarding how many WR's go in the first 2 rounds, man that's hard to say and it varies from draft to draft, though usually there are 3-5 that go in the first and another 3-5 in the second. I think either the programmers have the premium too high or they've currently got WR's rated too high.

    All that said, its free so I'm not gonna bitch :D
  10. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I've been there - it's pretty fun place.

    Now, here's my question; what do they mean by "Drafting ability"?

    I get B- to C+ on drafting ability, and A- on player quality. I don't know what the hell they are talking about.

    And this is my draft thus far:

    Round 1 Pick 29 (N.E.): Jace Amaro, TE, Texas Tech (B+)
    Round 2 Pick 21 (G.B.): Jordan Matthews, WR, Vanderbilt (A-)
    Round 2 Pick 30 (S.F.): Ahmad Dixon, SS, Baylor (A-)
    Round 3 Pick 7: Dee Ford, OLB, Auburn (B-)
    Round 3 Pick 20 (ARI): Jon Halapio, OG, Florida (B)
    Round 3 Pick 29 (N.E.): Dion Bailey, FS, Southern California (A)
    Round 4 Pick 14 (CHI): Stanley Jean-Baptiste, CB, Nebraska (B-)
    Round 4 Pick 18: Jeremiah Attaochu, OLB, Georgia Tech (B+)
    Round 4 Pick 21 (G.B.): Jeremy Hill, RB, LSU (A)
    Round 5 Pick 18: Devin Street, WR, Pittsburgh (A)
    Round 5 Pick 20 (ARI): Kirby Van Der Kamp, P, Iowa State (B)
    Round 5 Pick 21 (G.B.): Chris Boswell, K, Rice (B)
    Round 6 Pick 18: Billy Turner, OT, North Dakota State (D)
    Round 6 Pick 20 (ARI): Devon Kennard, OLB, Southern California (D)
    Round 7 Pick 18: Andrew Norwell, OG, Ohio State (E)

    As you can see, I have been trying to draft players that could start contributing within 2 years if not sooner - that philosophy stayed till round 5. Round 6 and 7 were project picks for me.

    First two are rather obvious - TE and WR. I would have liked Marqise Lee but he was gone.

    Then I chose to replenish the roster on defensive side with good players on OLBs and FS/SS. The only regret is I only drafted 1 quality OG - and no OT until later. I am somewhat happy with the two OLB picks here actually. I doubt if Jets will be able to grab these kids in actual draft.

    Also surprising was Stanley Jean-Baptist at 4th round; if Jets can get him at round 4, he should be able to grow and supplant Cro in due time.
    #130 Zach, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
  11. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Second attempt - this sounds too good to be true; at least for me:

    Your score is: 3826 (Drafting Ability: B-, Player Quality A, Future Draft Picks: N/A)

    Round 1 Pick 25 (S.D.): Marqise Lee, WR, Southern California (A-)
    Round 2 Pick 18: Austin Seferian-Jenkins, TE, Washington (A)
    Round 2 Pick 20 (ARI): David Yankey, OG, Stanford (A)
    Round 2 Pick 22 (PHI): Kyle Van Noy, OLB, Brigham Young (A)
    Round 2 Pick 25 (S.D.): Jordan Matthews, WR, Vanderbilt (B+)
    Round 3 Pick 8 (MINN): Aaron Colvin, CB, Oklahoma (B-)
    Round 3 Pick 18: Ahmad Dixon, SS, Baylor (A)
    Round 4 Pick 8 (MINN): Jeremiah Attaochu, OLB, Georgia Tech (B)
    Round 4 Pick 18: Joel Bitonio, OT, Nevada (A-)
    Round 5 Pick 18: Terrance West, RB, Towson (A)
    Round 6 Pick 18: Christian Bryant, FS, Ohio State (D-)
    Round 7 Pick 18: Kirby Van Der Kamp, P, Iowa State (A)

    Christian Bryant pick was the only reach there - it's a fucking 6th round anyway.


    QB was not addressed - that's the only caveat.

    2x quality OLB prospect - check
    Stud OL [OG/OT] - check
    Stud TE - check
    Stud WRx2 - check
    Cro's replacement - check
    Landry's replacement - check
    Good RB prospect - check
    Good punter - check
    #131 Zach, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
  12. jdub03

    jdub03 Active Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    This site is pretty fun. I'm loving my draft, although unrealistic. Disappointed I couldn't get a TE at value. The top three were gone before my first pick and the guys available in the middle were too good to pass up.

    Your score is: 4327 (Drafting Ability: A-, Player Quality A, Future Draft Picks: N/A)
    Your Picks:
    Round 1 Pick 20 (ARI):*Darqueze Dennard, CB, Michigan State (A)
    Round 2 Pick 18:*Brandin Cooks, WR, Oregon State (A-)
    Round 2 Pick 19 (MIA):*Anthony Steen, OG, Alabama (B+)
    Round 3 Pick 7:*Carlos Hyde, RB, Ohio State (A)
    Round 3 Pick 18:*Ahmad Dixon, SS, Baylor (A)
    Round 3 Pick 21 (G.B.):*Kyle Van Noy, OLB, Brigham Young (A)
    Round 4 Pick 18:*Brandon Coleman, WR, Rutgers (A)
    Round 4 Pick 20 (ARI):*Andre Williams, RB, Boston College (A)
    Round 4 Pick 21 (G.B.):*Josh Mauro, DE, Stanford (A)
    Round 5 Pick 18:*Boseko Lokombo, OLB, Oregon (B+)
    Round 6 Pick 14 (CHI):*Aaron Murray, QB, Georgia (A-)
    #132 jdub03, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
  13. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I hear you. I'm not bitching either, just puzzled by their algorhythms that determine the grading. I do like the site. Any site like that is going to have their own ranking systems, prejudices, and philosophies. I have been using scout.com for rankings and had mixed results, so maybe you've stumbled on something. No one site can possibly know everything about every team's needs and all the players in the draft, even if that's their full time job. There are just too many players and too many variables. Overall, I think they do a good job.

    With regard to the 10 best players left, they are in alphabetical order. I think not ranking them in what they see as the best order is intentional. That would make things too easy and predictable, and they do have it set up as a game. I think it's kind of a test to see who knows more about draft prospects and team needs, and whether they draft for need or BPA.
  14. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    By "Drafting Ability" I think they are testing contestants to see what their draft knowledge and philosophy is. They are testing you to see what your knowledge of team needs is, if you know player rankings, and if you draft solely by need, bpa or some combination of the two. I definitely think value is a huge part of their grading system. For instance, they just don't seem to see Jordan Matthews as an "A" prospect. The highest grade I've gotten for taking him has been an A-.

    It appears that you've played the game drafting players you like and think the Jets need. I think the key to getting a high grade from them is figuring out which players they value and agreeing with the needs they have for the Jets. Doing that, I consistently get an A- or A for drafting ability and frequently finish 1st or 2nd in my draft, although I've not come that close to getting in the top 20 Jets scores (300-400 points shy). Do you use the "Best Value" button? It doesn't look like you do. It's key to use it. Even then, one can get unpleasantly surprised even in the 6th and 7th round. I've gotten a couple of D's and E's for taking a "Best Value" player at a position of need in those rounds. I don't know if that's because they just don't like that player, don't think he'll be a good fit on the Jets, or if the needs they show are not what they really think are needs, they're just testing us.

    The site doesn't rank Amaro as a topflight prospect. Even though they don't rank TE as a need until the middle-to-lower rounds, I've taken Ebron at #18 in the 1st round and gotten an A for taking him. I think it ranks S-J higher than Amaro, but lower than Ebron.

    I've drafted Kirby Van der Kamp in almost every draft and always gotten an A for him, but have never drafted him above the 6th round. I've taken Attoachu in a number of drafts, usually in the 4th round and have always gotten an A. I have no idea why you got a B+ for him.
  15. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    This is my latest draft. It is a bit surprising.

    Your score is: 4323 (Drafting Ability: A, Player Quality A, Future Draft Picks: N/A)

    Your Picks:
    Round 1 Pick 18: Mike Evans, WR, Texas A&M (A)
    Round 2 Pick 18: Jace Amaro, TE, Texas Tech (A)
    Round 3 Pick 7: Ahmad Dixon, SS, Baylor (A)
    Round 3 Pick 19 (MIA): Ka'Deem Carey, RB, Arizona (A)
    Round 4 Pick 18: Zach Mettenberger, QB, LSU (A)
    Round 4 Pick 19 (MIA): Jeremiah Attaochu, OLB, Georgia Tech (A)
    Round 5 Pick 18: Ross Cockrell, CB, Duke (A-)
    Round 6 Pick 18: Kirby Van Der Kamp, P, Iowa State (A)
    Round 7 Pick 18: Gabe Ikard, C, Oklahoma (B+)

    Your Future Picks:
    2015 Round 1 Pick
    2016 Round 1 Pick

    How You Matched Up:
    1. New York Jets - 4323
    2. Minnesota Vikings - 4315
    3. San Francisco 49ers - 4305
    4. Arizona Cardinals - 4153

    In the first round I had a choice between Evans and Khalil Mack. I figured I might get graded down for taking Evans since Mack is supposedly top 10 value, and I may have a little, but not too much since I got an A both for taking Evans and for my overall drafting ability.

    In the 5th and 7th rounds, it was a toss up. I have no clue who might be considered the best prospect from among their 20-odd "Best Value" picks. I guessed. I like Cockrell a lot, and since they list CB as a need, I took him, but only got an A-. I've gotten an A for him before, so perhaps in order to get an A for him this time, I needed to trade down and take him lower, or maybe the A- was for the way in which they think I addressed the need at CB. C wasn't listed as a need, so maybe that has something to do with the B+, but they obviously like him pretty much as a prospect. As I've said before, I've taken fairly highly-ranked players at positions they list as needs in the 7th round before and gotten a D or an E.

    In terms of points, with my getting an A on Drafting Ability and winning my draft, why didn't I score more than 4323 points? Would taking Mack instead of Evans have given me more points? I think so. I think there must be different levels of A grade with some getting more points than others.

    It's an interesting and intriguing site.
  16. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Last one for today.

    Your score is: 3967 (Drafting Ability: B, Player Quality A, Future Draft Picks: N/A)

    Your Picks:
    Round 1 Pick 20 (ARI): Calvin Pryor, FS, Louisville (A)
    Round 2 Pick 22 (PHI): Jordan Matthews, WR, Vanderbilt (A)
    Round 3 Pick 7: Anthony Steen, OG, Alabama (A)
    Round 3 Pick 18: Davante Adams, WR, Fresno State (A)
    Round 3 Pick 20 (ARI): Ka'Deem Carey, RB, Arizona (A)
    Round 3 Pick 21 (G.B.): Craig Loston, SS, LSU (A)
    Round 3 Pick 22 (PHI): Josh Mauro, DE, Stanford (B+)
    Round 4 Pick 18: Jeremiah Attaochu, OLB, Georgia Tech (A)
    Round 4 Pick 20 (ARI): Bashaud Breeland, CB, Clemson (A)
    Round 4 Pick 21 (G.B.): Tajh Boyd, QB, Clemson (A-)
    Round 5 Pick 18: Stanley Jean-Baptiste, CB, Nebraska (A-)
    Round 6 Pick 18: Colt Lyerla, TE, Oregon (B)
    Round 7 Pick 18: Andre Hal, CB, Vanderbilt (D+)

    I think a draft like this would be outstanding. Most picks are outstanding value and needs are addressed too. In real life, I probably wouldn't take Lyerla at all due to his drug risk, but he had the most talent of any player left. I could have taken Van Der Kamp and gotten the usual A, but wanted to try to improve my point score. Hal would be a steal in the 7th round, but they evidently don't like him. Van Der Kamp didn't show up in the list of Best Value picks in the 7th round, yet I see that someone else drafted him at #26 in the 7th round. If he had been on my list, I would have taken him.

    Whatever, I'd take that draft in a NY minute every day of the week and 2x on Sunday.
  17. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Finally got it to load.

    My draft was a little slanted towards one position, but what I want in that position is a guy with football IQ as well as a real world IQ, not someone getting kicked off planes or allowing his junk to be splashed on the Internet. :grin:

    I'll use all my comp pics for offensive line help and in free agency I'll get 2 WRs, a TE, a RB and a safety.









  18. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    1. So that drafting ability is more like an IQ test - i.e. how much do I think like they do? kind of question, right?

    2. My drafting philosophy is almost always set in stone; inside then out. Just, I double-dipped the WR position and even went high with TE because I felt the Jets were hurting real bad in offensive skill position. I have been crying out for ages to draft a stud OLB prospects and safety with high picks - which I managed there. Check the second draft - I even got to address OG position with David Yankey [which I didn't expect.]

    3. I did check out that 'Best Value' button a few times - but I didn't like the selection of players they had. I do not think Jets should be drafting RBs in round 3 if anything. DL shouldn't be a need even for a rotational player.
  19. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I'm not sure an IQ Test is the best metaphor, but yeah, I think players are rewarded for either thinking like they do, or just figuring out what they think the right answers are and parroting that back.

    My drafts in real life probably wouldn't be anything like they are on that site. For one, I'm sure there wouldn't be all the trade offers, espec. from teams like Miami, Buffalo and NE, so there wouldn't be all the trade downs. I value some different players from that site, and disagree with their idea of what the Jets' needs are.

    With regards to drafting a RB in Rd 3, I honestly don't know what I'd do if I was the GM and a Ka'Deem Carey (or whomever the most highly-rated RB is in this draft) was sitting there in the 3rd round at pick #18. On one hand, he would be a huge steal at that point of the draft and amazing value. On the other, I don't think RB is or should be a priority in the draft. I think it would depend upon whom else was available at that point, what grade the scouts, CS and I had given them, and if I had any trade down offers. I'd probably quickly call a few teams that I thought needed a RB and see if they had any interest in trading up to get Carey or another player. If there were no reasonable trade down offers, it would be a matter of weighing value/BPA vs need and the grade of players who might fit a need. One thing is certain, I wouldn't reach out of need. If there wasn't a player at a position of need who had a grade very close to that of Carey's, I'd take Carey. IMO reaching is always a bad idea. If you get a chance to take a great prospect like Carey that low in the draft (assuming that he will be rated a high-to-mid-2nd round pick and be one of, if not THE first RB taken) and pass, I think most often you wind up regretting it. While I would hope that if the Jets do draft a RB it would be somewhere in the 5th or 6th round, there are no guarantees that there will be any decent RBs left at that point, and even if there are that the Jets will think it reasonable to draft one at their pick over another player they like better.

    Carey (or whomever) would certainly improve the RB corps and the rushing attack, and would be great insurance in case Ivory doesn't stay healthy in 2014.

    One good thing about the draft not happening until May is that if they're on the fence with regard to keeping Goodson, it will give them some time to determine if Goodson's legal problems are behind him and how he's recovering/rehabbing from his injury. If they think they want him back, then they can wait and see how the draft falls. I don't think there are any viable FA RBs. I'd rather they spend their FA $s on the OL, WR or FS.
  20. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Precisely. That's why I called it IQ test - it's a test of how much you think like the test makers. [Or psychologists. IQ test is NOT a test of how smart you are. LOL.]

    I treat it as a game now - not a real draft. My rating improved considerably since then. My latest draft went like this:

    Your score is: 4069 (Drafting Ability: B+, Player Quality A, Future Draft Picks: N/A)

    Your Picks:
    Round 1 Pick 26 (CLE): Marqise Lee, WR, Southern California (A-)
    Round 2 Pick 18: David Yankey, OG, Stanford (A)
    Round 2 Pick 21 (G.B.): Morgan Breslin, OLB, Southern California (A-)
    Round 3 Pick 7: Craig Loston, SS, LSU (A-)
    Round 3 Pick 12 (NYG): Dion Bailey, FS, Dion Bailey, FS, Southern California (A-)
    Round 3 Pick 18: Aaron Colvin, CB, Oklahoma (B)
    Round 3 Pick 20 (ARI): Tre Mason, RB, Auburn (A)
    Round 4 Pick 18: Mike Davis, WR, Texas (B+)
    Round 4 Pick 21 (G.B.): Marcel Jensen, TE, Fresno State (A)
    Round 5 Pick 18: Demarcus Lawrence, DE, Boise State (C+)
    Round 6 Pick 18: Chris Boswell, K, Rice (A)
    Round 7 Pick 18: Kirby Van Der Kamp, P, Iowa State (A)

    Obviously they didn't like Demarcus Lawrence pick - I intended to convert him to OLB come rookie camp [which is why I picked him; I always thought he had 3 round potential, so I considered him a steal at 5th round - they obviously didn't.] But you will see a consistent theme throughout my entire drafts: I sought to get 1 good TE prospect [or okay one] and 2 good WR prospects - then replenishing the roster all over, starting from OL, LBs, Safeties and CBs. As for Chris Boswell pick - I don't think K is a need [Folk is doing a marvelous job as a clutch kicker if you ask me] but I gamed the system there - little tip from you.

    The reason I don't like RB picks higher than 3rd round is - to me, or according to my philosophy at least - because half of the ground production comes from the OL, and RB is doing the other half. As Jets OL is not fixed yet, I don't see RB prospect helping the team much. That RB has the shortest shelf life in NFL team squad makes taking RBs high even more undesirable.

    Seriously I wouldn't mind RB pick at all - just I don't want the Jets to spend high picks. [5th and below, they are all fair games to me.]

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