I actually would draft a few if somewhat cleared and become less of liability .. and if not ............ We can bring a "U" (Miami U) type feel to the New York Professional Football Jets. First, We would need the 2 Live Crew or a more recent equivalent, to don Jets Apparell and do Hip Hop renditions of the National Anthem at every home game. Second, as stated in the post provided above, draft a few Michael Irvin type thugs. Third, engage in More on-field Brawls. Last, trade in Borin Ole Bowles, for a Pop Culture Coach such as the one pictured below. Oh wait .. we had one already .. We might need to relocate the stadium though. Luckily a site has been secured and a Bus to Shuttle fans to and fro the Parking Lot was thrown in the deal for free.
If they can get the 12th, a 2nd rounder AND a first next year, that would be cash money. Only the Titans stand in the way. They could take a lesser offer for Mitchell. I like where your head is Mac, get them for everything they got. I doubt they will actually take Mitchell. This is a fun game to play though.
It would have to be the later of the two 2nd rounders, and we'd probably have to add another chip to seal the deal. Richardson? Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
It's not going to be a windfall no matter what the Jets do, barring actually taking Trubisky and finding out that was who the Browns really coveted instead of just a massive smokescreen. Everybody after the #1 is like "Take my pick, please..."
If they really want Mitchell, they will need to give up that later 2nd rounder. If we throw Richardson in, I would expect us to get the first 2nd rounder and not the later one. Should they give us that pick, I'll drive Sheldon to the airport. 130MPH with weed in the car too. I don't have any kids yet.
Is "Incarcerated Bob" actually incarcerated, or does anyone know? If he is, how in the heck would he get any info/rumors from NFL teams?
I don't put any credence into them. I had never heard of him before I started posting here. I'm just curious how he got to be "infamous" and who he really is. EDIT: I googled him and this is what I found: https://3rdand57.wordpress.com/2013/02/11/who-is-incarcerated-bob/ http://newyorkstateofsports.com/2012/07/23/incarcerated-bob-better-than-espn-or-a-complete-fraud/ He sounds like a total ass.
For some reason, certain writers give him credibility. He makes stuff up, but I heard he got credit because he predicted Peyton to the Broncos which really isn't a big prediction. I remember him lying his ass off during the Rex / Revis / Tanny negiotations.
Interesting read .. I guess I always miss his call ins during the Boomer and Carton Show as I've never heard him on. He must have done a number on the guy he beat up to receive a prison sentence.
didn't we trade with the browns to move UP and take the immortal mark sanchez. my how much things can change and really stay the same.
You throw enough shit against the wall some of it is bound to stick. The reason he throws so many predicitons out is so that when he does hit one he can claim he has insider access, that there is the key to his real con. He claims insider access so that he can promote his picks for people to buy, if they are gullible enough to buy that he actually has insider access then they are gullible enough to buy his picks. Of course he does the same with his picks, promotes the hell out of any he gets correct while leaving out the multitude he got wrong. He also has multiple pick sites and will give out both sides of a pick, one on each site so that he is going to get it right on one of them. Just a con man and one of the reasons his tweets should still be against the rules here like they once were.
The league doesn't say if samples are dilute positive or negative. Dilute is considered positive regardless. Conley is in a tough situation, I doubt the charges are cleared by tomorrow. I don't know what happened but his story makes as little sense as hers. Either way, I hope the Jets have taken him off their board. Don't think this will be the last time he finds himself in trouble.