I voted yes I was happy, but to be honest, I think I am trying to convince myself. When I read on Monday we would have been at number 1 if we lost, I must admit it stung a little. My only solace is how poorly Macc has drafted. We should be happy to see Darnold succeed and gain experience and confidence. If he discovers what he needs to be a true franchise QB, he will elevate who ever we bring in.So in spite of my desire to see us as huge players on draft day, I have to focus on his development as the real goal and sit back and enjoy the games as they play out. One other note, after sitting through the 41-10 fiasco (with two of the most obnoxious Bills fans sitting behind me) I was glad to see us manhandle them and show a little pride out there. So there's that.
Don't say things like that. If the Jets miraculously win there, somebody will quote you as an excuse to keep TB.
After he blew the SB by benching his best CB and blew last weeks game by putting Gronk in at safety I think the NFL should drug test BB. Little cracks are showing.
Yep, any given Sunday. Obviously I wouldn't love the Jets chances in a do or die game for the Pats, but I would jump at that opportunity to screw them.
I'm of the opinion that every game you play, you play to win. So that is that. Your draft number shouldn't influence your performance. Watching the team jell is more important that the pick, although if you are desperate for a FQB one might be more temped to lower the guard enough to stumble for the first pick. More often than not if you draft anywhere in the top ten, particularly for a team in desperate need at multiple positions, you should do pretty damned well. I believe success is more crucial depending on who is doing the draft selection than the actual draft position. So to me the real risk drafting a bit later, all being equal, is two fold. 1- Keeping this incompetent CS on the strength of an apparent strong finish. God help us if we retain TB and Co. 2- Missing on your first choice can't miss at that spot. I.e. a top LT or a premier pass rusher. A great GM, however, recovers from that with a countermove, while a not so great might over reach for lesser talent. After all the draft has a lot of luck in it. So while I would never root against the Jets, the thought of the number one possibility terrifies me. In which case it doesn't mean shit as to who we draft, because he will underperform So, here is to the Jets finishing strong and TB is let go. No other option will do for me.
If we can go into Gillette Stadium, beat NE, and knock them out of a bye then I'll take the L on draft position. If that scenario happened we'd be doing it on the arm of Sam and I am beyond down for this.
Very few things over rule draft position..but hitting the cheats & their fans where it hurts in their own back yard takes a backseat to nothing.
I would like us to be number one just to see who Mac would pick, all the other first-round picks have fallen down to him as best player available, not expected to fall to our pick, even Darnald to some extent was still a shock to fall to number 3.
I like to have options If we are 1, we can trade down for Kong’s ransom That’s all brother I just like to have flexibility