Don't NECESSARILY blame Tannenbaum for the Cap Mess

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Green Guy, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    With what Im seeing yesterday...and the cuts that are still to follow, Im not sure how you can say that TB was responsible. I also dont get this "bp was irresponsible" stuff.

    The bottom line is, without any help, taking over the roster that BP left...Herm his first season that he ever called a timeout in, took that roster to the playoffs.

    Nobody was crying that the linebackers were to slow...or too old..that first year we went to the playoffs.

    Bryan Cox? Thats where your going with this? Im going to PM petro to see if I have permission to use the bandwith space needed to post the ridiculous signings over the past 5 years...the incredible waste of money of players that are no longer with the team that Bradway brought to the Jet rosters.
  2. Welker83

    Welker83 New Member

    Sep 15, 2005
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    You made a SB push, it didn't work, your in cap hell....end of story.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    There have been some mistakes but overall he made the correct decisions to sign or let go of certain players. parcells just handed out sacks of money to any big name veteran he could find in hopes of making a SB push.
  4. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    I think cap gurus are actually supposed to clean up the messes that GMs and agents and coaches create.

    And teams always tackle the cap year-to-year. Tannenbaum made it work all these years, from Parcells' 1999 spree to Bradways' bumblings of recent years. This is a "cap hell" year because of all the deferred $$$ from years past coming due on older vets' contracts.

    I actually don't think there'll be much of a mess at all, pending the outcome of Chad's situation.
  5. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The worst that could have happened is that we franchised Pennington after the season. If we did that he'd be paid about the same as he's getting anyway under the deal Bradway gave him. So, why did we go out on a limb and sign him to this MEGA contract?

    I said it then and I wouldn't be bitching...based on his past, his arm, and his injury in the preseason game with the Giants, I didn't want to lock him up long term before he completed at least ONE full season. My rationale was two-fold:

    1) can he hold up for 16 games?

    2) if he did, how would defenses adjust to him when they saw more of him on tape and in person?

    Regardless of the injury situation, the second item is the key here. Even those of us who compared Pennington to Montana - and I admit to being one of them - were concerned at how he would handle pressure defenses when they stacked him and took away the short stuff.

    Bradway's biggest mistake as GM was inking Pennington when he did. There was no reason to panic and give him the big money before they had to, and they saved nothing and accomplished less. No matter how well he played after the contract was signed, he couldn't get much more out of the Jets - who held the franchise tag and with it, the cards in negotiations.

  6. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    if this cap mess was tannenbaums fault...i doubt he would be the GM
  7. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    yea well at least i dude have a guys ass for my avator picture!
  8. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Absolutely correct. All Bradway did was try to keep the team compettive by keeping someplayers. Parcells mess forced the Jets to cut 5 starters before the 2002 season. Despite getting rid of those players we remained in cap hell. It wasn't until 2004 that Bradway was able to sign anything but bargain basement long shot free agents.

    The cap mess started with Parcells and it continues every year. In a sense its like the federal defecit. Presently the average Amercian family pays almost $5,000 every year in interest on the debt incurred during the Reagan and Bush adminstrations. The salary cap in football is the same way. Every year to get under the salary cap we have to shift salaries out into the future and borrow from the cap of the next few years. While Bradway had to get rid of a lot of players because of the Parcells mess he has also had to constantly borrow from subsequent years to field a team. What has been amazing to me has been the ability of the Jets to stay competitive the last 5 years in spite of the cap problem Parcells left us in.

    Some people blame Bradway for re-signing some core players. But he had to pick and choose which core guys to keep. He didn't have the money to keep everyone or to replace the people we would lose. Every decision was not the best but he did his best to keep the team competitive against very serious cap odds. If anything we should be thanking Bradway for keeping some fiscal displine. It would have been very easy for him to go on a shopping spree in 2001-2003 knowing when t was time to pay the bill he would be long gone. But he didn't he only signed bargain basement free agents (with the exception of Cowart) until signing Barton in 2004 and Law in 2005. He should be comended for his integrity and his fiscal displine even if one disagrees with his talent evaluation.

    Take into account the defense was completely rebuilt between 2002 and 2004. But the teams perfomance never slowed down. There was a reason BB didn't want to coach the Jets and most likely it was the cap situation that Parcells had left us in.
    #28 Buttle, Feb 23, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2006
  9. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Can anyone show me exactly why Parcells is being blamed? I'd like to see some sources/figures that are credible. I've seen it brought up a few times, but it's mostly just been conjecture or hearsay. We might as well figure this out once and for all now, and then just link back to this thread if it comes up again.

    I'm a bit skeptic in cap problems lasting 5 years into the future honestly.
  10. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    So the Jets had to cut 5 starters before the 02 season. Do you think the Jets may be cutting 5 starters this year? More?

    The cap problem still persists from the Parcells years. I cant believe people believe this.

    Please tell me where you got your stats about the Reagan and Bush years also. Please tell`me how my family is paying $5,000.00 a year extra because of something that happened in the 80's.

    Perhaps my family is still paying for things that happened during ww2.

    Do you believe that what the Jets are going through is unique? I need to understand how the Jets salary cap problems today...February, 23, 2006 has anything to do with Parcells.

    Because Bradway had to piece meal a team together over the last 5 years? How did he have enough money to have one of the most expensive running backs....quarterbacks....defensive lines...and offensive lines in football. How was this done.

    You write:

    "While Bradway had to get rid of a lot of players because of the Parcells mess he has also had to constantly borrow from subsequent years to field a team. What has been amazing to me has been the ability of the Jets to stay competitive the last 5 years in spite of the cap problem Parcells left us in."

    After reading this, Im secretly looking forward to the Terry Bradway day next year. Canton cant be too far away either.

    What Bill Parcells did here had nothing...nothing to do with the state of the Jets the last 3 years. Bill Parcells didnt sign Pennington, Ellis, Robertson, Martin, Fabini...not to mention the 10-15 more guys that Bradway had to swallow contracts on that he signed..and then cut since then.

    Move on. Parcells is in Dallas now..hasnt been here in a long long time.
  11. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Your right. Its not possible. Its impossible to blame anything on Parcells that is currently happening with the Jets.

    Its the biggest bunch of nonsense on this site. I loved Parcells when he was here...personally...I thinks hes an asshole. I would love to rip him here. The reason you hear so much about blaming him is a backhanded way of still trying to defend Herm and Bradway.

    Thats it....its old...and it will never fly.
  12. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Parcells is to blame, for having set things up for Bradway to either clean house or compound the cap mess. Bradway compounded the cap mess. He and his new FO staff and CS decided that instead of trying to rebuild, they would take the team that Parcells left them and try and win with it.

    However you put it, Bradway made the decision...and now he takes both the credit for being "competitive" with Parcell's leftovers, and the blame for keeping the core of that team and running the cap into ruin.
  13. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I dont want to to turn in this into a political thread but I will answer your question in brief. The federal defecit is similar to the salary cap in that both have to borrow from the future to pay todays bills. Answering your question almost the entre federal defecit was incurred under the Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush jr. adminstrations of which we pay somewhere between $4-6K (ther last I read was a few years ago and it was over 4k heading towards 5k) per average family in interest alone per year.

    The salary cap is similar in that once you borrow you have to pay in the future. Parcells left us in serious cap problems $28 millon over the cap in 2002 but a lot worse than the cap problem this year as it was less paper inflated money. We had to dismantle our team, refrain from signing anything but long shot low priced free agents. The reason Parcells cap problems continued is because to survive the Jets each year had to borrow from successive years to meet each years salary cap. It just does not end in 2002 and we don't start afresh. We have to keep borrowing form the future and keep extending contracts. Essentially thats what we have done. We may be paying on contracts that were not made when Parcells was here but we still are paying on his debt we just keep pushing the debt further and further into the future just like the federal defecit. The only two differences is we have not been adding to the debt the last few years and we don't get charged interest on the debts unlike the federal defecit.

    People often say don't the Jets spend more money per year than any other teams. It is true, and its a symptom of a team in cap hell. Because we need to defer money to future years caps we get caught in the cycle of having to pay out more money in bonus dollars now to defer money onto later years caps.

    I certainly think there are arguments against Bradway for many of his draft picks and some of his signings. But in regards to the signings he had two choices eitehr to totally blow up the team or sign many of the core players and try to stay competitive. I would have had no problem with either decision. Some of the signings can be questioned but what choice did he have of he wanted to stay competitive.

    But the problem is once you go into debt you never pay it off without completely rebuilding and slashing the team. To keep staying competitive teams often have to keep pushing out that debt money into future years. Thats the trap that Parcells put us in and its the bill he left unpaid. We just have chosen to pay a small amount of his bill each year in hopes of fielding a competitive team while moving most of the debt into future years. From what we have seen this offseason it appears that maybe we may be in slash and burn period that might try to get us fiscally healthy. Doing such a thing would take a ton of guts as it would most likely mean a number of bad years and little reward for Tannebaum down the road.
    #33 Buttle, Feb 23, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2006
  14. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    :lol: i thought this was a football board, not fiction.:breakdance:
  15. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    john abe could make exactly the argument you just did, and he'd be right also. :beer:
  16. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    so, abe would be right, but that doesn't mean it's in the best interest of the NY Jets to keep him. He's a speed rusher, not a QB.
  17. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    :) the point was the double-standard as to the reason why abe did not get a long-term contract while ol noodle arm got one , and he's been on the field less than abe. teams have to game plan to account for abe. nobody worries about noodle- they can blitz and rattle him, like the raiders, or clog the middle and force him to throw the out routes, which his arm has no velocity for, like belicheck does.:sad:
  18. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Why do people refuse to cite any credible sources? Anyone can make claims and pretend they're truth, it doesn't matter if it's accurate or not, an intelligent person shouldn't just accept the words of a complete stranger without qualification.

    I guess there is a lot of similarity between politics and the salary cap: anyone can talk about either, and few people will actually have hard, acceptable, real data for their arguments. Kind of like how Rush Limbaugh can get away with blabbing anything he wants about politics because there isn't really a factual right answer on anything, and even if there was, it's hidden under so much bullshit that there's no way you can get everyone to agree on it. The problem is when you have him speak on subjects where the information is readily accessibly to everyone, people can see him for a buffoon.

    I want hard data. Not political propoganda I can already see as such without any research. You bring in the hard data, and maybe we can get a discussion, because I can start asking you questions to understand it. If you can't even do that, why even both writing up a long post?
  19. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I have always been a critic of Pennington. But Green you are right we needed to sign Pennington a lot more than Abe. The team has done much better without Abe in the line-up than it has done without Pennington.
  20. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    abe gets results. noodle is done. cut him, and clear up the cap. it's in the best interest of the team/rebuild to part with both of them.:eek:hmy:

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