really well thought out argument right there. now i happen to agree with you on this one, but damn if your gonna troll at least make it interesting.
I don't see too many GMs on the practice field even half as much as Parcells is in Miami. His responsibilities are not as cut and dry as they were in NY.
Stop expecting something that isn't possible. He'll post predictable nonsense that falls short of effective and you will LIKE IT, MISTER.
You have access to Dolphins practices? Can you send some of that info over the Florham Park and help the team out. I would imagine our FO already knows how to use Google.
Look under the June 14th entry. And I'm afraid my awesome Dolphins practice connections run dry past the local news articles from Miami. But Parcells being such a micro-manager, I have no doubt he has input with the coaches if he is spending that much time at practices.
Thanks. If you can sneak into practices it would help:grin: That doesn't tell us what his role in practcie is and he did the same thing here w/ Groh as far as I remember.
Parcells has always been known as a hands off kind of manager who never sought control. We need evidence that he's actually involved.
I think Parcells has always been known as how he wants to be viewed - he's as vain as Favre, if not more, and he controls the image of his operation surgically and leaves if he can't. But you can see his fingerprints all over every operation he's been involved in. He keeps bringing his guys in because they know how he likes to run things.
Good post... As Crazy of A Jets fan I've been my life and as crazy as I've gotten regarding Jets / Miami matchups... This game was absolutely meaningless to me and emotionless... It didn't matter, The Jets were already done and limping home... To me that was due to Favre being injured and Really bad coaching - Both are gone. This game to me is like a meaningless preseason game - not much to take from it looking at the upcoming season... I already knew that IF given time Chad could be an ok QB... Rex's game plan is never to give a QB time.. Personally, I hope Chad sticks around a while.
Oh come on, you think Jet fans don't go to Dolphins sites as we speak and talk smack? Please, Miami has a far better history in the NFL than the Jets, but Jet fans still talk smack. Just because the the Jets have been slightly more successful than the Dolphins in head to head matchups doesn't give Jet fans the right to talk smack and not Dolphin fans. After the 07 season the Dolphin fans had to live with the fact the Dolphin won only 1 game. Did Jet fans backoff? No! Did Jet fans stop talking smack? No! This year the Dolphins won the division and we won it in your house with Chad Pennington. A QB replaced buy a HOFer and your team still couldn't get it done. It's Dolphin fans turn to talk smack, it's the way it works and you know this. Stop whining about it and accept the fact that your team wasn't the better team in 08. Till the Jets have the better season the Jet fans will just have to deal with being the 3rd best team in the division.
To be honest, the only reason why I'm entertaining any of this is to see if you really were different than the other Dolphins fans at Fin heaven, or if you were right down to the level of douche-baggery that goes on there. You have proven to me you're the latter of the two. And here I thought you were an intelligent Dolphins fan as you used to say. Above the quality that Fin Heaven would produce. A fan who draws conclusions with as little bias and delusion about his team and other teams within the Division. And here I thought you were all high and mighty. Someone people could draw knowledge from. But in reality you're no better than some douchebag named Blitzkrieg and Psycho 78 here.
I got an email from a MOD here with a warning for abusing the TOS. However the MOD was fair about the warning. I deserved the warning I got, but at the same time I was provoked into a pissing match, as usual. I would also say that about 80% of my posts here have been respectful, you may not agree with my opinion, but my posts are about football and not smack! So I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for, but I try to maintain here, it's not easy obviously, but I do try!
The Phinz may have won the division in 2008, but the schedule certainly played a large factor in accomplishing that. We barely got by many of the so-called "inferior teams" that we faced in 08', and then once we faced Baltimore in the playoffs, they basically beat us to a pulp. It was an embarrassment yes, however after coming off a 1-15 season the previous year, it's hard not to be pleased finishing 11-5 and winning the division... Although I'm an avid Phinz fan, and will always support them, I have to be honest when I say that Miami will struggle to retain the division crown in 2009. The schedule is very brutal, and I think we'll be lucky to win 9-10 games as a result. The Patriots have the most talent in the division without question, and they have had the most for quite some time, so I'd have to give them the edge when it comes to "owning" the division right now... I think the Jets are in a good position right now. You guys are rebuilding alittle, but I like the pieces that Ryan has brought in this off-season to shore up the defense. I'm not so certain how well the Jets offense will do in Ryan's first year as HC, but who's to say, there's still a lot of time before the season gets underway, and we wont know anything concrete until we see them in action. As for the Bills?? I don't see them winning more than 6 games in 2009. They just don't have enough talent / coaching in my opinion. I also think adding Owens is going to backfire once they get off to a losing start to the season. He and Edwards are going to be at eachother's throats, I can't wait!... ~BK~
this is the most "un-biased".. well-thought out... honest post i've seen from a Phins the last year. good stuff, BK. Pyscho78 and FTP could learn a thing or two from you.
i dunno.......a fucking hunchbacked retard could probably learn something from my post. which pretty much leaves you out in the cold.
This is all I have to add at this point. I bet you could pound this ass for about $50, +/- a drink or two.