Dolphins fan checks in on the AFC East

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Dr. Love, May 25, 2006.

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  1. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    :up: Right on the money in your assessments...well said.
  2. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    Wow, like I haven't heard that one before. Are you 6 years old?

    I didn't even think I was arguing with you. When someone suggested that Thomas gave Martin a cheap shot, YOU insulted the guy, and made it sound like the idea was SO preposterous. I pointed out that based on past history, the idea that maybe Thomas had the not so honorable intentions in mind is not that ludicrous of an idea. Just like if you said that a hit Mawae made on someone was "cheap," based on his past history, I would say you were probably right.

    If you can't handle another point of view, and have to resort to elementary school games, then maybe you shouldn't be posting on a message baord.

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You had a couple of solid additions, but that's about it. Same for the Phinz....

    The big factor is who did you lose this off-season???....

    You lost three very vital pieces in my opinion{Abraham / Law / Mawea}. The replacements should be decent, but I wouldn't call them upgrades at this stage...

    Saying the Jets had a better off-season than Miami isn't a reach, the Jets had alot more holes to fill than Miami did. Not to mention you had a boatload of draft picks to help the situation...

    The Jets did have a very solid off-season all things considered. Unfortunately, you're currently in a rebuilding phase, and wont contend for a couple more years. The Jets are more on the level with the Buffalo Bills at this stage of the race. You'll get better in time, but right now the Jets aren't even on the radar in the East. No worries....
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    law is no big deal at all, he was not grat for us last year he was ok.

    Mawae is getting old and had been struggling early in the year, no trey teague isn't as good as Mawae a few years ago but he's as good as mawae is currently.

    Abe will be missed but I'm guessing the team got used to him missing games so it may not be that big of an adjustment. As long as we get the Ellis of '03 and '04 we'll be fine w/o Abe.

    very true, that does factor in through.

    We aren't going to be as bad as you think. No we won't be battling NE for the East(I don't think you will either, i think you will battle for a WC spot) and we may not battle Miami for 2nd place but we'll be decent and dangerous. We still have alot of talnt, we were injury ravaged last year and if some key guys can come back and play close to their abilities we'll be decent. I think this year could look alot like last year did for you guys. Tread water early, struggle middle, win some games late.
  5. RonnieB23

    RonnieB23 New Member

    May 12, 2006
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    Thats always your big argument, that Allen and Shelton are bad players because they were let go by their old teams. Peterson was let go by Niners was it because he was bad. I don't know why the Giants wanted give all that money to Madison, i'm just happy with the younger,faster more physical Allen.

    I don't know what's your point here, they were on different teams, one had Tice as HC the other had Saban, one had no D the other did. So what if you put the fantasy qb on the team who had 9 wins with a QB with mediocre stat, thats what i call improvement.

    In your lost, you've failed to mention Mawae, now that make 3 probowler gone, remplace by none I still don't know where's the improvement in this.

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Sorry Junc, but I don't see a "6 game win streak" on the Jets horizon anytime soon....
  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    it would worry me if my team's big FA acquistions were guys that were replaced before they were let go and for much more money than it would have cost to keep them.

    It's always someone else's fault, right? It was Tice's fault daunte could only lead Minny to 17 points at 3-12 Arizona in week 17 in 2003 even though Ari was giving up 33/gm for 7 weeks? it was Tice's fault Daunte could only lead Minny to 10 pts in the competitive portion of the week 17 game at 5-10 wash in 2004?

    We don't need to have a 6 game streak but maybe if we get to play the teams you played(you only beat 1 good team and even that team missed the playoffs, the Pats treated the game as a joke so i don't count that one) we can put together a nice streak.
  8. Mickey Shuler 82

    Mickey Shuler 82 New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    No problem with tough hits, Dr. Love. Cheap hits are another thing.
  9. ColezDeep!

    ColezDeep! New Member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    So with what QB are the Dolphins going to win the division with?

    Culpepper? with three torn ligaments in his knee who was ineffective before the injury. Not just one ligament...three! Good luck with that one but I don't think he is your saviour.

    Harrington? who had far superior targets in Detroit and still couldn't get it done. I don't know what you guys think you have here but you have as many question marks as the Jets.

    It makes no sense to predict how our teams are going to do even before training camp starts. It just doesn't.

    Coles owns Will Allen! Good Luck!
  10. RonnieB23

    RonnieB23 New Member

    May 12, 2006
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    Football is a team sport, yet you keep on blaming those lost on one player.

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I guess that's why the Jets odds to win the Super Bowl this year are 100/1, while Miami is at 20/1???....Good call.:lol:
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The odds were probably reversed last year, how did that work out?
  13. bird_1972

    bird_1972 New Member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    If we were to believe oddsmakers, than the defending SB champ would always win the next year.

    What an assanine statement. Are you a New England fan, or something?
  14. Dr. Love

    Dr. Love Banned

    May 23, 2006
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    "Watch the name calling."

    Sensitive bunch. I guess I can understand though. I mean...... the Jets. Nothing happening anytime soon for that team.

  15. ganooch

    ganooch Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    just want to say that I take McNair over Culpepper any day. I just do not understand how Dolphin fans can be that optimistic about Culpepper. His one knee was destroyed and who knows if he will ever be 100%.
  16. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    This forum has rules so that we can have good discussions and debates without everything breaking down to people acting like children and calling each other names. Forums without rules and moderators quickly degenerate into verbal jousting matches and lack real content.

    If you aren't interested in having a conversation or debate like an adult then maybe you should try another forum. You're lucky you received a warning and didn't just get banned.
  17. ColezDeep!

    ColezDeep! New Member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    LOL...that's how you're basing how good your team is? Pathetic!

    We split games last year. Pennington beat you then Bollinger threw for over 300yards on you the second game. And you think you're good?! :lol:
  18. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    You give the dolphin fans that post here and engage in intelligent debate a bad name. And please remind us, what was everyone saying about the Dolphins before the season started last year? Those in glass houses.....

    I think the bell just rang, time for your Home Ec. class.
  19. PennyRoyal10

    PennyRoyal10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2005
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    Maybe the Jets will get lucky and have a team so concerned about beating them they'll be trying dropkicks and laughing about it. You guys seem to forget that beauty against Cleveland...
    #79 PennyRoyal10, May 26, 2006
    Last edited: May 26, 2006
  20. Ctjetfan51

    Ctjetfan51 New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    let's remember to verbally joust and have fun...forget the insults. We are all passionate about our teams and Jets/Phins is a great old rivalry. The Dolphins did not have a great offseason with FA and the Draft. Yes, the Jets may have done a bit better but had bigger holes to fill and more of them and I question whether we have truly filled them all. NT seems a bit of a hole still. I think we win the offseason QB acquisition battle because: if Pennington can throw he can be an effective QB. Ramsey has some upside potential and Clemens seems to be a fairly highly rated young QB. Culpepper has a cannon for an arm, no doubt. At times he seems to make terrible decisions when checking down to 3rd or 4th receiving options. And this is where I see the Dolphins being on shaky ground. In the past, Culpepper would take off and run. And at 6' 5" and ,like, 260 lbs he was an effective runner. Tough to bring down. That part of his game is effectively over. He will have neither the physical capability or the courage to run much anymore. That leaves him in the pocket, not super mobile and not a top pure pocket passer.
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