Dolphin newspaper posts. Please help

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by sec314, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    I can see your point. :rofl:
  2. flajetfanson

    flajetfanson New Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    First off johnny great point and noted.
    Phin =fan if the wild cat is doing so well can you please explain why you are 1-3? some other facet of the team must be broken. Quarterback ....... Nope we can pass that because Henne has and arm, recever nope pass on the Ginn has two hands ........ running backs ...check the have legs....
    Dude your point is is worthless. Because he can throw does not make him a QB and because you beat a dismal Bills team that blew their load against the pats does not make you winners.
    The fact that you and other ignorant fans down here have the gall to compare henne to sanchez is a laugh the only thing they can compare is that this is thier first year starting and even then edge Jets because Sanchez has seen more looks and gotten more snaps. The only and the only edge you have is in the running back departments and teh point that you have to run the wildcat means your team does not believe it can line up and run it needs to resort to stunts to gain yards. 4 games worth of wildscat 2 games against defenses that are not that good does not make is successful.
    lets see when henne needs to make more then one read, when your safeties have issues covering the middle, when 3 out of 4 of your linebackers over pursue or sell out on the play action. Do you want me to continue? can you handle the truth? can you really realize that the fins are an average team at best this year. the minute chad got hurt any chance of making the playoffs was over? Your entire season was riding on a one armed man any jet fan could have told you that he was due to get hurt this year. I told my wife last year this was going to happen as well as any dolfan I could find. People at work admitted I was right. While the jets going into the year were maybe we can finish 8-8 outside chance of making noise, going into this game alot people thought well 2-2 at best more then likely 1-3 well the worm has turned, 3-1 with a loss to a very good saints team. did sanchez make mistake hell yes. but guess what there is no db on Miami roster as good as sharper.
    If you could not stop Indy when they run a spread offense and had the ball for 15 minutes and still won what makes you think the jets with a more balanced attack will not hold the ball longer.
    review the facts the jets get at least 2 out of three of the game edges
    special team jets
    defense Toss up but the edge goes to the jets because i know it'll piss you off but they actually won games against good teams
    Offense Jets more balanced better receivers and tight end and oline. Oh and let's not forget QB well because he has an arm too.
    Phinfan call Joe Rose or the crappy sports talk host they have down here but do not talk football with the big boys unless you can back it up.
  3. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    First of all...this defense NEVER backs off - all game. You might want to watch some actual game film.

    Second, Tom Brady and Drew Brees were ineffective and frustrated against this defense, I hardly think Chad Henne is going to have an easy time of it. Henne will spend a lot of time studying the night sky.

    Third, ever hear of Darrelle Revis, Kerry Rhodes, or Lito Sheppard ? Between those guys and the front end pressure he'll my guest, throw away
    #23 Andy_M, Oct 9, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2009
  4. Al13

    Al13 Member

    Sep 12, 2003
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    we are two bad special teams plays away from beeing 2-2, miami is maybe 3 plays away from beeing 3-1
  5. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    Bwahahaha. "we are..."? Okay troll, thanks for putting things in perspective for me. Come Tuesday night, "your" team will be 1-4. Good luck with the rest of the schedule coming up.
  6. JetsFanTexas

    JetsFanTexas New Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    No reason to talk smack. Just let Sanchez and BE do the scoring and have our defense stop them. Talk smack with a win.
  7. ihatethedolphins3

    ihatethedolphins3 New Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    fuck the dolphins, i hate them, hence my name..get rid of pat white too u lousy bastards don't deserve a mountaineer
  8. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Dolphins fans somehow believe their team is a competitor after one win. I dont get it before they beat one of the top 10 worst teams in football in the Bills they were saying how bad their team was. So why would one win against an all around terrible team make them so cocky. Bottom line the Jets have already proved themselves after 4 games that they can win games while the dolphins proved that they will make mistakes when it counts to lose games. Final score come monday Jets 24 dolphins 6.
  9. PhinFan77

    PhinFan77 New Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Told ya

    "You all can bash the wildcat and Henne all you want. Im sure they are going to throw a few wrinkles in the wildcat early. Maybe a pass. That way, Rex backs off. Then we run it down your throats. This isn't a wildcat + penning 6 yard pass offense anymore. Henne's got an arm. I think it will be a real close game, but I think you guys are a little too confident."

    Looks like I nailed this one right on the head.
  10. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Eat some crow please. Thank you! And Mr. PhinFag77, we'll see in a few wks time when the Dolphags pay a visit to New York. We'll make sure they pay.
  11. flajetfanson

    flajetfanson New Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    Told Ya:
    I tell ya somethig you piece of crap, got some news you and your fans are the worst in the nfl. So kiss my ass
  12. PhinFan77

    PhinFan77 New Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    ha ha ha you guys...

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