umm yes as in he did one western with asians and is doing one with blockbuster names. less martial arts, more pulp fiction-esque lines. i would say thats a good guess as what to expect from this film. im not saying take my word as gospel. i can see how you would get such an implication with the way people think theyre the authority on everything. granted i havent meant anything ive said in this thread as negative, as I'm a huge fan of his work.
Leonardo Di Caprio has been cast as the villian Idris Ibla has also been casted. Shit just got really real
samuel jackson as a gun smith dunno if im joking or serious. since its tarantino you know jackson will be doing something lol.
Sam Jackson actually has been cast as "steven" the slave owner villian (Dicaprio's) right hand man...He puts the other slaves in line. Could be a badass role.
I dont like Foxx, but if he sets himself up...He has the charisma and emotion to take on this character Too bad Stringer Bell passed the role up So now we have Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Just seeing this thread/hearing about this movie, and as I was reading the thread my first (and really only) thought was "no way Will Smith does this movie." Having never read a script, Smith is like our generation's Cosby, and there are just certain lines he'll never cross, for better or worse. I actually like Jamie Foxx in general, but from what little I've read in this thread I don't know that I like him for the role. Should be interesting.
Costner is now slated -- I watched Waterworld over the weekend.
Because I'm really into water. It was on Cinnemax or something. It was bad -- but not as bad as everyone made it out to be. The little girl with the tattoo of the map on her back grew up to be the girl in Napoleon Dynamite. Rad hair in both flicks!
I didn't think the movie was nearly as bad as most, and the live show at universal studios LA is great.
Movies like that are why you can't get $150 mil for a movie unless it has giant robots or men in spandex. Yes, Waterworld cost you Lovecraft. Now how do you feel about it? :lol:
The reason why WaterWorld failed was because Kevin Costner thought it was smart to recreate a studio made up of water rather then filming majority of it naturally The filming was shutdown like 7-8 times in hawaii because of hurricane concerns on set.