He is partly right though. This whole mentality that it's ok to knock out players, as long it isn't "dirty", is fucking stupid. Either way, you are hurting the person, putting their career & livelihood on the line I don't want to to seem all self righteous; i use to be someone who was all for knocking out players, but as i have thought about it, i have realized that it is just wrong. Someone could argue that those actions are criminal. Imagine in any other competitive field of work where one company was INTENTIONALLY trying to physically hurt his competitors best employees in order to get or stay ahead. That would be seen as a criminal act. But since football is already a violent sport, people think it's ok. It isn't though because those things can be prevented Even those who argue that "it's part of the game" you know that it is wrong too. Otherwise you wouldn't get mad when an opposing player knocked out someone on your team. It would just be like any other injury to you
That's Florio's point, too. NO's bounty system, which Williams apparently used in his previous stops in Buffalo and Washington, is really just an extreme extension of what all NFL teams have aimed at over the years/decades. Would Williams NOT giving out bounties if the hit was considered "illegal" have made it more palatable? If the "bounties" went to charity in the player's name, would that be legal (it then wouldn't violate the salary cap)? Again, Florio isn't just "picking on Ryan". He's using Ryan's published words describing how the Jets target individual players on opposing teams as examples of the mentality that exists in the NFL, because they're available. Belichick and Coughlin haven't written books describing how they run their teams, so he can't use theirs. Do you really think that their aims in targeting opposing players --removing the player from the game through inflicting pain -- are all that different than Williams' or Ryan's?
Um. NFL football is a sport where people put their bodies in harms way to win. You don't need to injure a player to "knock them out" of the game. This can happen simply by getting a few hits on the QB, it wears them down and makes it harder for them to stay focused (ie Tom Brady in superbowl). Take away hard hitting and defense becomes much less of a factor in games, period. I don't want that, and many times the rules call for defenders to slow down to not hit hard, when they risk giving up the first down by doing that. Hard hits are part of the game. Deal with it. The players do, hence they make millions of dollars a year. I hate the way people think the athletes are like some endangered species. They get paid to hit hard and play hard. If they don't want to take that risk, they can play golf. It's not like they are lab rats being tortured and experimented on and have no idea what's going on. They know the risks.
Florio has always taken shots at jets whenever He could. This is an attempt to taint the Jets like the pats have been forever tainted With their scandalous spygate fiasco. Fans of morally corrupt teams like to try And Bring others into the sewer with them. Florio is tainted just like the pats so fuck Him.
Do you think comments like this would be allowed on the patriots forum if I went there and replaced Jets with Patriots? Consider that a warning.
knocking them out of the game can also mean just being so physical that by the end of the game they are so worn down they are ineffective. (see: darrelle revis on everyone he plays)
Can we make a button so that Patsfantx doesn't even have to type because we know no matter what he just quotes someone and disagrees with them to get a reaction out of them.
There is such a button for this clown. Also works for other chowd trolls, annoying Taranta Bills losers and our very own SOJF Benigno-ites who are the worst Its at the top of the page....user CP..then click on edit ignore list and just add them in. Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2
Florio isn't a Pats fan If he is anti-Jet it is probably for the same reasons 80% of fans are anti-Jet
Dude, give it a rest. And for the record, the Giants knew a player was already injured; they didn't set out with the intent to concuss Kyle Williams.
And Florio damn sure isn't a part of that group. Seriously, the guy is a clown. I don't know how he has a job doing as he does.
Big difference between saying "when you tackle that guy, make sure he knows you tackled him" and "when you tackle that guy, make sure his doctor knows you tackled him." If you ever done any contact sports (I've done various martial arts for over 20 years myself) you'd know there is a HUGE difference between playing hard and playing dirty.