Yes, that is a real problem. At this point we can safely predict the Jets will be playing this season without a #2 cb who can play press coverage effectively. I wonder what Ryan thinks about that.
Of the two cornerbacks now in the news for being "suspended indefinitely" for crazy shit, at least Patterson didn't try to make himself into a national hero by lying about what really happened. So we got that going for us.
Yep. And what's more, Kristian Dyer's a pot-stirring troll.
So our #1 CB is a guy who pretty much had a bad rookie year but looked promising the last few games who has a slight injury history and who is currently injured and the #2 CB now is a HighSchool Linebacker moved to Safety in College and trying to cover the gap, so to speak, in the NFL as an emergency CB (no knock on Allen BTW, love Allen as a safety but not very confident in him as a CB....very very few College safeties have ever migrated to CB successfully...i know it's a stop gap measure but when you're #1 isn't an established CB who has only shown flashes, it's not a pretty picture at all. Then again, if Allen is good at jamming at the line who knows....
Very few wide college receivers have converted to cornerback. One was named Richard Sherman. There are always exceptions to the rule. To AA's credit, he looked great against the Giants, and remember that was only his second week of ever playing cornerback.
The CB roster this year is the worst in recent memory. No comparison to how it looked heading into the last few seasons.
Like I said, there's more to this than the bullshit the media is spewing. Here's a press release from Patterson: "As it relates to my whereabouts and me missing for 48 hours without being seen or heard from me or my representative is completely false. My agent reached out to the Jets organization multiple times several hours prior to Friday night's game. My commitment to the Jets organization and to my teammates has never been an issue and never will be an issue. As it relates to the rumors about my frustration in regards to the depth chart is totally and completely false. In nine years I have never had control over the depth chart."
So new news, Now being reported by DP that his reps tried to contact Jets numerous times leading up to game. Also that the reason he missed it had nothing to do with depth chart. If this can be confirmed, it completely changes the narrative from AWOL DB frustrated with situation to basic communication issues related to an unavoidable absence. To be continued!
The dude was at the walkthrough and team meal THE DAY OF THE GAME. What's this BS about his "reps" attempting to contact the team days in advance? All he had to do was talk to Rex.
Well, he is calling his GM and Coach liars so the only question now is if he will get cut in time to catch on with another team or long after all the other cuts are made.
But this would tie in with the Jets statement that he was still slated as starter on the depth chart. It doesn't say that he spoke to Rex or Idzik, only that his agent reached out to them. So, to me, it looks like Blocker was on the right lines - it is a miscommunication issue and the suspension is beginning to look like a token punishment - missing a week that he wasn't going to do much in any case. Still think the Jets' PR team did a Stephen Hill on this allowing toe-rags like Mehta to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Rex said in his Tuesday presser that he wasn't slated to start, but that he would probably have been on the field with the first team at some point. Said his injuries kept him from being up to speed with the 1s.
So his agent reached out during the pregame that DP was attending to let the jets know he wouldn't play? This is nonsensical? Why was DP communicating through his agent on Saturday and Sunday?
I think he said hours before the game, not days. Just saying. It may come out that he had a major fuck-up and he won't be on the team, but I have yet to assume that before we hear anything concrete.
You can't answer that question without knowing the details. What if he had a huge family emergency and his agent was in contact with them because Dimitri was with his family? There's a million reasons as to why his agent was in contact instead of himself.
Yep, he did and I think he also said he wanted to give AA a shot there. So I don't think it was a huge shock to Patterson that he wasn't going to start on Friday or that he could have a major gripe about it. I was referring the Jets' statement about the suspension which made a point of saying that Patterson was still slated as the starter opposite Milliner on the depth chart.
Time to cut him. He bails on his team and then calls the GM and Coach liars shortly after. Cut this guy. Who did his agent reach out to anyway. The freakin office secretary? They all have each other's numbers. Including Patterson who shoulda been a man and called Rex/Idzik personally if he was gonna bail on his team. This is all a bunch of B.S.