I see Metha the snake is stirring shit with Bell and training camp. Metha fits the “Daily Trash” image
i dont know what triggers such an action but he seemed a willing foil in the Jamal Adams stuff and i wonder if that had anything to do with it When i think of guys like Manish i'm usually saying, "Really, this is the best Daily News could get"? personally, i haven't read him in years so he certainly won't be missed.
So he’s still commenting on jets matters. So best I can tell, he can’t attend practices (games?) and conference calls. Yet, he’s still writing articles, any idea how long this will go on for?
Well he lost his Press Credentials which means he can't attend games in the press box. He also cannot attend practice as press, nor does he have press locker room access, or press conference/conference call rights. In a normal year, he could still go to training camp and stand with other fans, or attend games from the stands of course. He is not banned from covering the Jets, so unless the NY Daily News fires him, he will continue in the same role. He may be trying to appeal the decision with the NFL, I would imagine that's what he's doing right now. This is unprecedented, so it's hard to say whether the NYDN will keep him or not. I think it depends what he did to have his credentials stripped... Or whether it will ever even come out.
it's not unprecedented FYI other beat reports have lost their credentials as well. we just don't pay attention because it's not our team Ex: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.c...e-to-credential-longtime-reporter-bob-mcginn/
I doubt it’s the Wyatt thing, that was 8-9 months ago now. They woulda dropped the hammer long ago, and I’m not sure that warrants the death penalty. The Adams thing I don’t fault him, none of our beat clowns woulda turned that story down. I hope it’s something really juicy!!! And I’m assuming the previous poster is right about the appeal, because otherwise I’m sure he woulda been fired or reassigned immediately. I guess the good news, is that the appeal should be ruled on soon right? Since the regular season is less than 2 weeks away. I heard someone on the radio say it today, this is sadly the most interesting thing we have going on now. Sad day for the franchise. Although I guess the good news is that if he loses his appeal, he’s probably on our short list @ WR given how they’re dropping like flies
Sad. We really should get the story. If it was flipped and something against a player or coach or front office all the reporters would be all over it. Seems we're not getting anything from anyone. With Mannish there are so many controversial things going on who knows what it was for. 1. Was he Wyatt? 2. The Jamal story? 3. All the other litany of stories. Be nice to know why. Maybe one day.
IMHO your ONLY worry as a fan should be will they win the SB this year. Everything else is for the owners which none of us are right?
Lol. Very true. But unfortunately with the coach we have that won't be happening. So I guess I had to put my attention elsewhere. In all seriousness though. Look at Mehta's article today. It's about how the Jets didn't upgrade the facility to meet in person. He puts it on Gase as not wanting to meet in person and the owners not wanting to spend the money. I don't think he is wrong in putting it out there but way too many times it's negative and especially towards the coach and owners. Wish we could get some positive things. Crazy as it seems Bill Belichek knew something was wrong with the Johnson's 20 years ago. Good read by him and I think his read was right. Dolan takes the cake but the Wilpon's and Johnson's battle it out for 2nd and 3rd in the city. They try to top each other each week. Right now it's the Johnson's. Next week it'll be the Wilpon's when Jeff tanks the Cohen sale.