Hah well if you go by this (and give the other two Bear first-rounders the minimum first value), our #2 OA would at least be worth more - 2600 points - than three firsts from the Bears (850+590+590) and a third (175) https://www.drafttek.com/NFL-Trade-Value-Chart.asp This is also why I think there's a non-zero chance we use the pick for a trade bounty
If you told me last month that the Deshaun Watson Mega Thread would devolve into a discussion about the environmental impact of anal sex, I would probably believe you because TGG is a strange place.
I know nothing about the woman who trashed his home, and I could care less what his political rivals had to say at the time. Personally, if I had someone in my home, causing that kind of damage, man or woman,I would resort to physical means to stop them. Anyone who says they wouldn't are full of shit. As I have already stated numerous times, I will not judge Watson or the women before all the facts are known and everything plays out. In each of the 22 incidents, there are exactly 2 people who know what happened in those rooms, Watson and his accuser. I'm not going to label Watson a sex offender, or the women prostitutes to fit my agenda as so many already have. I'd the attorney a dick? Absolutely. Many are. Especially high profile , big money attorneys also involved in politics. That doesn't mean his cases are without merit or those he represents are filing false allegations.
Aaron Wilson wrote an article for The Houston Chronicle today, saying that teams are still interested in trading for Watson.
Your math is a bit off the three firsts and a third from the Bears would be worth 850 +380 + 170 +170 = 1570. a 2022 1st rounder has its value dropped one round and a 2023 1st rounder has its value dropped 2 rounds.
How much less could you care? Who said anything about political rivals claiming anything? And what "physical means" are you talking about? Pushing someone out the door or something more? Whether Buzbee is a dick is what this offshoot of the conversation was about. I think we agree on letting this thing play out but that doesn't help the NY Jets this year...just when you thought things were going to change...
I didn't see that, but thought about putting a disclaimer that I knew nothing about her and couldn't vouch for her integrity, and didn't know what her motivations were for saying that.
Yes, who would have thought back then that the accusation of felching may be the final straw that finishes Deshaun off.
Clearly precisely as good a witness as all his accusers. The credibility is beyond reproach. LaLa should not be just heard, she needs to be believed.
6 more lawsuits were filed against him this morning lol. If he really did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG, and ALL of these claims are COMPLETELY MERIT-LESS, than DeShaun Watson is the most unjustly persecuted man since Jesus, lol.
We'll see a lot of "teams are still interested" rumors over the coming weeks as Watson's reps desperately try to avoid his likely early retirement from the NFL. If the NFL can blackball Colin Kaepernick for standing up for racial justice they definitely can blackball Watson for trying to break the guaranteed contract system. The allegations of sexual abuse are a contributing factor of course.