I mean I’m not trying to get rid of free entertainment. Times are tough, we can all use a laugh. It’s honestly a work of art the way he continues to top himself. It’s the old Howard Stern conundrum from the 80s… yes I know he’s terrible but I keep listening because I can’t wait to see what he says next.
what did I say that was even that ‘hot’? I said Corey Davis is a bust. You don’t have to ask Tennessee fans to get that answer but if you did you get a “yeah he is, duh” oh I also said he’s making $13 mil this year and Mims is making $1.3. But that’s a simple fact there are some soft vagines here… (okay that one was ‘hot!’ )
I’m personally stunned that you’re leaving out the part where you said us giving Corey Davis $13 million last year would be the same as someone giving $13 million to Denzel Mims this year. You know, the actual part of your post that was a scorching hot flaming take. and the incredible irony of someone who can’t respond to a post without calling someone else soft…
Hey... it was considered "hot" by some. I wouldn't call him a "bust"... unless he has another year like '21...
My game is to try and work out who an individual poster is rowing with before clicking the show banned posts button and finding out.
I bet Corey Davis doesn't feel much like a bust when he looks at his bank account. You get a big money 2nd contract, sort of erases the bust label. Being a bust and not meeting expectations are two different things. Leonard Williams didn't meet expectations, Quinton Coples was a bust. Weak sauce too by the way. You've made some outrageous claims this thread: Comparing Mims to Keyshawn and how even Keyshawn couldn't succeed in what Mims has dealt with Saying Mims getting 13 mil a year right now is the same as signing Corey Davis last year. Similar skill levels? Why so biased? There's absolutely nothing to grasp onto that gets you remotely near that conclusion other than I like player A and hate player B. You've skirted away from these takes. I know you back peddled the Keyshawn take as some exaggerated comparison, but quite frankly I didn't buy that
All this hatred about Denzel… this is why the politics thread got shut down a year ago. Some posters can’t control themselves and use personal attacks. Grow up guys
Jack- you’re part of the problem around here and why you’ve been ignored. Back to Mims, I was always a fan of him coming out of college. Guy has all the tools to be an elite receiver in the NFL. Really hope it works out here. If not, he’d really look good in Green Bay or Even Tennessee
I'd bet 100 dollars you never saw a snap of Mims in college until he was drafted. This thread is on hold until something happens with Mims. Either trade or he produces. Not much else to be said at this point.
Agree, but you know the drill by some. Personal agendas abund to validate original premises, JD screwed up, the entire draft was a bust, yada, yada, yada, Mims sucks, Becton will never see the field again, because they absolutely knew he would get hurt on a freakish play were our own OL twisted his leg out of the place, mind you, where size size had fuck all to do with it. What ever floats their boat. Not a very good draft for sure so far but they cant afford for any of those remaining to succeed in the future for the good of the team. . God forbid, it would weaken their case. Forget whatever Mims did in pre season and training camp, lets dwell on the past, because that strengthens the point. From my perspective a damned good fourth, fifth option to have on my team BTW. Who gives two shits about the past comparisons. The fact is the WR corps went from paper thin to a damned strength. And I really hate to hear we don't need him as depth, because injuries do happen, and when they do, the same people jump all over JD for not taking more precaution as with the OL. Frankly I'm way past all that negative shit. Lets see what this season will bring.
Mims is a good potential 4th/5th option. You are right about that. The question really is will Mims actually be a good option in that role. Because everything we saw last year, when he was given limited opportunities screamed sulky, petulant child to me. And most of what has come out in the last few weeks strongly hints at the same sort of attitude this year. He's worked hard and made plays against scrubs, but he's done that because he thinks he's going to be a starter it seems to me, not because he was likely off the roster if he didn't. Now he knows he's dealing with scraps again and he's stuck in that role unless someone ponies up a 4th in a trade, what will his attitude be. Because if it isn't better than last year he's not a good 4th/5th option for anyone.
I'm back and I promise not to call anyone fuckface or suggest they suck men's dicks. I'm truly sorry.