Oh the ironing. Yeah my point is they are BOTH dirty and devious and nefarious as all hell and that's politics in the 21st century. You playing the martyr or innocent naive child excusing your side while attacking and blaming the other side is lolworthy. And pathetic. _
I replied to your post, which you have posted over and over, with information that had not been previously been posted, well Steyer had been mentioned all of one other time. So you alone have brought up the Koch Bros dozens of times and all the posters on this forum, in all its years of existence have brought up Steyer twice and you accuse me of bringing up right wing talking points? You are a joke.
I forgot that you're one of those who gets angry if people disagree with you. And I have little tolerance for people of your ilk. I should have known better. And btw the Kochs aren't a talking point. Do some research. Their power is real.
FIRST DEMOCRATIC DEBATE (from separate posts): "Listen, tell this dumb fuck to shut up - even I'm fucking sick of him…" [/quote]
This would have been a much better discussion if it addressed only the Democratic candidates and their backers and left discussion of the Republicans to that topic.
More bullshit since you have no real reply. And I don't need to do anymore research to know that you keep repeating the same thing over and over. I gave it too much credit calling it a talking point, it was merely you parroting something you heard elsewhere and you put none of you're own thought into.
I am re-posting this here because it was requested. This is a factual timeline of events that proves Hillary lied to the american people. http://www.breitbart.com/big-journa...meline-of-hillary-clintons-benghazi-cover-up/
You may not like the source, but the timeline is the timeline regardless of who reports it. The Clinton New Network would never report this.
Your preferred sources have a habit of throwing things against the wall to see if anything sticks. In order to have a lie you need at least two pieces to stick that directly contradict each other. Breitbart has failed, as have you. Where is the lie?
People in government sometimes lie as part of their job. I'm not excusing anybody for what was or was not said around Benghazi but it's naivete of the highest level to think that the President of the United States and his officers are always telling the truth and it's insanity to suggest that they always should do that. Sometimes our enemies gain an advantage from the truth in the heat of the moment. All of that said, I am all for greater transparency and accountability for the truth in government at all times. I just think that isolating Benghazi as a factor and using it to suggest that Hillary should not be President is nuts. I'm not a Hillary supporter at all but I recognize that sometimes people have to say things they know are untrue due to the pressures of the moment and the fact that it is not possible to shut the press out the way it was 75 years ago. Compare Benghazi as an example to a point in the not so recent past when the entire administration lied and manufactured evidence to embroil us in America's longest war at huge expense in every resource possible and great loss of life. It's like a drop in the bucket by comparison, but the same people who were manufacturing the Iraq lie out of whole cloth are now trying to disqualify Hillary based on Benghazi, which is about a million times less damaging to us than Iraq was/is.
If she needed to lie to protect the country, should could have simply said we didn't know the cause. Even the enemy would have known she was full of it though since they had already taken credit for the attack. The only good reason to lie the way she did was because it was bad optics for the Obama campaign which was partly running on "Al Queda is on the run". I haven't heard a reasonable explanation otherwise. The reason I brought this up was that people who I've seen back Hilary, who is a proven liar, were absolutely tearing down Carson for what may have been a stupid lie about something that wasn't nearly as important as what Hilary lied about. You're obviously right about the Iraq war being way more damaging.
http://www.nationalreview.com/campa...really-attempt-join-marines-1975-jim-geraghty Hillary obviously needs to prove this, right?
this is just another hillary scandal but it's actually a pretty interesting read. https://medium.com/@1e3d0077c3ca4df...nd-the-internet-found-out-part-1-bb7647415a71