The schools are absolutely the first to blame for the cost of tuition. The government is merely the accomplice in it, but I'm not sure what is the solution for defaulting on loans when kids and parents want to take loans out on something as intangible as an education.
Just because the bureaucrats profit doesn't absolve people from making bad decisions. Being poor doesn't mean incapable of being pragmatic. The people are making bad decisions. That is on them regardless of whether someone is profiting and luring them into those bad decisions.
I'm not sure what argument you are making and what it has to do with what I've posted, unless you are simply arguing that people are incapable of making reasonable and pragmatic decisions and are therefore always victims of anyone who profits off of them. That's a very pessimistic view of what humans are capable of and I'm curious if you view yourself as nothing more than a victim of bureaucrats as you walk through your own life the same way you reduce everyone else as poor, helpless victims not capable of making smart decisions for their own benefit. Or are you separate from everyone else?
The schools are just doing what any smart business would do, which is taking advantage of the market to maximize profits. The government is the one in the wrong here. They created a nice revenue stream for themselves off the backs the people. Almost like they created a new tax.
You know who really sucks cock? Professors writing text books and then forcing students to buy their text book and ONLY their text book for $190. And every year they add an extra chapter so the prior version is not good enough. _
True. The government, state and federal, could reduce tuition costs by requiring any public university that receives state or government funding control tuition increases much more strictly than they have.
In other news Hillary was interviewed by the FBI today. I think it goes without saying, but I'm sick of these mother fukin snakes on this mother fukin plane.
The big question is if the FBI requests another meeting with Hillary after the "voluntary" one today. The other shoe waiting to drop is if they start re-interviewing people after their interview with her. I still cannot believe that the Democrats have walked through this nomination process with the prime candidate being investigated in this type of probe. I don't think there's another political figure in the Democratic Party who would have put themselves forward this way and put the party at risk of losing an election that should be a cakewalk for them.
That's why. Nothing will come of this probe. She'll still get elected in November. The status quo will continue and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
We have an interesting week or two ahead of us. Let's see what happens. Bill getting on that plane with Lynch has made anything else the FBI chooses to do at this point a factor, including dropping the case.
Regardless of what the truth is, and few know the real truth here ... that plane rendezvous seems shady as all hell. How can you not have a nasty taste in your mouth after that? Dirty shit.
It was either a very stupid move by Bill Clinton, which would be unusual for him to put it mildly, or he and Hillary are genuinely worried about where the FBI probe is going to lead and this was a way to see Lynch without getting on a Justice Dept call log in the process. I'm not suggesting Clinton was necessarily trying to influence the decision in the latter scenario, maybe just trying to get info on where things were headed. In either case the minute he stepped onto that plane he put Hillary's candidacy at greater risk than it has been at any time since the FBI launched the probe into the e-mail server fiasco. Between her poor decision-making in setting up a private server to handle her official mail and his poor decision-making about the propriety of privately meeting the AG who will ultimately decide what to do with the probe sometime in the next few weeks, well you have to wonder why we'd put the two of them in the White House at this point.
Smart move by Bill. No risk, high reward. Risk? pffft...... story blows over in 3 days and life goes on for the AG whom Bill's gotten the 411 from (who's not much more than a political firewall nowadays).
It was a horribly risky move by Bill in my opinion. The news cycles were all about Trump this and Trump that and none of it good and then Bill sticks his hand up and says "LOOK AT ME!" That can't be good for Hillary.
I looked at like 3 of them yesterday and fell asleep. Is there an executive summary on this one? Where's the beef?