Nice hit DownAndOut, scoreboard is updated.
Shandling was all over the news but didn't even hear about Ken Howard till now. The White Shadow wasn't a great show but for that time period I guess it was considered ground breaking. Being about 14 at the time something like that wouldn't register with me but I still watched every week, Mondays I believe.
It's a conspiracy, someone is taking out all current and former heads of the SAG. Patty Duke, actress and president of the SAG 1985-1988, dead from sepsis at 69 years old.
Dam... the guy who beat the crap out of Subway Jared told the prison he was going to continue to beta him until he died so they moved him. That's like my starting QB getting injured in the 1st quarter of the season coming off a 19-1* season.
And that was probably your only shot, the prison he is in is relatively safe. Forbes ranked it as one of the best places to do time if that gives you an indication of how it is.
Yeah, he's marked though. All I need is some rogue to bash his skull in with a mop handle. I can hope, a sick bastard would be off the street and I'd get points