David Harris signs with Pats

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by FrontOfficeFanatic, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Execs? No. The Restaurant? Yes.

  2. Countsnake

    Countsnake Member

    Feb 7, 2017
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    Well I guess you told me! You really put me into my place, and opened my eyes, i see things in a whole new light. Ok I'm done..
    But I noticed you never responded to my accusations of the Jets cheating past. It's ok don't bother, like I said in previous post nobody cares. We can discuss in another forum t another of time. If any of you have the balls. This post is about Harris. Should be fun watching this slow aging LB fade into the sunset in A Pats uniform. Pats fan will take your sloppy seconds, look what Revis gave us before we sent him back to you. Of course he came back to you in the midst of a rules violation,(free agent tampering) but I know you guys don't think that's a big deal. Not as huge as letting out .002PSI out of footballs.
  3. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    All good points, however I was referring more to a 'festering' locker room. There were hard feelings between Geno and Ike for months, ever since Geno stiffed Ike's charity event. Maybe nothing could have been done, but even afterwards we never saw Harris. Other's were picking sides but Harris was no where to be found.
  4. TonyFtLaud

    TonyFtLaud Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    There were 5 other teams besides the Patriots and Jets who were interested in Harris so obviously there were plenty of OCs/ coaches in agreement.
    I don't expect him to be a 3 down player, he won't play anywhere near the snap count he played with the Jets. If as I said before he makes the roster , he will be a situational player and depth. He makes sense for the Patriots. No guaranteed money this year, no risk , a great player against the run, sure tackle , low salary. NE will get whatever they can out of him.
  5. Ohnoit'sGeno

    Ohnoit'sGeno Active Member

    Jun 1, 2014
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    That's all speculation that five teams were supposedly interesting in David Harris. ( this information according to his agent). The Patriots were his first team he met with.( signed with them). That could be accurate, but we will never know.

    I have no problem with your position now,( if you said this early than we aren't debating. as good a coach Bellichick is , he can't make David Harris better in coverage.( this weakness the top contenders will exploit.). Brandon Spikes is excellent two down lb, but I don't see any team beating down his door. The NFL is a passing league now. why you see the trend toward more smaller Lb's who offer better coverage, . . ( those one dimensional run defenders are a dying breed,
    #165 Ohnoit'sGeno, Jun 25, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
  6. Where were the sanctions or the pattern of systemic behavior?Ya know..Ted Johnson quotes,Stolden practice footage,alleged wire tappings,Major sanctions, & hell PERJURY & the destruction of evidence when investigated?!

    There is none. An isolated incident is just that;An isolated incident."Tripgate" was the lone example & was the actions of one individual who was terminated soon after.And unlike the REAL cheaters the jets apologized & showed accountability.None of this nonsensical patrionizing pigheaded arrogance w zero respect for the game.

    Deflection.One of the many pitiful defense mechanisms of a self rationalizing patriot homer.You can fling around all the insults you want..what are you gonna do next?Post the link to that asannine "yourteamcheats" web site or make another "Patriots are better" joke?Please.

    When the jets finally win we fans will have no regrets.No self doubt.No looking over our proverbial shoulders for the next media story citing wire tapping,espionage or god forbid Equipment tampering.No asterisks.Thats all YOUR territory.And that's the court of PUBLIC opinion.All the rationalization & MIT studies in the world can't acquit this fact.

    You already have your silly deflection argument in place..memorize it word for word..30 years from now when this run is a distant memory you'll still need to keep your contentions fresh cause as big of a star as your "rings" project..the taint shines even brighter

    You guys got your infamy.Chicago Black Sox.SMU football."The Patriot Way"
    #166 KurtTheJetsFan, Jun 25, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2017
  7. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    GTFOH ! Sorry I had to say that. So the Restaurant, is that like a web TV show? Wow your making me feel really old. So this explains why all the millennials don't watch TV anymore! Maybe my Cable TV rates will start coming down because of the millennials.
  8. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    As a Pats fan I can tell you this, you are wasting your time trying to get a Pats hating Jets fan to realize that the cheating theory for the Pats success is delusional. They are either jealous and trying to piss you off or they are simply delusional.

    I just happen to visit this board because I am also a closet Jets fan who comes here to discuss specific Jets topics. You see years ago Jets and Pats fans actually use to like each other, but I guess this is not true anymore.

    The Jets have not won the big one since 1969 and if they could just win one for Namath before he goes is that so unreasonable? Enjoy the Patriots success because it will not last forever. Be humble and try to realize grasshopper that the Pats have ruined the dreams of many of a football fan.

    Perhaps some of the folks here on this board are not so nice sometimes to us Pats fans, but give them credit for being real Jets fans. They are not like the many Johnny Come lately fans of the Pats who have drove ticket prices so high and get upset if you stand up to clap!

    My question to you is this "Will you still be a Pats fan if they stop winning?".
  9. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    I'll try to hold off my response to your 1st paragraph. Although something along the lines of "Yeah, the whole NFL is delusional, only NE area is rational" is really itching out.

    What I'm really curious about is the latter part.
    Are you posting this question here because you know that pats forum will immediately ban you for even suggesting that something is not entirely perfect in the pats world?
  10. Joey Jett

    Joey Jett Member

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Your team sucked for 40 years, lucked into an all-time HOF QB, and now you're here talking smack. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost. Please find your nearest tall building and take a walk off the roof.
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.
  11. de·lu·sion·al
    1. characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
      "hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia"
      • based on or having faulty judgment; mistaken.
        "their delusional belief in the project's merits never wavers





    -Robert Kraft infamous "cheating helped us win 1%" Quote

    -Ted Johnson Acquisations..

    Depending on whether Patriot fans believe these articles & sanctions are tangible or in fact Ferry dust...Yeah...SOMEONE definitely fits the definition of delusional...
    dcinct likes this.
  12. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    My question was simply to see if he was a real loyal Pats fan.

    I'm not here to debate whether the Patriots are cheaters or not. I realize its a futile debate here and I am not dumb enough to think I can convert any of you. I come here to discuss Jets issues and I usually mention the Patriots as nothing more than as an example franchise for the Jets to go by for success. But no matter how I try, there is always someone on this board who wants to pick a fight with me.

    You folks are not the only delusional ones. For example, there are many of a Boston Celtics fans who think the NBA is rigged for LeBron James. Does LeBron get some favorite calls from the refs? Yes he does. However, the reality is that he is the best basketball player in the world just as the Pats are the best NFL team. Now that I think about it, the whole country is delusional, how else can you explain the past Presidential election? We couldn't have any better candidates then Trump & Clinton? Oops, sorry I forgot this is a football forum.

    As to your question, how can the Pats forum ban me? After all I am Patriot!
  13. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Good answer :)
    Appreciate the honesty, thank you.
  14. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Good answer? After millions in fines and lost 1st round picks he is still denying that the P*ts cheated. In this current post he beats around the bush on it a little more but it is still there.
  15. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    This was as good answer as you could reasonably expect from a pats fan.
    You won't make him admit the magnitude of impact that cheating had over the last 15 years. At least he doesn't try to push "we are clean, you all just hate us" bs on everyone around him. This is as close to intellectual honesty you can hope for coming from NE.
    So ... yeah, good answer.
    The Waterboy likes this.
  16. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Fuck the Patriots.
  17. You mean CHEAT not cheated in past tense.The peril timeline has never ceased.They don't deserve the benefit of the doubt that they've changed their ways. Neither do their fans.
    #177 KurtTheJetsFan, Jul 13, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2017
    dcinct likes this.
  18. New England Patriots

    New England Patriots Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    felker and Woodhead like this.
  19. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    when did they reach out to you?
    Jets_Grinch likes this.
  20. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I wish Harris nothing but misery and woe now.
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.

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