Dan Marino: "Proven" Mark Sanchez will remain the Jets' starter

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by VanderbiltJets, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Well the only reason arguments can't reach resolution is because one party goes in with an inflexible and closed mind.

    If that has been your experience on message boards then the common thread might be you.
  2. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Do u really think a run first QB can win in the NFL on a reg.? If Tebow and that a big if can become a Hell of a lot better passer the he could but I just don't see it like the other 32 teams don't.
    #162 #1 Jets Fan, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2012
  3. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    TC is a private school that wanted to run the ball not throw it. Would you want Tebow playing QB if all you did was hand it off. He transferred or moved to the Nease school district which ran a more pass oriented offense.

    A little different than Tebow was not good enough to play QB in HS according to the TC coach.
  4. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    They wanted to run the ball . . . . . . so they didn't want Tebow at quarterback? That makes no sense.

    Seriously, they weren't going to let him play quarterback.
  5. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Dude, you really don't know what you are talking about. Seriously. It's laughable.

    yes, there are quite a few QBs in the NFL that are indeed "sight throwers" in that they rarely throw to "spots" as you are talking about. What they do is see the matchup their receiver has, or see that their receiver has a step or two on the defender, then they lead them with the throw.

    You are also wrong when you say that receivers very rarely get "wide open" in the NFL. It happens every week in every game. Not on every play, to be sure, but it happens lots of times per game.

    As for Tebow changing his motion, this will be his third season, so you are wrong to say that he has been in the league for 3 years, as it's only been 2.

    Additionally, his first year, he was the third string QB and was out throwing with the practice squad guys. He never had OTAs as a starter, never went through camp as a starter, never got the starter reps.

    To date, he has had 16 starts in his career iirc, and that includes his 2 playoff starts. Those happened after he came off the bench and took over the starter position. Guess what the offense worked on during the weeks when he was a starter ? Yep, offensive game plan for the upcoming week, not QB fundamentals.

    As I pointed out in one of the threads around here, Aaron Rodgers is probably the best QB in the NFL right now. Guess what ? He sat on the bench as the backup QB (understandbly behind Favre) and his first 2 years in the NFL, he was TERRIBLE as a backup. His own coaches thought about trading or releasing him. It wasn't until his third year of OTAs and Training Camp that he improved and the coaching staff began to have faith in him.

    And this is a guy that was drafted to be the 2nd string, backup QB right from the start. he wasn't a 3-4 year developmental project like Tebow was seen as.

    So forgive me for thinking that if it took Aaron Rodgers 2-3 years to develop into being a great QB, for a team that actually worked on his development; that Tim Tebow might just become a pretty good passer as well if given time to develop and a supportive coaching staff.
  6. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    whatever I think or you think is irrelevant at this point. This is what happened already:

    Tebow is 9-7 as a starting QB in the NFL with a dramatic playoff win and 6 comeback from behind victories on a team that traded their #1 receiver when they named him starter . He did not even have OTAs last year and had hardly ever taken snaps with the first team even before his 1-4 start...with incidentally ...was with the worst team in the NFL at the time.
  7. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    Do you guys get some sort of talking points email I am unaware of?

    Seriously, like a broken record.
  8. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    The only thing relevant is wins losses and SB rings. So far he is 2 games over .500 with no SB rings. The low completion percentage, comeback wins, etc etc etc... mean nothing. Its either a reason or an excuse.
  9. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Ur right what we both think doesn't mean shit but I see all 32 GM's in the NFL see it the way I do. He had 3 teams who wanted to trade for him. Jags,Packers and Jets. We both know he would had never been a starter in Green Bay. Jags maybe he could. As for the Jets I would have to say no.
  10. Burnz

    Burnz Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    God I still can't stand that we got teebow... lol
  11. Jim-Jet

    Jim-Jet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Thanks - I needed a laugh this morning. I am glad someone around here is in tune with the 32 GM's in the NFL and what they are thinking.
  12. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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  13. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    rofl. this is bs
  14. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    What the point in even talking to u Tebow nuts. No matter what is said u won't believe it. All I know only a few GM's wanted to trade for him and none of them wanted him as a starter.
  15. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Fact not speculation:

    Tebow was 9-7 as a starting QB in the NFL with a dramatic playoff win and 6 comeback from behind victories on a team that traded their #1 receiver when they named him starter . He did not even have OTAs last year and had hardly ever taken snaps with the first team even before his 1-4 start...with incidentally ...was with the worst team in the NFL at the time.
  16. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Fact..... Tebow is a backup. Enuff said.
  17. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Fact Rex Grossman brought a team to the superbowl

    Fact Trent Dilfer won a superbowl

    Fact Vince Young did miraculous things with the Titans

    Bad QBs do great things all the time.

    Im not suggesting Tebow's legacy is written, I think he could certainly become a great QB, or remain a heaping pile of trash.

    But to sit there and talk about his come from behind wins and decent record means crap.

    Ill let you in on a secret, Mark Sanchez led the nfl in comeback behind wins for a while, and still is up there.

    The biggest reason in my opinion why both Sanchez and Tebow are high on that list ? Because both teams had limp dick offenses that couldnt get the job done, but their defenses kept them in the game, then the offense finally scores in the end.

    IMO most qbs who have lots of come from behind wins/4th quarter wins fall into 2 categories.

    Elite QBs who have dogshit defenses, who just spend the entire game winging TDs down the field, then simply get a come from behind win because their defense blew a lead and they were lucky enough to have the last possesion (think Pats, Colts, Packers)

    Then you got the Sanchez's and Tebows whose offenses were just awful, so they hung around vs terrible teams, then eventually punched it in the end.

    And CMONN theres no way you watched that Tebow/Steelers game and thought wow hes great ! Anyone could see that game pretty much came down to the Steelers defense being completely retarded, and the Rapist being crippled
  18. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Umm, no, it isn't. :)
  19. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    That is true, and so is what I said (no matter how much that bothers you) . Now enough was said.
  20. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    edit double post*****
    #180 CowboysFan, Jun 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2012

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