Damon Harrison's value

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by rsmehta, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. heartpumpsgreen

    heartpumpsgreen Active Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I don't agree ... I think the best plan is to trade MoWilk for a 1st rounder as well as a 4th or 5th. I think Leonard Williams is a better talent than Mo and in 2-3 years that will show. I think Mo has reached his ceiling. Which is not a diss. He maxes out at 10-13 sacks is a solidly consistent pass rusher NOT ELITE. He is also stout against the run.

    I'd keep him but NOT when we have Sheldon and L WILLIAMS already in the mix. Mo will fetch (deservedly) 13-16 mill a year over 4-5 years he deserves his massive contract. Trade him out of division, out of conf if possible then load yourself with 2 1st round picks! In a deep draft.

    As for Snacks .... keep him at a reasonable price .... someone kind of did make a good point these NTs have been interchangeably solid for us since we have been running a 3-4. Maybe Deon Barnes could step in and play ball saving us even more money to address other needs of which there are many.

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  2. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    I'd prefer to spread that cash on a right or left tackle and an edge defender. RB that can contribute can come in the draft. Mo has leadership but there's no way he's the only leader in the locker room. New leaders have to emerge.
    James Hasty likes this.
  3. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    So when Richardson gets suspended for half a season or more due to his drag racing incident in which he was high, had a kid in the car, ran from the police, and tried to pull a gun on a cop, how well do you think our defense will perform when it's Williams who still needs work on technique and Snacks?
  4. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Through the draft and cap increase spending money on a tackle has no reflection on the Wilkerson contract. Why should it? UNLESS he demands Suh money which we have 0 proof off.

    Lineman that can rush the passer and stop the run, those don't grow in trees.

    Imagine the Bills cutting Mario Williams and spend all that cash on Mo instead. Its setting itself up for that scenario. Jets at the end won't get the value they want for Mo and either take a bad trade or they just let him go. We traded Revis for Richardson at 13. That's a tough gamble.

    Then you have to think about replacing 13 sacks a year, cause Richardson might be suspended. This game is Chess not Checkers.
  5. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Well you bring up a good point..

    Maybe we convince Rex to trade the house for Mo....

    Seantrel Henderson, Karlos Williams and a couple draft picks, eh? Maybe toss Mario Williams in there for good measure.
  6. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    How about imagining the Bills cutting Mario Williams and spent all that cash on a solid tackle. That will hurt extra hard when we spend next season watching this offense sputter because both tackles are terrible. Jets need to focus on making moves to strengthen their weaknesses. You say this is Chess but the Jets are fielding too many pawns on this chess board.

    My guess is that Big Mo gets about $13M a year while Snacks gets about $5M a year. If those numbers are close, then choosing Snacks gives this team about $8M more for free agency. That can really help shore up one of the OT spots or perhaps finally obtaining some speed on the edge. Then Big Mac can draft BPA & not be forced to close big holes on this roster with his draft picks. Also gives Jets a chance to sign some lower priced players that don't suck horribly on special teams.

    If you feel that Mo needs to be kept because Sheldon is too unstable, then would you consider resigning Mo Wilkerson & shopping Sheldon around for a starting RT or LT that still has some years left on rookie contract? This team really needs some quality starters before their big contract kicks in.
    #46 ajax, Jan 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
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  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    The Jets are in a tough spot regarding Mo and the DL. As several have pointed out, it could be a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If they trade Mo and Sheldon gets suspended for his actions this past offseason, they're screwed. If they keep Mo, then they probably won't be able to afford Snacks. I think Richardson comes due next season. I don't think they can afford to pay Mo $15 million per year. They would have too much money tied up in the DL. I see no way that they can keep Mo, Sheldon, Snacks and Williams. Getting value for Mo is a big question, but with the two incidents this past off season, a bigger question might be whether can they get anything even remotely approaching value for Sheldon? They might have to trade Mo simply because they can get closer to value for him since he had such a great season and no character concerns.

    I don't envy the decisions that Mac and Bowles have to make. No less than 23 members (almost half of the roster) are FAs. (Following is the list.)

    Ryan Fitzpatrick
    Mo Wilkerson
    Calvin Pace
    Damon Harrison
    Bilal Powell
    Chris Ivory
    Jaiquawn Jarrett
    Stevan Ridley
    Leger Douzable
    Darrin Walls
    Stephen Bowen
    Willie Colon
    Kellen Davis

    Jamari Lattimore
    Ben Ijalana
    Antonio Allen
    Erin Henderson
    Demario Davis
    Chris Owusu
    Randy Bullock

    Kenbrell Thompkins
    Zach Sudfeld
    Ryan Quigley

    On offense, that's the starting QB, ALL 3 RBS, the starting RG, the backup LT, 2 backup TEs and 2 backup WRs.

    On defense, it's a starting DE, the starting NT (2/3 of the DL starters), a key backup DL and another backup DL, a starting OLB, a starting ILB, the top two backup ILBs, a backup CB and 2 backup safeties.

    On STs, our punter and the replacement kicker

    Someone posted earlier today that they will probably only have around $20 million in cap space. If that figure is correct, it is problematic. Figure Fitz will cost at least $6 million per to re-sign, rookie draft picks around $9-$10 million, and Mo around $15-$16 million per, so they're already in the hole $10 million. Even if they are able to significantly reduce Brick's cap hit by $5 million or so a year (which I doubt), and cut Cumberland ($1.9 million), Cro ($8 million), that still will only give them an additional $15 million with which to work. That would give them only $5 million to replace 21 starters and top backups (not counting Quigley or Bullock). They could cut Giacomini and save $3.875 million and Kerley and save $1.3 million, but then they'd have to find a replacement starter at RT, and cutting those two would only give them another $5 million with which to work. Zac Stacy is likely a goner, but that will only save them $675k. If they release Bohannon and go without a FB, that would save another $675k. Cutting Josh Martin ($675k), Dion Bailey ($525k) and Ronald Martin ($525k), but that would only give them another $1.725 million with which to work.

    Losing Quigley is a positive, but they will still have to add another vet punter unless they draft a punter or go with a rookie UDFA. Similarly, Folk should be back, so Bullock will be gone. Stephen Bowen didn't contribute that much so losing him is no big deal. Walls didn't play very well this season, so it will be no big deal if he's not re-signed. Owusu should retire, they may be forced to not re-sign Pace and Colon, choose between Powell and Ivory. Many of us want Demario Davis gone, and even though the team may want to bring him back, they may well be forced to let him walk. I've put possible players to not re-sign in red, but even if none of them are re-signed, that still leaves them with 13 players to re-sign, and then they'd still have to replace most of those other players with rookies, UDFAs or FAs.

    I'm no cap guru, and it makes my head hurt just thinking about it, but at this point, I don't see any way that Mo can be re-signed, I don't care how creative Mac is with the contract.
    LIJetsFan likes this.
  8. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Well that's just nitpicking isn't it?
  9. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Then we could sign Mario Williams and get the pass rusher we need so badly.
  10. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Mo WILL be franchised or resigned, talent that young 26, never leaves that early. Suh was 28 when he left we have alot of shit to do this offseason but u dont let Mo go thats for damn sure. Harrison as much as I love him is somewhat replaceable. Heck we can bring back Kenrick Ellis on the cheap, he played great for us.
  11. Jedabe

    Jedabe Active Member

    Dec 3, 2009
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    I was saying Sheldon had greater potential then Mo- not snacks that's crazy
  12. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Sorry, my bad. I misread what you meant.
  13. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    How will Mo be franchised or re-signed? I don't see any possible way they can pay him the $15-$16 million per year he's likely asking, not with Fitz needing to be re-signed and possibly 7-15 other starters and key backups. In addition, to gain extra cap space, the Jets will have to release additional starters and backups. If they re-sign Mo, then between 1/3 and 1/2 of the roster may have to be UDFAs and dirt cheap street FAs. No player is worth that imo.

    IMO the following players need to be re-signed: Ryan Fitzpatrick, Bilal Powell, Erin Henderson, Jamari Lattimore, Antonio Allen, Leger Douzable, and maybe Jaiquawn Jarrett and Kenbrell Thompkins. If the following players are not re-signed (and I'm not saying they should be), then replacements must be signed or drafted: Calvin Pace, Chris Ivory, Stevan Ridley, Ben Ijalana, and Ryan Quigley. In terms of players at the same position (but not playing ability) the Jets could conceivably replace one or more of the following player with players from the PS or players who were on IR this year: Snacks with Deon Simon, Colon with Harrison from the PS, Demario Davis with Taiwan Jones, and Kellen Davis with Zach Sudfeld.

    I love Mo. He's one of the few players over the last 10 years that I wanted the Jets to draft and they actually did. He's been everything I thought and more, and it grieves me greatly, but I just can't see any way that they can realistically bring him back without severely damaging the rest of the team. If Mac can figure out a way to bring Mo back, sign most of our FAs, and the draft picks, he ought to get GM of the decade.

    I think it's entirely possible that Snacks won't be back, either, especially if he's gonna want $4-$5 million per year or more. They're supposedly very high on Deon Simon. If they're correct, Richardson, Williams and Simon would still give them a very good DL.
    LIJetsFan likes this.
  14. Jets4eva9011

    Jets4eva9011 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    I think one of Mo or Snacks will go.

    If they really are high on Simon, then Snacks will be a cap casualty. Plus, he's the most expendable of the group.
  15. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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  16. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I think 13m a year is fair compensation for Mo. I hope he takes somewhere around 11M a year, a deal similar to Cameron Jordan from the Saints. That sort of cash is either going to him or Sheldon anyway. I think Mo is the superior player, he's a complete match-up nightmare. I would actually trade Sheldon if anything for a player like Joe Thomas (LT from the Browns).

    It will be interesting to see how much cash Snacks asks for. The roster does need to be upgraded no doubt about it. Tackle, guard, linebacker, WR, heck I even add CB to that list.
  17. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Exactly what i've been saying. Can't pay Snacks a lot of dough just to stand on the sideline for 65% of the snaps. Yeah he clogs up the middle cool.. then he stands on the sideline after we've completely taken the run away and our opponent begins to pass heavy. Yeah he plays part in taking the run away but with our depth i'm sure we'd be fine with an average joe right there.. or even throw sheldon or Mo in the middle on obvious run downs and have Leonard williams opposite of whoever isn't in the middle. We're without snacks. Love him to death, easily one of my favorite jets.. but we can make do without.
  18. LIJetsFan

    LIJetsFan Active Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    This is the most accurate assessment of our situation at this point in time. Well said NCJ except for the part about losing Snacks.
  19. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    True, but if you can't stop the run, you'll never find out.

    Passing league or not, ALL teams try running the ball on early downs, setting up 3rd and short, which opens up the play book. Teams like the Jets who can stop the run and force 3rd and long all day tend to win a lot of games. So yes, Snacks is brought in on early downs to snuff the run, then replaced with a pass rusher on 3rd and long.
    ajax and LIJetsFan like this.
  20. Jetsfansince95

    Jetsfansince95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Sadly we give up so many 1st downs on 3rd and long compliments of our slow linebackers ...
    Footballgod214 likes this.

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