TheJetsStream Manish Mehta Source told me this last night re: Aaron Maybin: “Maybin is a luxury. We’ll keep him if no one better shows.” #Jets found 4 better 2day #nyj Guess that makes sense.
Chris Gronkowski is now a Colt....I guess that means the Colts/Pats will be unstoppable for the next 10 years again.
Release the Maybin! Good, damn awesome! So far everyone I wanted gone is gone. Bearning flat out outplayed the chump. Bring back Berning. MTV gone, wow! So far so good Tanny! More moves to come...
MardyGilyard Mardy Gilyard We back n green n white baybeee!!! Ugh!!! 3 hours ago MardyGilyard Mardy Gilyard Jets jets jets!!!! Leggo!!!!! 3 hours ago MardyGilyard Mardy Gilyard @ @Bgibson04 Naaa brenden we wit the jets na baybe 3 hours ago The new David Clowney of twitter for the Jets? I still remember that finger wag he made when news came out that Brian Kelly left for Notre Dame....
95% on who makes the team! Every ones here on the 53 except MTV and Berning that I wanted to be here to make the team. I watched film and saw something awesome in the players that made the team. Maybin missed way too many sure tackles to make REXs team. I'm loving it. All the projects gone, BLAM! Nice job Tanny, nice indeed. Who knows, maybe MTV and Berning will be Jets before it's over. More moves to come...