Also pleasing that Cro didn't commit any Passing interference penalties and could have had one or two go against Moss.
Cro was the man. hands down. he rarely had safety help most of the game. The TD was a perfect pass by the old cock photographer
Cromartie was great and I hope our second best CB, Coleman, didn't get hurt bad enough to keep him out of the Denver game. We will need him. The only thing I remember about Revis was giving up on a TD play.
Coleman hurt really had me worried. Revis still trying to recover & Coleman out .... not good walking into game with such a lethal passing attack w/ only 6 days to prep.
Cromartie looked so much better last night than in previous games. Even the TD he gave up was good coverage, just a perfect pass. I think he's a perfect matchup for a tall WR like Moss. On the smaller, faster WRs, not so much.
It's great that Cro can match up with Moss but we won't play Moss again this year unless both teams make it to Dallas. I'm hoping he continues to play well against the smaller shifty wr's that don't just run one route.
I noticed the comment about the push to cromaties hip on the TD toss. Pretty much every reception the vikings had last night other then the 2 Harvin TD's the WR pushed off. The more I watch our CB's covering WR's the more amazed I am that they stop anything. It seems to me that the other teams offense's get away with murder. Oh and I hate Ron Jawroski or however you spell his name.
I knew Cro was going to really shine last night, and we'd be saying Revis who?
The fact of the matter is, Revis isn't 100% and I think this is something he's going to be battling all season.
Cromartie's been really good in the scheme the Jets run. He's a big physical guy (in coverage) with excellent leaping ability and he really did do a wonderful job on Moss. The TD was literally an impossible pass to defend. The only way Moss doesn't score on the play is if Cromartie interferes with him because he just doesn't drop perfectly thrown balls. The Jets could trade Revis tomorrow and still go 12-4 if the offense was up to the task. If the offense is not up to the task they're probably capped at 10 wins.