Criticize Chad today???

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by John127, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Whatever with ALL you dark siders and Chad haters and Mangini bashers. Get a grip, take a deep breath, and realize that if your a real Jet fan, you are LOVING this season. It was POORING out. It was coming down extra hard all game. At that point making plays has more to do with luck in some moments. But we played through it all. I havent doubted Chad all season. Check all my posts. Once Mangini crowned Chad the starter, I knew Chad would give us the best chance to win. He won the open compitition to get his job back. They deserve this win and anyone who tries to take the joy out of this win, well, you can take your atititude in one hand and CRAP in the other.

    Last night was the best Christmas gift I have gotten in a long time. THANK YOU NEW YORK JETS!
    #21 fake_crs, Dec 26, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  2. slink88

    slink88 New Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    fake_crs- Glad to see that some people "get it"!!! lol
  3. BigGreenUgly

    BigGreenUgly Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    I have have to agree with this statement. You also left out the wounded duck he threw that should have been picked up the right sideline.

    I am happy with this win. I like Chad as a person, but I found myself getting more and more pissed at the fact that his arm just limits the Jets options in the passing game. It's almost embarrassing to watch him throw a pass. The MNF crew beat that point up pretty good in the game.

    He is smart, but does throw the occasional dumb pass.
  4. Don G

    Don G New Member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Hey realize you're criticizing Chad based on an IF statement. I could care less what the "experts" say. None of us (me included) believed the Jets and Chad would do anything this year with the shoulder injury, martin missing, new coach, etc yet we're playing for a wild card in a tough conference. I'm not living in a fantasy world. I'm enjoying the ride that we are having from the Jets and look forward to the bright future this team has. Don't tell me to get a clue when you're clearly the one with no idea what you're talking about.
  5. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Some of you people bashing the "bashers" should really step away from the leftover Kool-Aid. It's stale by now.

    No one has said Chad shouldn't be the QB right now. No one is implying he doesn't give us the best chance to win right now. What people are saying, is that his physical skills are deteriorating. If you can't accept it, simply because you believe it to be darksider thinking, you are far from being a realistic fan.

    I want the best players on the field for us every game. At QB, right now, Chad is the best we have. Is Clemens the answer? I don't know. I also don't want to know until next year.

    However, in the meantime, I want Chad to figure out how to throw a hard pass to a guy who is only 5-10 yards away. I also want that pass to be at a height where the receiver does NOT need to leave his feet.

    To the people who say "oh well, it happens" you are absolutely right. It happens EVERY WEEK. How many times has Coles been absolutely blasted blindly while trying to pull a Chad pass out of the air? Far too many.

    At what point are you going to say enough is enough? When Coles can't leave the field unless it's in a stretcher? Sorry, but given the choice between Coles and Chad, I take Coles, hands down, EVERY time.
  6. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    The MNF crew choked on their words. They hate the Jets no matter who is behind center. I was in heaven after the MNF crew were left with their **** in their hands and Chad was pumping his fist once again.

    I actually love it when teams and other supposed football analysts squak about chad not being able to stretch the field and not being a deep threat. I just have to look at early games this season and then the 32 yard slingshot to Cotchery last night and laugh my arse off. It works in our favor when teams over look Chad accuracy. Because there can always be at least one or two plays where he "surprises" the oposition and everyone who is talking crap about his arm and its almost a guarantied nice huge chunk of yardage:)

    Keep talking, and Chad will keep fooling you:p Say what ever you want people. Its all good. In the end, it actually give us an edge. I actually have no daubts about Chads ability to throw the ball down the field. Call me crazy, call me what you will. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist" (Verbal Kint, the Usual Suspects)
    #26 fake_crs, Dec 26, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  7. slink88

    slink88 New Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    I agree Don G..."If's" are stupid to contemplate...

    "If Cotchery scores a TD instead of getting tackled at the one, the Jets get 4 more points and Chad has 2 TD passes..."

    "If Graham gets the hold down in the first half, the Jets get 3 more points"

    "If Cotchery holds onto a throw on 3rd down near the Dolphins 35, the Jets keep a drive going and perhaps get another score..."

    "If's" don't mean anything....

    If you are a "darksider" the "if's" can always point to loss and if you are a "green glasses" fan you can look at "if's" to mean the Jets should've won by more....It's pointless. The game is what happened not what might have happened.
  8. John127

    John127 New Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    Do you watch any other NFL games? I'm not being sarcastic, or trying to be a jerk, I'm serious. No NFL QB is perfect. Chad has certain skills others don't and other QBs have the arm Chad dreams he had, but very few are complete QBs and none are expected to have perfect games.

    I'll say "enough is enough" when he stops WINNING games at QB!
    Should be 3 wins in a row to close the season heading into the playoffs (after 2 shoulder surgeries) this time next week, or have you not noticed that?

    By the way, he certainly hung Leon out to dry in the flat, but the Coles play was just a great hit, not so much a floating pass (I'd have to see it again, but I don't remember the pass hanging or thrown ridiculously high - I could be wrong though).
    #28 John127, Dec 26, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  9. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Yes, I watch other NFL games. I'm not talking perfection here. I'm talking AVERAGE, which Chad isn't even doing.

    I'm not asking for perfection, I'm saying he needs to keep passes at 6' or lower within 10-15 yards. That's not asking a lot from a NFL QB.

    If we're talking brains, I've already credited Chad with being arguably the most intelligent QB in the league. I'm not going to spout over it any further.

    The fact is, his arm is getting guys laid out.

    He left Leon out to dry, and his clock was cleaned.

    If you don't know that Coles was hit with his feet still not touching the ground, you have no right to ask me if I watch NFL games. Yes, that pass was high, just like MOST of Chad's passes.

    I'm well aware that we are going to the playoffs (I am fully confident we will beat the Raiders.) I am willing to give Chad a lot of credit for leading us there.

    I am NOT willing to watch Chad get guys like Coles and Leon hurt. It's not even a problem that can't be fixed. It's all poor mechanics. Chad had an arm early in the year. Not to throw 50 yards, but he could throw darts within 20.

    After Jacksonville, his confidence went down the shitter. Ever since then, every week, he floats just a little more. He throws a little more off his back foot. He throws a little more with his weak arm.

    If you're willing to trade away the future of this team in guys like Coles and Washington, simply out of some sense of duty to Chad, then I can't have a serious conversation with you.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    My biggest problem with Chad is that I often find myself wondering what his compsure is going to be. Put the arm thing aside... the soft balls that float, even the 10-yarders. The thing that most concerns me is (and it was happening again last night as I'm watching him warm up), is he all nervous or is he relaxed enough to complete even these weak throws with accuracy.

    Superior mental and leadership qualities aside, his biggest physical attribute is his accuracy... always has been. But even that goes to hell in a handbasket when he's rushed. Even when he does have the time to dump off the ball to somebody, the slightest bit of pressure causes him to throw erradically (shoelaces one pass, followed by 12' in the air on the next).

    As I watched him last night, right before the game, he had that scared look on his face again and nervously chewed the gum. I even pointed this out to my wife, who said I was overly concerned, and that to her he looked "concentrated" and "determined." Perhaps this is so, but to me he appeared nervous as hell, which almost always accounts for us getting off to a slow start (repeated 3 and outs). Sure enough, in the first several series, we went 3 and out. He finally settled down and out together that drive that resulted in 0 points after the mishandle by Graham on the FG, but at least we got that going and it made me feel better. It also looked to me that it helped Chad's compsure too and gave him some degree of confidence, because he executed better after that drive and throughout the game.

    But this is always my chief concern... the deer-in-the-headlights look that almost always results in the DEF picking up on it and ratcheting the pressure up even more, which then commences the Chinese Firedrill Act and is sometimes even follwed by Three Stooges Mode, which you definitely do not want to see.

    I love Chas for everything else he brings to the team. I just wish things were different for him in terms of confidence. Perhaps when we get a decent running game put together, he won't feel all the pressure he feels and puts on himself and perhaps that will help him. He'll have to compete next year for the starting job and he just may get it if our running attack improves dramatically.
  11. Joe W. Namath

    Joe W. Namath New Member

    Jul 14, 2006
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    Anyone who is questioning Chad's performance was obviously not at the game last night. I was there and it was a complete mess. No quarterback, favre, elway, marino etc would have been successful in that mess. It was coming down in buckets.

    The rain finally let up in the 4th quarter and that is why Chad was able to start hitting his targets again.

    And if anyone watches the Bengals, Carson (Big Arm) Palmer has has each one of his receivers, Johnson, Housh and Henry, laid out big time this year. Chad's arm strength has nothing to do with his receivers getting hit. All receivers get whalloped its part of the game.

    Chad was awesome last night. He drove us down the field, converted multiple 3rd downs, just when we needed it.
    You Chad haters suck and should stop watching games. the team is going to the playoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Be happy you Negative Nancys.
  12. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    We are 9-6. We have one more game to win and we are playing in the post season. Chad is coming off two shoulder surgeries. Eric Mangini has never been a head coach in the NFL before this year. Brian Schottenhiemer has never called offensive plays. Our defense is playing in the 3-4 after playing in the 4-3 for a long long time under another rookie D coach. Nick Mangold and D'Brick have never played in never mind started an entire NFL season. Yet here we are. We have just beaten our Arch rivals on national television, on Christmas with the playoffs the FREAKING PLAYOFFS on the line.

    Just a reminder to make sure you darksiders know the odds of pulling all of this off this year.

    Please by all means, continue searching for negative garbage to spew about. That was just a reality break. Please continue.....
    #32 fake_crs, Dec 26, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  13. ShadeTree#55

    ShadeTree#55 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2002
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  14. John127

    John127 New Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    Not doing an average job? That's just ridiculous.

    And your comment about Coles leaving his feet - that's now the benchmark for passes that can get a receiver hurt? Are you serious?
    If you did watch other NFL games you might notice that receivers leave their feet for balls A LOT!

    Okay, I just watched the play again. Coles was like 6 inches off the ground, hands weren't even higher than his head. What were YOU watching?
    The ball definitely should have been low and tight if thrown "perfectly" but can we be a little realistic here please?

    Oh, and I just watched the TD to Cotchery again too, you might want to check that one out again. Dropped perfectly between 2 defenders.
    #34 John127, Dec 26, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  15. silent scream

    silent scream Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Chad is missing high and the ball is sailing on him more than we've ever seen from him and it's been like this for weeks now. Of course the rain made it tougher to throw but this is unfortunately nothing new from Chad.

    The 15 games he's played so far might be more than his shoulder was ready to take, who knows.
  16. silent scream

    silent scream Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    I would say the fact that the ball took forever to get to Coles had more to do with the shot he took than the height on that one.
  17. John127

    John127 New Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    It definitely wasn't perfect, I'm not saying that. But it wasn't travelling in slow-mo either. It was actually thrown with 2 defenders there. I'm surprised he got in in there at all (he probably should have dumped the ball underneath).
  18. ShadeTree#55

    ShadeTree#55 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2002
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  19. slink88

    slink88 New Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    Seriously where do all you darksiders come from???

    Did you watch the game last night? Do you realize we swept the Dolphins after many of you professed your "fear" of beating Miami on the road just a few days ago? Did you see Jason Taylor and Zach Thomas laughing it up in the first half only to have to watch Leon Washington zip by them on his way to setting up the game winning FG (by sudden kicking sensation Mike Nugent)?? Did you see Pennington throw a perfect pass to Cotchery to pull the Jets ahead in the 4th quarter silencing the announcer critics and the Miami faithful (all 3 of them) at the stadium?? Did you see Mangini outcoach fellow "genius" Nick Saban??? Did you see Chad scramble twice for first down's???

    Did you see anything that made your Christmas Merry or just the plays that "could've happened and spoiled the holiday???
  20. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Great brain, terrible arm.

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