Critical Game for the Tannenbaum/Ryan Regime?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DeathByJets, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    I'm hoping that regardless at some point he realizes that telling the media how he expects the Jets to win the superbowl every year is totally useless. Tell it to your team behind closed doors like the rest of the coaches. Nothing good comes from telling Cimini and Meyers anything, but by basically telling them it's superbowl or bust they probably already have their article written just waiting for the Jets to lose.

    I think some PR training for Rex would probably be a good thing. Keep the sense of humor but stop telling everyone how the team is the best and that our bench players are going to be pro bowlers right before their contract expires.
  2. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Good points, and despite the good points made countering the OP, I think the OP raises some important questions. Now to quibble:

    1. Ryan AND Mike T, or Ryan OR Mike T? I think even if the Jets lose, the way they lose may answer this question, depending. But we have gone far enough into the season to understand some things already, as the OP points out, in addressing why this team finished second in the division and is only the sixth seed (as it was last year) in the playoffs.

    Focuing on Tanny's off season efforts, and conceding he did a lot of good, while putting aside prior off seasons like the one where VG was brought to the team, in the midst of all else good, I give him a pass for there not being much of a pass rush this year. Taylor was available, and they got him. He may be older and not the dominant player he was, but he's contributed. Pace got hurt early in the season - who knows how much more productive he would have been had he not? But where I give Tanny low marks is in not finding a sufficient replacement for Rhodes. That's a problem. A related problem is Wilson's underwhelming performance to date. In short, the move to bring in Cromartie, a great move imo, is balanced by other weaknesses in the secondary.

    The upcoming game imo will likely be determined by how well the secondary behind Revis and Cro performs, and that will be more on Tanny than Ryan. So there's that.

    2. "All in". My quibble here is while as others have pointed out there are lots of long term talent players on the squad, it is undeniable that the logic of off season moves were primarily made to overcome weaknesses put on sordid display in the Champ Game last year. Against Indy. So yeah, despite those who point out it is somewhat unfair to describe Tanny as going all in this year, it is entirely fair to judge Tanny's off season by the outcome of this game. I think we all know that those moves, particularly on D, were designed to do so. A loss means they were not enough.

    3. Looking ahead to the Pats. Aside from the usual problem with looking ahead, given the subject matter of this thread I would say no one really expected the Pats to come together as well as they did this year. Give Psycho Bill credit. I thought the loss to the Ravens last year was a harbinger. Guess not. Since it looks right now like no team is even in NE's class, it's hard to fault Ryan and Tanny for the Jets not being, either.
  3. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    My God, Rex said he believes we have the best team and we should win the whole thing.

    It's just talk people, gets the players amped up and me. The talk used to be loved by all.

    If for whatever reason we go to Indy and lose by no means is this season a failure. How could anyone even think that? Mark Sanchez is still young, only 24 BTW and all this experience will pay off huge in the years to come.
    That being said I know for a fact we will win next week. This franchise even with Rex as the defensive mastermind lives and dies with Mark's arm. We are in for a great start to Jet fans 2011.

    Peyton and Tom aren't getting any younger, they can't play at their typical level of play forever. Although with the new QB rules in place Dan Marino would still be playing. lol
  4. tappanZ

    tappanZ New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    I think people will eventually realize that Rex is what he is. Beneath the talk, wigs and footies...I think he actually is a good coach and I think the players can see that. I don't think he will be like Singletary where the schtich will wear out after a year(obviously, it didn't). I think people will just realize he talks and it will just become a joke like Belichick not talking, Dungy talking about God, or Norv Turner talking but not making any sense.
  5. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    well written --

    you are right the GM and Rex built this team specifically to beat the Colts. They already had the pieces to dominate the Pats -- that was true until the pats shifted philosophy mid-course during this season.

    Rex always felt that teams like Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Miami were built similar to the Jets, and it would just be a square fight, and whoever is the last man standing after a heroic bout would win. Neither team would go home big losers.

    What Brady/BB has done this year was simply epic. What they did to their franchise and what they did to ours on the MNF game, has changed the fates forever.

    Unless we can roll in there all swaggerlicious and steal Fate back.

    But you are right -- this team was built up in line-item fashion to match up with the Colts.
  6. thatisjetsfootball

    thatisjetsfootball Active Member

    Jan 22, 2010
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    I just want to beat the pats!
  7. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Its not schtick. The guy believes what he says. He is 110% committed to his team winning. You may not like to hear your coach say that his goal is to win the super bowl - but I do and so do his players. You may not agree w/everything he says, but you at least have to respect this guy's attitude and tenacity and the results he gets. Its not schtick - people that think its an act are just wrong. He is the real deal.
  8. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    This. Said the same thing. I mean IF we lose this coming Saturday will I be upset and sad? Yea, without a doubt. Will I consider it a failure? Probably, yes. Will I still be proud of this season and team, without a doubt, it will probably take me a day or so, but I'm ALWAYS proud.
    Same goes IF we win and go to New England and lose.
  9. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    This is the truth.
  10. DavidVeloz418

    DavidVeloz418 New Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    This is a very critical game for Tannenbaum/Ryan regime. Afterall, as you said, they went out during the off season and made moves to improve the team to take them a step further this season. This season is a success in my book, 11 wins and another trip to the playoffs is something we don't see from a second year Jets coach; however, from an organizational standpoint, given the expectations placed on this team (which has its flaws), a loss on Saturday night could be very devestating, because the front office expected to compete for a Super Bowl title.
  11. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Of course it's schtick. He does it with a certain level of good humor and larfs, but we're not talking about a coach saying "our goal is to win the Superbowl." EVERY coach says that. Don't be stupid with such gusto. This is a coach writing "Soon to be champs" on the ESPN bus - calling his shot. Having fun with bravado. The same as walking out with a wig and a Browns hat to mock your twin brother. It's fun. But you don't get to do it two years in a row. Not if you call your shot and then swing and miss. In that case, you need to find something new. And here's the kicker - you STILL get to say that your goal is to win the Superbowl. See how that works?
  12. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I think the Jets are in a unique situation being in the AFC East with the NFL's most dominant team of the past decade and the only one of the three other teams to have ever even show hints of threatening the Patriots.

    Seriously, if we were in any other division in most other divisions in the NFL the Jets might be hosting a playoff game this week and there wouldn't be nearly the amount of pressure on this team as there is.

    I buy the fact that Rex's talking adds pressure but I don't see this is a negative for the team. I think the media and the "haters" overblow just how much of an impact it really has. Its easy to hate someone who is having fun when the rest of the world is suffering through mediocrity. Rex is winning, and he's having fun doing it.

    So yeah, being that the Patriots are what they are and what they've been over the last 10 years, and the fact that Brady right now looks as good as he ever has, in part thanks to an ex-Jet, the Jets are in a storyline position that most other teams are not and could not be in. If they win out, it is the epic achievement of the decade. If they lose... at any point... during the playoffs, then it is an epic letdown - and the hordes and haters will be unleashed in their usual manner.

    But face it... this is a team with a young core, a great defensive coach, and a stable front office. This team is only going to continue growing and continue beating up on the NFL. People may want to portray the Jets as having all their eggs in one basket... but its hardly the case. Ignore the spin and see with your own eyes what this team really is.

    The Jets have a winner in Rex Ryan, and it isn't going away, no matter what ends up happening this postseason.
  13. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Great post, xxedge. There is something to be said for playing the best year in and year out. It certainly looks as if the separation between the Pats and Jets is narrowing year to year. When you can play and beat the best, it does give you confidence amongst your other competitors.

    And I think Rex does a good job of delivering that confidence and swagger to his team. I get how it rubs some the wrong way, even our own fans. I'm not usually much of the bragging sort. I would rather we do our talking on the field. But I think that some of this Rex running his mouth business is hype spun for stories, especially given the spotlight we had on us with the HBO series. The rest of it is just his character and who he is.
  14. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Ryan - two years, two playoff appearances.

    Tanny - Revis, Harris, Mangold, Brick, Greene, Smith, Sanchez, free agents like Scott, Leonhard, Edwards, Pace, etc.....

    These two are not going anywhere.
  15. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    I don't know, I think the Pats are increasing the gap. We basically tied with them in 2009 (and we had a much better post season and i'd argue a much better year), and now they're the one seed, they won three more games, they have a ton of great young players, they're younger than the Jets on both sides of the ball, they've got a shitload of picks and they don't have as many free agents as we do.
  16. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Guys - chill out w/the paranoia and ENJOY BEING IN THE PLAYOFFS. W/Woody, Tannenbaum & Rex this team will continue to get better regardless of what happens in one particular game.
  17. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I would say last year they faltered a bit, and we improved. This year they have managed toward the end of the season to distance themselves a bit, sure. We are improving though, and I think we have a lot of upside to our team in the coming years. They are a well run organization though, so you have to keep digging and fighting every year to better your team to compete with them. With the blowout win against us in the second matchup, and a strong finish on the year I think the gap only appears to be increasing. Hopefully we will get another shot at proving ourselves against them in the post-season.
  18. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I think any time you get to the playoffs it's critical because that's what you're ultimately judged on--did you get in and how far did you get? Rex and Tannenbaum aren't going anywhere, as people have mentioned, and they've raised the bar to where we want more than just getting in the playoffs. I seriously don't think you can win a title if your goals are anything less, and I'm happy with the way both guys have gone about putting this team together.

    We're back with another shot, that's what we wanted. The team is improved from last year, even if New England rendered that kind of useless for seeding by going 14-2, the proof is in what's going to happen next. The Jets spent the last year preparing to go back to Indy and get it right so to me it's the perfect place to start, as much as I hate to be facing Peyton Manning in his comfortable living room.
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Awesome post, totally agree.

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