Well, from a pragmatic POV, Carter was right. He knows these young men aren't choir boys and only perhaps several years removed from where they come from sooo, old habits die hard especially when the cash and the pussy is flowing in abundance. Yeah, if you're gonna do shit that can get you in trouble, you'd better have a plan B aka: fall guy. He takes the fall and in return, you pay his bills and put money in his pocket when his time is done out of that big money contract you just signed. Now in this day and age of being PC, you shouldn't really say that in a situation such as Carter was in. As was pointed out earlier in this thread, that's something you say semi-privately over a beer in a bar away from the mics. I think Carter was trying to say that if you're gonna do shit, be smart about it instead of the usual dumbass headlines we get annually.
If you really want to be pragmatic, make sure the fall guy in your posse passed the bar exam in the state in which you play.
That's why all NFL players want to play for the Patriots. Everyone that lives in Mass has passed the bar exam. And is also a physics professor.
It took John John three times to pass the bar and rumor has it that third time someone took it for him. _
Notwithstanding all those Massholes, have you ever had the Chinese sausages from that butcher in Newton? Off the charts. I buy a case every time I'm there. _
Anyone a chop liver fan? (IK said to Geno to stop him treating like chop liver and gimme $600) POW....
That's the NFL in a nutshell...sell everything until it's a PR nightmare then act like it doesn't exist. It's remarkable this kind of thing was out there for a year without anyone knowing, then when Borland anon-outed him all of a sudden it was found.
plaxico burress went on a twitter rant against it. he thinks having a fall guy is bad advice- he just shoots himself
Carter's own response to this: "I would never tell young people to break the law to avoid prosecution," Carter said. "It was bad advice. I really, really regret(ted) my words when I heard them come back to me. More importantly, it hurt young people and it hurt them in their approach to the National Football League." Bullshit.
This from one of the handful of people that managed to get sent to prison for shooting themselves and no one else. Plaxico should just STFU and wear his stupid medallion proudly.