That is correct. That is my dad tackling OJ. Once on the road where he ran him down, the other at Shea where he got shoulder under him going across he middle. The other photo of him is against the Chiefs.
Anyone else have photos of their dad tackling OJ? we could start a thread. "our various dads tackling OJ." I'll have to call my mom and see what she can dig up. She'll probably be like, "All I have is an old polaroid of your uncle Henry tackling Frank Gifford." And I'll be like, "Mom, that sucks." No but seriously... your dad, on film, tackling OJ!!! That kills! so to speak.
Someone's dad might be a corrections officer and have a picture tackling the 60-year-old OJ, but not the OJ in his prime.
I'm sorry but I think that is really cool that we have a former Jet's son posting here and I'm glad to see that the Jets love has stayed in the family.
You know, 12 years later and I still can't decide if parlaying the #1 overall pick in 1997 into Farrior at #7 was the right move. I don't rememeber what else we got back and who the #1 overall ended up being. Wasn't it Orlando Pace or Jonathan Ogden? I'm thinking it was a bad move, might have been better if we kept Farrior until he got good.
I'm not allowed to post links, but search: "Parcells and Jets Deal Quality for Quantity in Draft." the article starts: "Bill Parcells wasn't fooling. The Jets' overhaul he has been hinting at began in earnest today when he traded the No. 1 pick in Saturday's draft to St. Louis for the No. 6 pick in the first round as well as the Rams' third-, fourth- and seventh-round selections..."
That was a terrible trade, another Parcells special. He turned the #1 overall pick and a franchise LT into a decent LB who would blossom after leaving the Jets plus I believe we traded down again from 6 to 8 to take Farrior and passed on Walter Jones. So we passed on 2 elite tackles.
So it was a bad move. The team got so good so fast with Parcells coaching it kind of goes under the rug, but that's some pretty awful grocery shopping right there. I always thought letting Hugh Douglas go was his worst move but I may stand corrected here.