I bought a video card in October of 2005 and it had just recently died on me... I RMAed it paying only shipping costs, and they sent me a card that has at LEAST a 1/3 performance boost compared to the one that died on me. Warranty is always a good thing when buying computer parts... esp. 2 or more years because what was produced 2 years ago in PC land probably isn't being produced today and you will most likely receive an upgrade to what you were using. July 22nd is the day to upgrade... remember that. I will be doing so when I come back from Italy :up:
Price drops and a new line of Core 2 Duos are being released. I believe by August the AM2+ socket for AMD is going to be released as well... paving the way for the AMD Phenom procs. e6750 and a 680i mobo for this guy.
Jeff... i missed this completely... I can def get ya back up and running. I will have to get back to you a little later because I have to run. Don't restore the machine to factory settings. I got ya :beer:
Is this computer being hooked up at school or home? From what it looks like I would first start by trying to run this program here. http://www.snapfiles.com/get/winsockxpfix.html If that doesn't work I have other ideas but would more than likely involve you being around the forum. Let me know.
It is currently at home, and will eventually be connected at an off-campus apartment. The description of that program certainly looks promising. I'll let you know how it goes (I might not be able to try it out immediately because of lots of chaos around here).
I think I may have a virus, or something. Whatever it is, I'm infected. If I run all those things mentioned in the original post, will it find and delete it? Or should I buy a program? Suggest me something, guys.
Green Dude, I've just got a new PC (a give away, but heaps better than what I had before ). On my old computer I did all the steps shown on the first page & thought It helped. I was going to do this on my new PC right from the start, but when I click on the C Cleaner It does'nt find the Cleaner. I searched for C Cleaner on the site and more than one comes up. I was'nt sure which on to use, so here I am. Could you check which one was up there before & let me know. I hav'nt checked any of the other steps yet. thanks. :up: ..
A few questions.... I am not exactly CPU savy. All I do with it is use word on occasion, type bs on gg and look @ porn so I'm not sure what I am doing here. Right now I am on step 2 and will likely get to step 4 by the end of the night but Step 5, it was my brother's laptop and he had symantec installed. I am assuming in step 5 I should unintsall that when I download AVG Step 6 is defragmenting, what exactly is that going to do to my cpu? Thanks man I really thought you were awesome when I saw we shared the same Birthday but know I really think your awesome....
I'm having an issue installing Spybot.... I get a little box that says .... File Download Error Sending Request The server name or address could not be resolved Try Again Cancel Try again and I get the same thing. This happens in the last stage of install
Alright my bad for not getting to ya sooner... but with step 5... if your symantec subscription isn't over just stay with that and don't install AVG... but if it has expired, uninstall symantec and install AVG. Defragmenting... check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defragment#Aims_of_defragmentation And last... i'm not sure what your issue is with Spybot, i wouldn't worry about installing it anyway if ad-aware cleaned your system.
memory ? I have a 512mb memory stick and also a 128mb video card. shouldn't the video card help with the available memory? If so why does it not show up on the task manager performance window>
What I started to do today is to use two computers: one for surfing, email,messaging, real player, downloading(small file since I have dialup), and the other just for business, online shopping, banking and checking my stock account. I bought both computers at work when they got new computers for $25 each. They Dell computers, 731 MHZ pentium III, 10 Gig bytes. I also got the perpetual MacAfee, Mechanic Registry, BlackIce already installed. I think that's the safest way to go. If you use one computer for everything, online shopping and banking, or business, and surfing, messaging, email, and playing games, you leave yourself open to viruses and spyware not matter how hard you try.
Your video memory is dedicated to the video... usually the motherboard has onboard memory that you can utilize when the system is doing more work then it can handle.