Computer running slow or need some cleaning? Follow these steps!

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by The Green Dude, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    I'm not shocked just amazed that people would do that, I understand it for people who like gaming and need insane processing power but 2 grand for everything you listed is complete overkill and unnecessary.
  2. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Not true at all. It will be a computer I will use day in and day out for the next 5 plus years. A worthwhile investment.
  3. Jay Bizniss

    Jay Bizniss Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    The operating system on Mac is hands down better than Windows... Smooth as butter... Apple never has the greatest specs but it does everything right and it just works... Example : FaceTime, iMessage, the list goes on..
    jilozzo likes this.
  4. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Again, I can prove you completely wrong when comparing it to a similar valued ultrabook. I'm not gonna delve into facts because it is a non stop argument, but you are seriously wrong on all levels.
  5. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Barcs!!! are the man!...good stuff. While ESET was listed but not enabled, I just loaded Avira and boom, it loaded and didnt ask me to get rid of anything..then went on to find 4 problems. My computer is purring like a kitten.

    How can there be a better Jet website when you can bitch about not spending enough of the salary cap....get fishing tips...and fix your computer. Great stuff and thanks very very much sir.
  6. Jay Bizniss

    Jay Bizniss Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Gurantee if you used a MacBook Pro you would never touch a PC again... Build quality of all Apple products is superior to that plastic shit on Everything else... Notice how all the new ultra books are trying to copy Apples look?

    They just make better products it's simple as that... The reason people pay more for it is because they are simple and just work.. Simplicity is king.
  7. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I came from a MacBook buddy. Used a MacBook for years. My ultrabook is not plastic shit. Sorry to disappoint. It's solid aluminum and beats the hell out of the MacBook.

    Again, I'm not getting into this argument.
  8. Jay Bizniss

    Jay Bizniss Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    What do you think the MacBook is made out of? You obviously have an agenda against Apple... It's cool tho all personal preference.. Whatever works best for you is what matters.
  9. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    No one said the MacBook was not made properly nor did I say MacBook is a shit unit. I specifically said that people like to shit on pc comparing apples to oranges. Just as your MacBook is made as a solid body aluminum, my ultrabook is as well. You were the one who labeled it as "shit plastic", not me.

    I don't have an agenda against apple. I have dealt with electronics for many years and have built and worked on hundreds of MacBooks and high end pc's. I can build you an entire MacBook from scratch and can do the same with pc's. I know ten times more about these machines than the average user.
  10. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Downloaded CCleaner and ran it.

    I don't remember my laptop ever being this fast.
  11. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    1,505 I have a problem Was having a problem with loading a new virus protection and BARCS walked me through it and loaded Avira and all is good. Now for some reason, when I go on a website, my computer starts to rev and sounds like its about to take off and i go in processes and it shows that FLASH PLAYER is taking up around 50 percent and system idle is taking up almost the rest and Im sitting at near 100 percent all the time. Im not the best with this stuff so where the hell do I start to look for a problem?

    Have CC cleaner and ran for problems etc. All is clean with Malware etc. Lost.
  12. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    This is dead on accurate. A mac won't solve your problems. If you buy cheap and misuse / abuse your computer it will eventually crash on you. 90% of computer problems are caused by the user. Apple may try to make their product idiot proof, but you can just as easily have issues with a Mac book as a PC. The only reason you don't hear too many virus reports, is that apples are not used in the corporate world as much as PCs, and therefor are less targeted by hackers with malware. To claim they are more secure or that they have less problems is a pure falsehood based on personal confirmation bias. You get what you pay for, and you get out of a PC what you put in. The notion that Macs are more reliable than PCs is laughably absurd.
  13. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    This is the opposite of what is actually true. You'll get the better specs with apple (and pay more for it), hence why it's preferred in the video production / graphics design fields. The problem with Macs is that apple makes it very difficult to upgrade. You can only do it at the apple store and you pay a ridiculous price for a job that literally takes 10 minutes with the proper tools (custom apple tools). They don't want users upgrading their product. They don't like freedom to set up the OS as you like. They treat their users like idiots. Ask anybody with a Macbook how much it cost them to upgrade the memory (which is standard during the life of a computer), or repair a broken screen.

    As a computer tech I've worked on both PCs and Apples, and the Apples were by far the most annoying to deal with and don't even get me started on that miserable software known as Itunes. Apple might have the fancy look and cheesy looking "hip" operating system, but you can't do nearly as much with it as a PC.

    At my place of work, we recently implemented Ipads to field users, and it was the worst idea ever attempted. They have tons of issues syncing with our Windows 7 PCs and they make my job twice as difficult do to the constant problems. Apple doesn't like people being able to customize things much and set them up as you want. Apple forces the users to upgrade whenever a new OS version comes out and we can't even just upgrade and keep it the same. We have to reinstall the entire Ipad OS everytime, reinstall every app, and redo all of the settings on the device. Apple makes it impossible for techs to customize the images to help make them compatible with our network, but it is a nightmare because apple still controls everything. Plus they don't even have USB ports. Like what kind of a modern device (that's more expensive than all of its competition)doesn't even include a USB port? What if you have a document on a USB memory stick, and don't have network access at the time to view it?
    #613 Barcs, Apr 21, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  14. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    That's an interesting one. Usually that is caused by an issue with the software itself. If it's the flash player app that's slowing you down, I would tried going into Control Panel - Programs & Features - then uninstalling adobe flash player. From there, try downloading the software again from the adobe website and reinstall it (make sure your web browsers are closed while installing). Hopefully that'll fix it, but if not, let me know.

    There's also a chance it could help to reinstall the web browser if that does not fix it. You might also want to check out what extensions (plugins) you have on the browser. Remove any search bars or other shady looking extensions. My preferred set up is Mozilla Firefox with Adblock Plus, noscript and flashblock installed. This will ensure a fast and safe browsing experience. Noscript is a little more advanced, and requires you to manually allow every script on every website, but it's great because you can immediately tell which sites to avoid. Generally any site that has more than 10 external scripts is good to avoid, but blocking their scripts is the first step.
    #614 Barcs, Apr 21, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  15. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    But, but, but, my Mac cures cancer!!!

    It's the greatest machine on earth bro! It will answer all your prayers and then some! PC?! hahaha yeah right. That shit is jank!! I gots the aluminum body and the cool emblem! My Shits da bomb!
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Barcs thanks!! Going to work on all you wrote now..will tell you how it goes..thanks so much for the response!
  17. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Barcs, reinstalled Adobe flash player and it seemed to work. Uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox and when I ran CC cleaner, it usually takes 30 seconds to run its clean and when it go to Firefox it stayed there deleting and deleting to the point where I was freaking out and hit the cancel button. I then opened up Firefox and it was all jumbled. Went back to CC and let it run and reopened Firefox and it was fine.

    Better...but still revving high when I open up to the internet. System Idle Process is supposed to go to like 99% sometimes? Again, bit of a moron here but when I checked processes, its seems to always be there. Its weird..not using a lot but high in percentage? I went to the plug ins in Firefox and it showed nothing? Then clicked the updates and it showed about 10 things in the browser. How do you get the plug ins to show? Sorry if this all seems stupid...but stupid is what stupid be..and that's me and this computer.
  18. DMarsh6

    DMarsh6 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    From my experience, I would recommend uninstalling Norton as it has on multiple occasions to do things like this. I would recommend using Microsoft security essentials instead. It is free and in my opinion better (I'm a technical consultant in real life)

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
  19. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Firefox might have still been in the memory when you ran CCleaner. Usually it hangs on cookies if it's open.

    Is the computer running Win7?

    Does the computer performance suck while the fan is pushing hard?

    Laptop or Desktop?

    System Idle process can often appear high. If you are in task manager, check out the performance tab while that fan is blowing hard and see your total CPU & Memory usage. If either of them are maxing out, it could be a hardware issue, but it could also be your CPU getting too hot and needing the fan to increase it's velocity to accommodate. You may want to try giving it the can of air treatment and blow the dust out of your fans and vents, especially the processor fan. Sometimes a fan will be loud if it has too much dust accumulated and is off balance or wearing out.
  20. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    When I open the performance tab the total usage can jump to 100 percent. Usually its the flash player? Something like that but I havent checked since I did what you told me and uninstalled and installed Adobe.

    Heres the thing, I could be watching t.v. and not even on it and sometimes, out of nowhere, it just takes off...Vista if that helps. I dont think its the fan because it has been doing that for awhile. Its better now..but still takes off sometimes. And yes, the performance sucks when the fan is pushing hard. Maybe I should blow the thing out...let me try it. Thanks Barcs!!

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