Compensatory Draft Picks

Discussion in 'Draft' started by 73klecko, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Thanks. I'll admit, that I worded my response to him extremely poorly. I responded early this morning when I wasn't fully awake, and had to do it quickly as I had to leave. I know better. I should have waited until I got home to respond. I'm going to apologize to him.

    I really don't hate Lyerla, either. Sounds like he's had a tough life and is extremely talented. If he could get help with his cocaine addiction, and there be some proof that he was clean, I'd be willing to take a shot on the kid if it was just that. I just read his profile on (I posted it in my TE thread), and it sounds as if he has other problems other than just the coke. If he goes to an NFL team, I hope he'll find that father figure that will help him straighten his life out. I feel for the kid.
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I apologize for my response to you this morning. On re-reading the way I wrote it, it sounds like a personal attack, and that was NOT my intent. I wasn't fully awake, and wrote it in too much of a hurry. I intensely dislike your idea for reasons I have outlined in other posts in this thread, but have nothing against you. I have bad ideas at time, we all do. It was my intent to explain why I thought it was a bad idea, not to try to paint you as stupid or anything. Hope we're cool.

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