Colts Rush D vs Ravens

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by 85inthehall, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Lets assume the Jets run the same number of plays as the Ravens did last week. The Ravnes chose to try and throw the ball 35 times...the jets will throw it 20 ... so right there you go from 19 runs to 34.

    The Ravens had down and distance opportunities to run the ball and get a first and chose to throw and punt. As for the lead it was 10-3 with 1:40 left in the first half and the reason the Colts scored to end the half is because the Ravens decided to throw instead of run.

    This was all covered in my initial post.
  2. nyscene911

    nyscene911 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    The Jets were behind all the way until the fourth quarter last week but still rushed just about 40 times.
  3. freebo

    freebo New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    By behind I mean a two or three score lead.

    Teams have tried to run on us in those situations and have had some success, but they just milk the clock for us as they do it.
  4. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    What makes you so sure you're going to be up 2 or 3 scores? Of course, if you get up we can't run as much, but why are you so sure it's going to happen? You were up 5 lousy points midway through the third the last time we played.
  5. freebo

    freebo New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I didn't say we would. I was talking about the Ravens game last week. Once we went up 17-3 they were done.
  6. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    but they only were able to get up 17-3 because the Ravens thought it would be a good idea to move away from what got them there and start throwing with Flacco. If they just ran the ball they would have gone in down 10-3 and kept running in the second half. The Jets will just keep pounding and playing defense. If they limit Manning to FG or one TD it plays right into what the Jets want to do.
  7. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    And that was because they abandoned their run game way too soon, any logical coach doesn't allow Manning that much time left with 2 timeouts to try to get the TD at the end of the half, even if Manning was able to drive down for a FG and that is only if the Colts could have prevented the Ravens from getting a 1st down on 2 run plays, 10-3 or 13-3 is a worlds difference from a 17-3 score at the end of the half
  8. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Seriously man, you've made quite a number of good posts (that I've read so far), but this just makes no sense whatsoever. You're ignoring some key factors in your "reasons" and also contradicting yourself.

    1. You've already said many times you think it will be a close game. If it's a close game, we will not stop running the football. If you were a fan of the Jets and have watched what Mark has done this season (still love you, Mark!), you'd realize our coaching staff refuses to put the game in his hands unless absolutely necessary. We have learned well how to win games with our personnel, and that is to run, run, run, and run. Then go play great defense.

    2. You're counting a Ravens game where you took a two-possession lead as an example of how well you stop the run. Saying they only ran for 87 is a crap argument because they were playing catchup once they fell behind. Somebody already mentioned this, so I don't understand why you refuse to acknowledge that they most likely would have had more yards on the ground had it been a closer game.

    3. Your defense is fast. I watched the week 16 game again, and certainly took notice of that. But fast will not stop a team running power football between the tackles, which is the majority of our running play calls. You may catch us on the outside, and prevent long gains, but you simply won't stop us from picking up our 3-5 yards between the tackles.

    All that said, I do agree that this game will come down to Peyton Manning, and whether or not we can play keep-away from him. We can only limit the damage he does, not shut him down. If we recognize that, try to show him many different pre- and after-snap defensive schemes, try to keep him confused (if possible), and avoid letting him get quick scores, then we will contain him as best as we can hope to do. Running the ball (and the clock down) on offense is the other half of the formula for success. Special teams may be the deciding factor when all is said and done.
  9. IndyColts1

    IndyColts1 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Give it a rest Freebo. You can provide facts, figures accurate analysis and they will still maintain that they will run all day long with no resistance from the Colts. Forget that Mathis, Session and Powers didn't even play the first game on defense and that Freeney was on a snap count. Don't mention how Brackett took that 325lb lineman from the Ravens, stood him straight up and planted Rice for a loss on a screen play. Don't mention that the Colts D has allowed only two TD's after turnovers all year. Don't mention that the Colts D held Chris 2,000 yards Johnson to his season low and kept Rice and Jones-Drew in check twice. This was all done against other inferior opponents. From what we've read, this is the best football team ever. I just can't figure how the Jets lost 7 games this year?
  10. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Most of the arguments here have been centered around Freebo acting as though it's "ridiculous" and "insane" for us to think our (no. 1 ranked, averaging 170+ yards/game) rushing game will run for 170+ yards against your (24th ranked) rushing defense.

    No one is even really debating the first game, because we truthfully only played you guys for half a game. So why are you bringing up who played and who didn't?

    And that Titans game you're referring to? You were up 24-10 at the half. Two scores. Just like the Ravens. So try again. And Jones-Drew? He ran for 97 and 110 against you, for a 4.6 and 4.1 per-carry average, respectively. How is that "in check"? And so you held Rice to 71 yards for a game; you want a trophy for that? He was still running well on you in the last game up until they fell behind - as everyone here has been saying all along.

    Truth is, there are some on this forum who probably believe winning this game is the Jets right and nothing can stop them. But there are also those who know football, know the Jets, and acknowledge what the Colts are capable of. So quit generalizing and skimming through threads you obviously didn't take the time to read. This game will be close, but you won't stop the run like you think you will.
  11. vanyjetsfan

    vanyjetsfan Member

    Mar 20, 2004
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    170 on the ground is possible, why don't you come back around 6:00 on Sunday and we'll see where they are at
    #51 vanyjetsfan, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  12. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Damn. I forgot to mention that. I love fans who make s*** up, hoping no one will bother to confirm it, just to strengthen an argument.

    EDIT: You changed your post, so I'll repost it: Colts held Johnson to his 6th lowest total of the season:
  13. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Busted! Nice catch!
  14. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    I just finished reading the entire thread. Man that Freebo character is an idiot.
  15. IndyColts1

    IndyColts1 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    First, I don't skim around and post generalizations. Second, I guess it all depends on your prespective. To you, I imagine decent is holding someone to 5yds on 50 carries. Jones-Drew was held to 110 & 97. Not outstanding, but considering the offense is centered around him I would say that's reasonable. Chris Johnson? Check your facts, he was held to 113 and 34 (lowest of the year confirmed at in the second game. This offense is also centered around Johnson. But wait, that's right the Titans were behind. Why were they behind? Because they couldn't run! Rice was held to 71 & 67 yards. Again, not outstanding, but very manageable. YPC is another stat that can easily be misconstrued. It isn't always indicative of a true performance. Rice's YPC from the last game were inflated by two decent runs late in the game when the Colts were playing pass first and run second. You have to take the entire game into context. Not be selective to prove a point.

    Why did I mention the last game? Because the Jets didn't run all over the Colts while the starters were in and because of last weeks performance against the Ravens. I know, I know, the Ravens gave up to quickly, but I'm hearing this analogy from the media as well. Are they wrong also?

    Last, I don't think the Colts are going to completely shut down the run. Go back and find one post anywhere on this board and find where I said that. Get your facts straight. What I have said is that I think the Colts can contain the run. I don't think the Jets will get 175 yards rushing. I think they can hold the Jets to around 110 yds. Now that may be a romp to you, but in the grand scheme that's manageable and if the Jets are held to that number the Colts will win.
  16. JetFanInMD

    JetFanInMD New Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Damnit man, why don't you get it? That is the game plan and they have Peyton fucking Manning? I really don't understand why you are so ignorant as to not understand that the Irsays are spotted 2 TDs at the start of the game due to this advantage?
  17. JetFanInMD

    JetFanInMD New Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    This prediction is akin to saying that The Jets will hold Peyton to under 188 yards passing for the game.
  18. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    What??? This is exactly how all rushing stats go. A couple here, a couple there, then a long one. If guys were rushing for 10, 15, 20 yards consistently, YPC would be astronomical. Honestly, for you to make a statement like that tells me you either know very little about football or you are just trying to continue a lost argument.

    And my apologies, yes, you held Johnson to 34 a game where (and I'll say it again, try to keep up) you were up by two scores at the half, and then blew them out 31-9.

    And I never said you claimed you'd shut us down. Please "go back and find one post anywhere on this board and find where I said that." You were supporting your fellow Colts fan and his statements, so I presumed you were agreeing with his argument. Unless perhaps, you didn't actually read his statements and just decided to post inflammatory dribble?
  19. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    You're making it seem like we're predicting a 300 yard rushing game dude. What is so hard to understand about running for our AVERAGE?
  20. JetFanInMD

    JetFanInMD New Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Didn't you read what he wrote? They have Peyton Manning!!!!!!!!!

    Having Peyton Manning will prevent the Jets from running for more than 110 yards.

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