Do you know what he said? Is it public knowledge who made the offer? If you know it was her, I'd have asked why she even offered the deal then, and ask why he hasn't taken any other rip off deals. PS. Why would a person who knows nothing about football, join a money league? I know a lot about football, and I've never joined a money league ever. It's such a poor, pathetic thing to say. I'd be pissed as shit.
Trying to get back a couple of man points here huh bro.... Yea, ..not happening.. Ur Man points are gone for a while.
He wasn't around for the conversation. ESPN shows who initiates the trade and she was the one who initiated it. And you know why she did it. It was so she could rip him off and win the league. As for why people who know nothing about football join, I have no idea.
You should go to her office when she's at lunch and take a shit in one of her bottom desk drawers or file cabinets. _
Holy fucking shit. Just logged on and she tried another trade with the 1-8-1 team. She's tried to trade Jonathan Stewart for Jamaal Charles, straight up. Commish vetoed that one already. I'm not going to get into the politics of it, but there's two classes of people at work and her plus the two people she's tried to trade with are in the one group and the rest of us are in the second group. Totally not suspicious at all and definitely doesn't seem like they are working together to make one mega-awesome team...
Unless you shit into her mouth, this thread is a waste of time to read. It's a fantasy football soap opera otherwise.