Cops are like anybody else: a few greats, a few spaz's and a lot in between. The biggest problem with cops is the "blue wall". As long as good cops are willing to cover up for the bads ones then they will all be judged by the lowest common denominator.
Grand Jury decision is coming any time, they just made an announcement. Hopefully the protesters can protest without the agitators and looters making it get out of hand. News trucks are at the ready.
This. These things are pretty predictable in advance if you follow the reactions of important people. State of emergency was declared National Guard activated Schools shut down The lawyers for the Browns already is bitching about things not being fair Mayors in other major cities said to prepare for protests/riots Doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict what's going to happen.
I'm gambling that there would be riots in Ferguson no matter the decision. It's not like the idiots planning on looting and destroying property would up and dance in the streets.
Which verdict do you think the people in the street are better prepared for? Do they really give a shit about Mike brown? Which verdict do you really think they would rather have? Then ask yourself how hard it must be to be a cop in that area. Don't rob a store,dont attack a cop,then you wont be dead. Period. It was Mike Browns fault these 2 even met eachother. Hang the cop for this without addressing how wrong Brown was,then you set the next kid up like a bowling pin. This kid wasn't on his way to choir practice.
They got the judgement they wanted all along. What a colossal waste of time, money and energy. Nobody should be surprised by this as this is the nature of things. What you're gonna hear now is all the justifications. There was NEVER going to be an indictiment. There won't be one in New York either as it was an "accident." Just another example of your justice system at work. Now Office Wilson can make the rounds on TV. I just pray we don't hear the bullshit "sorry for your loss" statements. To the folks in Ferguson? Don't waste your time protesting. It is what it is and this will play itself out again.
nobody is even bothering listening to the recount being described. the "outrage" was mostly founded on people lying. what did you want?
You bring up the Brooklyn shooting and that really deserves it's own thread. From all accounts (even nypd) the cop just got startled and shot the kid for no reason. No way that shit goes away quietly.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there was never gonna be any "outrage" as we knew the outcome long ago. This exhoneration doesn't surprise anybody in the black community hence no rage. No riots this time I hope. Just another dead black kid. No real reason for concern. Lets just stop pretending that due process is the same for everybody cause it isn't. The outcome of this "play" was never in doubt from the time the killing happened. The cop in Brooklyn will get a pass as well as it was an "accident". Like I said, just another dead black guy. Nothing to get upset about.