CBS Sports - "Unnecessary To Watch Tape On Revis"

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Ajitator, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Revis' biggest impact is that he takes away a WR. I mean you should know that being thats what Revis did against the Pats.

    It would be one thing if Revis has played games as a Buc. Then the Jets would have an idea of how exactly Revis will be used and can study him some through that. But all we have is Jets tape. We arent going to study how we use him, because he goes up against that vs Cro every day in practice. The only reason to study Revis is any tendencies or weak points (which we all know he doesnt really have any). If there was anything that could be exploited on Revis, who would no better than the guy who coached him since he entered the league in Dennis Thurman?

    IMO, Geno's time would be spent much better study the Bucs D, and our own offense. He is not Tom Brady, and I doubt he has the eye [yet] that Brady does when study players as well- he is in fact a rookie.
  2. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    In 47 years of following the Jets, I have never ever seen a Jets player more vilified, criticized, and scrutinized before playing a single regular season play than Smith has since being drafted. Can we let the kid play some games and, as fans of the team, pull for him to succeed before running him out of town? 99% of the criticism is bs and is media driven and you as fans are taking the bait. It's time for Jets fans to circle the wagons and support the team and the players, especially this young QB who could end the Sanchez era and be a successful NFL QB for a long time if given the chance. These endless Geno is/will be a bust threads are over the top and reading this board is becoming less enjoyable then a colonoscopy and the season hasn't started yet . My God . 24/7 of Geno sucks, Ryan sucks , Idzik sucks, the Jets suck. I don't know if this is TGG or ESPN or the Daily News but let's please give this kid, the team and the new FO a chance before they are all absurdly written off.

    And to put so much stock in one player's performance (Simms) in three quarters of the most meaningless preseason game is also over the top. Smith is the QB and he is wearing the laundry. Lets get behind him rather than wait for him to fail. Would you rather the Jets be improved or be able to say "I told you so?" I'd rather be wrong about a player and have the Jets play better football than we have seen than to come here and say I was right player x stinks.

    Smith has a lot on his plate this week. Studying Revis' tendencies is not high on the list.
  3. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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  4. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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  5. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Whoever said it in this thread put it best: "studying Revis is grad work".
  6. Ajitator

    Ajitator Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    He does, It's quick hits and slants picking up short yardage wherever he'll give it to you.

    See Steve Johnson's "Big game" against Revis. There are plays where it's obvious Revis is left alone ( as we often did ) and any time Revis was backed up off the line a little bit they hit Stevie on a slant. If I were the Jets I'd have Geno and Holmes / Kerley watching every pass of that game.

    "The Newark Star Ledger reports Revis was targeted 13 times and gave up nine catches for 77 yards and a score."
  7. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Yeah that was one of a few games where Revis didnt look like an all-pro. I remember that game... Ryan Fitzpatrick made some incredibly accurate throws during that game and Stevie Johnson was running some great routes.

    Im not sure if Holmes is able to cut like he normally can and create separation. But yes, if I were to watch a game on how to have some success vs Revis it would be this one. But as Ive said, this is one game in over how many? 70? Where Revis didnt make the QB look silly.

    Quick slants and fly routes are the only time I would even think about throwing at Revis.
  8. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Context is everything, my friend. Let them say what they want. People need to stop taking everything said by Jets as gospel. That's the bottom line. The quote in the thread title is not an actual quote.
    #68 Barcs, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  9. Ajitator

    Ajitator Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    Thread title is excerpt from the actual post title. Apologies for confusion.
  10. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    I would think that since all the practices have been taped, Geno would be able to look at practices from previous years to watch Revis covering Holmes. That would be highly relevant since that's who Revis will likely be covering at least part of the game (since Holmes apparently won't be in for every snap, since they don't want to push him too hard too fast.)

    If the strategy to deal with Revis is just "ignore whatever receiver Revis is covering" then in truth, Smith does not really need to dissect the tape on Revis. It's just not going to be that important, you just cede that receiver to him and focus on the others. For a rookie QB on his first game, I think that that is the sound strategy to go with.

    One of the things Revis can do is make it look like whoever he's covering is kind of open, but he really isn't- so Smith will just have to stick to it and make sure he doesn't take the bait, otherwise Revis will rack up a few interceptions.

    I would go with the strategy of probably trying to see if Revis is really in good shape, test him by running longer routes with that WR, and see if he pulls a hamstring or something. Obviously I don't hope Revis gets injured, but eh- it's non-contact- and it's not really a Jet's fault if Revis wasn't in good enough shape.

    The strategy that has been pretty effective against the Jets when we had Revis was to throw to TEs and RBs, short routes, and I think we should consider doing that as well. Tampa will probably try to rattle Smith with lots of pressure and blitzes, so if he can build his confidence early with shorter passes, that can help the team get into a good rhythm.

    Overall, I don't think it's at all ridiculous that Smith hasn't watched any Revis tape, as long as he doesn't just go on his own and throw to whoever Revis is covering. If he throws even one pass Revis's way, and it gets batted down or picked off, then it's pretty inexcusable not to have watched tape on him.
  11. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    youre right. I apologize. I should have said your opinions are that of a retard.
  12. RexLuvzSnax

    RexLuvzSnax Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    id rather him watch tape on the bucs than old revis jets tape.
    #72 RexLuvzSnax, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  13. Benny the Jet

    Benny the Jet Active Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    Honestly, Revis is the bitch here! He's the one acting smug and as if he's offended that a rookie QB isn't "studying" him. F Revis! I respect Geno more for not sucking his **** like everyone else does. In his first NFL career start, Geno has A LOT more to worry about then one specific player. Who knows, maybe Marty and Rex have said let's study all the other DB's tendencies and stay away from Revis?

    What blows my mind is a) the diva that Revis continues to be (this coming from a one time huge Revis fan) and b) how many people on this board over analyze and over criticize this kid! I don't find him AT ALL to be arrogant, he's just being honest!! Some of you guys need to chill out and let Geno grow and mature, both on and off the field!!!

    And lastly, after all the contentiousness that Revis and the Jets have been through, if Revis needs a rookie QB's response to a question to get him fired up, then he's even more pathetic then I thought he was.
  14. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    There is nothing wrong with Geno not studying Revis, as long as he has good info from our team personnel. However he should NEVER tell the media I didnt watch tape of revis, or I dont need to.

    This is NY media, and you are the leader of this team for now, act like it. Also you have a reputation of being a diva, be careful what you do and say to the media.

    Rookie mistake, keep it moving...
  15. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    if geno werent a rookie qb then i would agree that he needs to watch tape on a player like revis, but geno smith is a rookie who is about to start his first game. hes not going after revis and figuring out a way to beat him (a guy whom, like others have mentioned, nobody has figured out how to beat before).

    hes trying to get a look at tampas defense and learning all the nuances of the scheme he can so he doesnt fuck everything up out there. geno is supposedly a film room guy, so im sure hes looking at a ton of tape, but trying to find ways to beat the best corner on their team is not on his agenda right now. sure if he was at the level of exprience of a guy like brady, he can start worrying about that sort of shit because he already knows whats going on out there, but not geno, hes got work to do first.
  16. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    geno is going to say stupid shit to the media, they are going to be in his face every opportunity they can, so its bound to happen to the rookie. we have to learn to deal with it and not hang on his every word. the media is all over the jets right now, we can all agree how ridiculous coverage has gotten, so we should cut the guys some slack and ignore the media really and wait for them to back off.
  17. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Geno Smith, 2013: "Revis who?"


    The kid has balls!
  18. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Right there.

    When a QB studies film of the other team's defense, it's more like:

    When the inside LB cheats to the outside, look for a Safety blitz up the middle.

    Or, on 3rd and long, if the right DE cheats in, look for a DB blitz.

    Defensive tendencies. You know, Rex's tendencies Revis told the Bucs about.

    I can't see a QB studying a single player when he has the entire Defense, formations, and tendencies to figure out.

    Now the OC (MM) might want to know what type of passes Revis is best at defending and not calling those pass plays to Revis' side.
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Dumb thing to say. From my understanding (not much) of how a QB prepares, they don't focus on individual corners usually unless they are studying an overall defensive set/call. If they are going to focus on a player, it's going to be on of the LB or the safety like Reed. I think they focus more on defensive gameplans and where the defense as a unit will be as a whole. Because 99% of the time, the QB is making a read, so it's more effective to know how the whole defense works than an individual corner.

    In the case of a QB studying the D, I think it's more where they are going to be than how they get there or how they cover.The WR is probably going to study the CB more closely than the QB. Maybe I'm wrong?
  20. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    The Bucs paid $13M+ to shut down Stephen 'stone hands' Hill!!!

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