Allright my friends ... I am going to try and call it a night. For my English friends have a pint of Boddingtons for me with your breakfast. I'll talk to you guys in a few hours.
That was so awesome. Got so fired up watching that. Now I have to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow for the game.
It's 9.30pm here and the game isn't until like 10.30am. I already know it's going to be hard to get any sleep tonight.
And Joe Namath won the Superbowl on January 12 which was of course his jersey number... this year the superbowl is played on February 6 which is Sanchez's jersy number.
I kept my mind off the game all of last night actually, aside from some brief chat about it. Right now, however, the realization of waiting all day until 6:30PM has finally kicked in.
Yeah me too. Thankfully there was a UFC event last night and I could focus on that. But now, I cant wait for the game to start. I really hate the 6:30 start.
I pray that Rex and Schotty watched that game film. If they play for Folk fg's in a game where we should win, the outcome might be the exact same..
My palms are sweaty and my heart has been pounding out of my chest since this morning. JETS FEVER. :steelers:
yeah well my palms are sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy and there may or may not be vomit on my sweater already.
I just noticed an odd smell in my bedroom. I shit my bed last night. Good omen. Every time I do that we win.
I played this scrabble type game called Wordsmith on my phone til about 5:30 then I finally passed out and woke up at 9:30. I won the game pretty handily too