LOL, ya that would look really good for Ed, supposedly he still does go to games, but just not in character, from what I read It does suck that he's not leading the chant, its greatly missed.
I'm sure I speak for other English soccer fans when I ask 'why is the chanting left to one man to start?' Puzzled me for years that NFL stadiums don't have much in the way of chants whatsoever. The fact that the Jets are known for having their own chant is good in one way (hey, at least the Jets are unique) but embarrassing for USA as a whole that a great and creative country like the U.S. can be so lacking in ideas when it comes to team support. I follow Crystal Palace, a decent but not great London-based club and in any one game there'll be 10-15 DIFFERENT chants over the course of 90 minutes. And the thing is, most of these are different from 20 years ago when I myself was one of the main chant-leaders for around 2 years. The thing is, it's not just Palace but many teams have numerous songs: some based on their team's famous victories; some based on local rivalries; some about individual players; some slating the opposition. The list goes on. How on earth does a megapolis like New York not have enough fans come up with 50 or more chants that are reguarly used during a season!? How the hell can a storied franchise like the Jets not inspire chants with humour; songs about the history; songs slating the Patriots; song honouring Namath, Martin etc. The idea that the NFL seems to have one chant (J E T S) to its name is simply staggering. Now, if you lot can pay my air fare to get me over there for a game I;ll show you how it's done ;-)
The Yankee Stadium Bleacher Creatures had a few chants but security outlawed like all of them...:sad: [YOUTUBE]vt00AyFPOhg[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]DwRA2wl6qkM[/YOUTUBE]
I love what you wrote and I have actually said this before. Im not a big soccer fan at all but I love how the fans have so many songs and chants, it makes for a rich environment and really reminds me of a more "real" aspect of the game. It reminds me of my irish relatives who simply have a song for every occasion, I feel like all sports teams, especially football teams should have fans that take care of the folklore aspect of the game. Unfortunately sports fans in the states don't really embrace that type of idea, but I think it'd be great.
I think soccer lends itself to this kind of thing much more so than football considering there is rarely anything interesting happening on the field in soccer that will hold your attention.
We also don't have hooligans who are banned from travelling to games in civilized countries or penned up behind barbed wire fences, players feigning deadly injuries when barely touched, referees getting beheaded and some of the other things that make the game of suck-or so marvy Sent from my BNTV400 using Tapatalk
I don't go to the games ....but I haven't heard one chant watching the games TV....not one...used to be you'd hear them loud and clear right before a kickoff......
exactly the point instead of sitting on their hands when the Jets are on defense because they've wasted their cheering efforts on our dopey Furry Mascot's dopey chant during a timeout when it is completely worthless we now have some of the loudest twelfth man fan efforts seen at Jet games for decades at a time when it can actually have an impact on the game Hey, I'm sorry that our furry mascot cost himself his free lower level tickets and his free road trips when he decided to quit on the Jets at a low point Those of us who didn't quit and who stuck with the team now get to enjoy a surprisingly entertaining 2013 season with a surprisingly loud and energetic crowd
that was always my issue with ed. he like most didnt grasp the concept of noise and when the home teams crowd should be making it and when they shouldnt. i cant tell you the number of times that idiot would go and start riling people up while the fucking offense was on the field. and like a bunch of lemmings they would all drunkenly start acting like idiots as we tried to get the play in or as we got to the los. then he would be fucking nowhere to be found when we were on defense and it was 3rd and 8.
All fair points and reasons why I'm now into NFL and Rugby League more than soccer these days BUT surely there's enough creativity in America to introduce songs/chants to enhance the gameday. I regularly hear on ESPN and WFAN that the gameday experience is far inferior to watching games on telly. Surely it's up to the fans to generate something resmebling an atmosphere at tailgates and in stadium. Here's just one example of what can be done. I'd just picked the first video on youtube under 'palace chants' So imagine 10,000+ Jets fans bellowing these words to the tune in the clip We love you, love you, love you Everywhere we follow, follow, follow Cos we support the Jets, the Jets, the Jets Cos that's the way we like it, like it, like it WHOOOOA etc. Nothing offensive; nothing vulgar like the 'you suck a**hole' that's causing irritation at Red Bulls games; just a pro-Jets chant with a good tune. Simple. Blimey, you start looking into it and digging around and there are scores of soccer chants that are easily translated to NFL by changing a word or two.
The problem with your lyrics is that most Jet fans hate the jets... jokes aside- this could be a cool thing to start up- kind of like the ravens with their 7 nation army thing. just need one section to commit to SOMETHING and then let it spread throughout the stadium
I can only imagine the people calling for the return of Ed are too young to realize the stadium did the chant for years without him and it was better.
No offense, this isn't soccer. we have an entertaining game on the field and we don't need to amuse ourselves in the crowd. The Jets chant is ok but that's it. All we need to do is be LOUD when the opponent has the ball.