That's a sucker bet. At the least, he's taking a plea bargain with a minimum sentence. There's no way he doesn't see the inside of a cell.
I wouldn't be completely opposed to signing him for a year. But he'd have to have his legal responsibilities completely fulfilled. Let's say he's out this year, he'll be coming back to the league as a 33 year old WR 1-year removed from the sport. He'll then be suspended from the league for say 3-4 games. Which means he'll begin practicing with our QB and getting acquainted by Week 5, maybe start by Week 6. You'd wanna give this guy something like 5-6M for 10 weeks of playing? I just don't know if that's worth it. I think in that time span of a year and a half, he'll be an after-thought.
I'm saying he won't spend a day in jail for it. AND I'm laying 2:1. Sounds like you are willing to take the bet. Is that so Ig?
The Giants won the SB on his TD catch, and their receivers did squat after he left. It's not like we have a team of malcontents to deal with. Remeber how well Mangini's "character over talent" mantra worked out for us? Besides, his stupid ass deed pales in comparison to Ray Lewis's past troubles. If he stays out of the can we need to get him.
Plax had a 35 MILLION DOLLAR contract with the giants & he threw it all away. He has to be a retard with his brain on backwards.
Where do you people get this stuff? His charge has a 3.5 year sentence. Every person who has pleaded has served 1 year minimum. Do you realize the backlash for NY and the mayor if he received anything less? This isn't including any NFL suspensions.
What's going through my head is the knowledge about the total lack of justice in this country and the way celebs get treated. I could be wrong and you know, I kind of wish I lose this bet. As a secondary, I am learning that some here who write with such authority have no fucking balls whatsoever.
This isn't something trivial like a non-superstar driving drunk and killing a woman. This guy is a household name. He's doing time.
Sorry that it took me 13 minutes to come back and find your offer. Man, some people complain I'm here too often; others, that I don't stay on here enough. Can't please everyone.
There we go--guys, mark it down: If Plax spends 1 day in jail for this, I donate $30. If he spend no time in jail for this, Ig donates $15.
I was wondering how long it would take for a thread so be started about this and how many posts into it before someone said "WE NEED TO SIGN HIM!!!". It is no secret that the Giants organization is a class act and a step above ours. What a good way to continue that tradition by picking up their garbage. They won a SB with him and STILL released him. What does that tell you? What the hell is wrong with some of you people?
I don't know if it's just me, but I hate this era of free agency where fans are ready to jump on any talented player's bandwagon just because they think they would be a good weapon to have, regardless of any other factors. I know that FA is just the reality of things these days, but when teams pick up guys who have already made a career with another team (especially your inter-city rivals), it leaves a bad taste in my mouth - it's become a league full of mercenaries for hire rather than hometown heroes. If the Jets were to get Plax (and I for one think there's a slim chance in hell) I'd still pull for the guy simply for the fact that I want to see the Jets win, but it's just not the same as rooting for a player that's come up with the organization and has some pride in what team they actually play for. In any case, no, I really hope we don't and don't think we will get him.
We should get Burress and Vick, then add prison stripes to the Titans throwbacks and go with that for the season. :up:
Well, if you're comfortable going into the season with Cotch, Clowney & Stuckey then I guess I am too.
What about Amani Toomer for a year? he could be good for one more year and coach up our young guys a bit. Plus he'd be cheap...