Oh shit! Haha I misread what you first said and thought it was "When I'm actually not at school." I think one of my friends actually lived in 22C untill he got kicked off campus or something.
Nah not reefer. He was drunk one night, decided to go up to Laurel, get naked and wonder the hallways and use all the fire extinguishers.
Burgin' Hard! Well, today was payday, so I decided to celebrate the only way I know how -- BURGIN'! Yes, I chose to shave decades off my life by swinging by Burger King and getting a BK Quad Stacker, with extra sauce, naturally. Yeah, it's like a tangy thousand island, and really just a wannabe Big Mac sauce. I'm not sure if this pic is actually a "quad" stacker, but the burger looked something like this . . . This S.O.B. was big and tasty. SO tasty, in fact, it sent a tingle of pleasure down my left arm, and my heart was racing a mile a minute! Needless to say, I was able to achieve a healthy meatgasm whilst consuming this monstrosity, but it wasn't as climactic as it was with The Baconator. I think I just prefer Wendy's burgers. That being said, it was still above average. All in all, I found it pretty filling, and I recommend it whole heartedly! I give The BK Quad Stacker 3 / 5 Candace Burgin's Candace sez . . . Mods, please change the name of this thread to Burgin' for all of our Burgin' needs, thanks.
Dam won't be eating too many cheesburgers as I'm off to China for a week. It's a long fucking flight and shitty food but I decided to get an In N Out Dbl Dbl Animal Style
Scruggy, as someone who will be attending UGA next fall, I look to you for answers. Where are to best places to get BURGIN' in Athens?
Awesome! Dude, we'll do some S.A.R.S.rious burgin' when you get down here. Especially on Sundays. My NFL cronies and I head over to this place called Blind Pig Tavern where we watch all the games, and drink ourselves into oblivion. One of my buddies, Rob, is a hardcore Giants fan, so you wont be alone. They also have the hottest waitresses in Athens. Here's a link to their Burgin' menu . . . http://www.blindpigtavern.com/pages/menu.burgers.html If you buy one of their 24 oz mugs there, for like $4, you get half price draft refils when you bring it back in. Dude, I've had some rough Mondays after watching games there. Where in Athens are you going to live?
And there you have the best damn fast food burger anywhere. As far as the higher end burgers go, I ate at the Burger Bar at Mandalay Bay a couple of times out there by you. Good eatin'. Here in LA, I love me some Lucky Devil's. Great burgers. Best fast food period though has to be the Oinkster. I could eat that shit every day of the week.
This thread has actually made me never want to eat fast food again. I mean, it's one thing when I'm hungry as fuck and can only think of the taste, allowing me to ignore looking at what I eat. But sweet jesus, some of these pictures are giving me retroactive diarrhea.
the 3/5 candice bergens is quality material scrugs.Im gonna call u scuggs...because its innocent and playful...and im feeling the beginnings of a mancrush right now....I like this kid scrugs///// so ive only heard of this in and out place...last time I was in san diego one of my coworkers demanded I go with him one day for lunch and for some reason we never went...he talked about this animal style....what exactly makes up the animal style part? (watch me now use my new nickname for scruggy)...hey umm scrugs, do you know anything about in and out?