Build around Sam

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Feb 7, 2021.

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  1. Kotite's Revenge

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Listen... I’m a So Cal guy, so I know SC QB shit. And if you think Sanchez is bummed he didn’t MAKE IT as a FQB, I will actively and aggressively refute that. With pics. And yes, I wish I were him.

    Monarch Beach Bay Club says otherwise... and yes, Sam’s there too. BTW, with Josh Allen.

    I am the biggest proponent of Coach Tuna... no West Coast QBs. 3 year, minimum, starters. At REAL football schools.

    REAL football schools play in all weather.

    Wilson, may or may not be, a FQB. But when you’re up to bat, you have to take a swing at the best pitch when it’s your time.
  2. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    You sort of refute your point with the Josh Allen thing.

    How'd you become a Jets fan?
  3. Kotite's Revenge

    Feb 28, 2012
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    where did Josh Allen play college ball? That’s the issue...

    your answer is Long Island... and my dick head friends liked the Giants. Fuck. Them.

    and I don’t want to listen to compassionate Jets fans. Is you’re a compassionate Jets fan, you are too young and have been through enough shit. Fuck that.
  4. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Gotcha on the bold. USC quarterbacks are the only real position bias I have against college players coming out at this point. Palmer was good but not as good as he was really supposed to be. And he came with his own drama anyways.
  5. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    You do realize that Salt Lake City hosted the Winter Olympics? Wilson HAS played in all sorts of weather, but IDK if BYU is considered a "real football school" by your standards, although they have sent a few QBs to the NFL Jim McMahon, Steve Young are two that come to mind. There's certainly legitimate questions about him: strength of schedule, injuries, big enough - but these should all be answerable by Douglas, and I'll accept whatever verdict he passes.
    Centiment likes this.
  6. TonyFtLaud

    TonyFtLaud Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    Remember, this discussion is based on building around Sam.
    Your scenario was Becton refusing to play.
    In that case it's very smart. You dont miss a beat at LT, add the 5th round pick which can be used for a top WR. Still have another first to add additional O line help, plus 3 more picks in the top 100. And have an additional first round pick next year, potentially 3 in the top 15-20 and an additional second round pick to round out the roster.
    This draft is more of a crapshoot than usual.
    No combine, no in person visits , limited exposure at pro days. Multiple players who opted out in 2020 so limited tape, and very limited medical information. Might be wise to stockpile 2022 picks.
  7. Kotite's Revenge

    Feb 28, 2012
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    I’m not dissing BYU for playing in real weather. That’s what I want from a NYJ QB.
    QBs that play in soft / warm weather are pussies. Let them play in a dome or for the Patriots or Gigantic Faggots.

    I’m playing devil's advocate more than anything else... but with the BYU vs SC issue. I’d go BYU in a landslide.

    Young / McMahon vs Palmer / Leinart / Sanchez / Barkley / Darnold / Casell

    SC pretty boys that wouldn’t fight if you punched their Mom right in front of them. Versus BYU QBs that couldn’t nut on their girlfriends backs without getting kicked out of school. So much pent up anger with BYU guys.

  8. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I totally disasgree. It doesn't make sense from a football or financial perspective. Becton has every right to refuse moving to RT. He doesn't deserve to be moved to RT. If JD doesn't think any of the QBs are worth of the #2 pick, and decides to roll with Sam, the best thing he can do is trade down a little, garner extra picks and take Pitts or Chase to help Sam. He can still take a very good, maybe even great RT prospect in Teven Jenkins at #23, and with #34 and the 2nd they get as part of their trade down package they can take a RB or TE and CB. That would help the team and Sam a heck of a lot more than Sewell alone would and no Becton. The very idea of trading Becton is stupid imo.
  9. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    The CBA can be found by Googling - a player signs a contract to play for a team, not to play a specific position. Becton would have no right to refuse to move to wherever the coach tells him to play without putting himself in a position similar to the one Watson is in today. Having said that, it makes no sense to replace Becton with Sewell for at least two reasons. Becton has shown he can play the position while Sewell is unproven at the NFL level; the high draft investment in another tackle is probably not justified with so many holes to fill.
    ColoradoContrails and abyzmul like this.
  10. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Before play action can work (at all), you need a running game the other defense respects. Our running game was unleashing 37yr old Frankie Gore up the middle for 3 yards.

    When Sam faked the handoff to Frank, the Defense said "Cool!! Now we can lay back and focus on any pass play that might be coming!
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  11. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This is not true, it's a common myth from back in the day which has been disproven.

    "The results above suggest that a team's rushing frequency and effectiveness in a season do not predict how successful that team was at play-action passing."

    The ball fake itself is what makes play action effective, not establishing a good running game beforehand.
    Bellys Lies likes this.
  12. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    'There is no reason, not even one, to keep Sam.' :rolleyes::p:p:p:p

    @The Dark Knight I told you there was just one reason to keep him. ;)

    Not that I want too, just saying is all :D
    #792 K'OB, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    The Dark Knight likes this.
  13. MoWilkBeast

    MoWilkBeast Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    But when your running back is 40 years old and about as much threat to break a big run as I am, does it really matter how good or bad the ball fake is? Faking a hand off to Frank Gore wouldn't make anyone freeze and allow receivers to get free. You know he's going to fall forward at the LoS regardless.
  14. TonyFtLaud

    TonyFtLaud Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    Again the idea of trading Becton is based solely on your scenario of his refusal to play. If that were to happen, please tell me what you believe is the smart thing to do?
    Having the best tackle combo in the league on rookie contracts is stupid? Having 2 who can play either side is stupid? Becton has some injury concerns and struggled in pass protection, fully expected but those issues will need to be improved before you can declare him a future HOFer. Look what happened to Mahomes and the Chiefs when their tackles went down.....
    Imagine having 2 HOF tackles or still having a potential HOF LT plus one of the best WRs in the Draft a 5, another second round pick( early second and an additional early first next year. Again I'm not advocating trading Becton. Just responding to your scenario where Becton refuses to play for this franchise.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  15. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Refusal to switch not a refusal to play though, surely?

    I know it needs to be painted in the worst possible light to make a point but that isn't what he has done (hypothetically)

    Also, for it to happen the Jets will have to pay one of them LT money to play RT and then in 5 years time, we won't be able to afford to keep the two HOF fame tackles on our team when it comes to the second contract time.

    But the KC example, maybe we should just draft 4 OT's and then we will always have a reserve in case two go down injured at the same time ;)
    Footballgod214 likes this.
  16. TonyFtLaud

    TonyFtLaud Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    I was responding to NCs very specific scenario where he said Becton would refuse to play, not refuse to switch to RT. Who cares about 5 years down the road. If the scenario presented itself that both were potential HOFers, you keep the one who best fits and trade the other for multiple picks. Terrible problem to have. Instead of Drafting 4 OTs, let's trade all our picks in rounds 1-6 for a late 7th rounder. We can save millions that way.
    You build a winning team then restock with future picks. Worrying about paying a player 5 years post draft when your a 2 win team? Really?
  17. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    He said 'Becton has every right to refuse moving to RT.'

    That isn't refusing to play, that is refusing to switch positions, which is all I said.

    Plenty of people care what happens in 5 years time, it has already been discussed in threads over the last 3 weeks or more, it isn't like you're the only poster to suddenly think picking Sewell would be a great move, some people agree and others do not, as much as you want to 'really' it, that was other peoples take on it as well, so yeah, really?

    As for the, 'let's trade all our picks for 7th rounders' chat, well done on being top of the facetious class, superb reply.
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    you forgot the Detmer brothers in your list of BYU QBs. They sucked
  19. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    "I'm Andy Reid, and I approve this message" ;)
    K'OB likes this.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If the Jets do draft Sewell he is the one likely to be playing RT early on.

    He's a rookie and will need to get his feet on the ground and he will need to readjust after a year of not playing due to the pandemic.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
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