and then all week they've been writing articles about how courageous jenner is on their website. As if to justify the award
How about TLC putting out a show now with a 14 year old girl who thinks she is a tranny? Its like they have no morals anymore on TV. its disgusting and disturbing that they are subjecting a 14 year old to this shit.
The hour-length premiere especially focuses on it; her mother Jeanette remembers two-year-old Jazz asking, “When is the good fairy going to come and change my penis into a vagina?” Yup, I believe that.../s
from what im reading she was born he. Because he played with barbies and liked dresses and some other stuff it was believe, probably due to the mother, that he was actually a she.
Well, with 500 channels on TV, they have to fill the programming some how...Scraping at the bottom of the barrel to come up with this premise... Speaking of TLC, they cancelled the fucked up duggar family show.
I think the constant rise in power of morally bankrupt in society would dispute that assertion for that criteria alone. In regards to weak minded, your continued inability to understand the logical repercussions of your own dim witted, emotionally fueled positions, in addition to your inability to dispute my argument from an evolutionary perspective and instead have to resort to a pathetic ad hominem attack, inherently is your own admittance that you are the weak minded one. But I think you are safe, if the history of man has shown anything it is that stupid people seem to continue to survive so there must be some evolutionary advantage to your lack of intelligence and reason.
Of course it seems easy when you aren't smart enough to know that your continued deflections and refusal/inability to address arguments, and instead simply attack the arguer, is transparent and everyone sees it. But, hey, your new clothes look great, emperor! Though the people didn't realize you were trans; or is that not just a abnormally big clitoris?
At some point are you going to actually defend your dim witted and disputed position or just continue to troll?